DEAR DEIDRE: ALTHOUGH my gorgeous baby daughter is my world, I don’t feel anything for her mum.
I am a guy of 27 and my girlfriend is 26. We have been together for three years. I am a security guard so I work long hours.
My girlfriend complains I don’t spend enough time with her but the spark has long gone.
When she fell pregnant I felt I had to stay for the sake of our child but she is now two weeks old and I still have no feelings for my partner.
When I try to talk to her about “us”, she just shuts down. I don’t want to hurt her but we can’t carry on like this.
DEIDRE SAYS: She’s scared of being a single parent but how come she fell pregnant if you had lost your love for her? It takes two. You owe it to her and your child to at least try harder.
Get a babysitter and take your girlfriend out for some couple time so you can try to resurrect your relationship. If you can’t, you can still be a good dad.
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