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Marsden Moor fire ‘started by BARBECUE’ after wildfires rage across North Yorkshire and Peak District

THE Marsden Moor blaze raging across the West Yorkshire moorland is believed to have been sparked by a barbecue. The National Trust has said the fire, which 11 fire crews are desperately trying to control, is the sixth blaze of the year. A statement said: “Fire update: fire is still burning. National Trust staff and […]

THE Marsden Moor blaze raging across the West Yorkshire moorland is believed to have been sparked by a barbecue.

The National Trust has said the fire, which 11 fire crews are desperately trying to control, is the sixth blaze of the year.

AFP or licensors
A fire raged above the village of Marsden in northwest England[/caption]

Crews are battling to put out the fire – believed to have been sparked by a barbecue
SWNS:South West News Service

A statement said: “Fire update: fire is still burning. National Trust staff and West Yorkshire Fire Service meeting at first light to review situation.

“Helicopter on standby. This fire was caused by people using a BBQ at Easter Gate.”

Multiple wildfires took hold of Britain this weekend as the country enjoyed the warmest Easter Sunday on record – fires raged on the North York Moors, the Peak District and Northern Ireland.

As most people basked in the glorious Easter sunshine, firefighters tackled a large wildfire on Yorkshire’s famous Ilkley Moor.

A helicopter was brought in on Sunday to drop tonnes of water onto the smouldering moorland just to the south of the town in West Yorkshire.

More than 100 firefighters tackled the fire in sweltering conditions at its height on Saturday afternoon.

Police investigating the cause of the fire have arrested three men amid suggestions the blaze could have been deliberate.

Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland all enjoyed their warmest Easter Sunday on record, according to the Met Office.


Temperatures reached 23.4C at both Cardiff Bute Park, Wales, and at Scotland’s Edinburgh Royal Botanic Garden, while 21C was recorded at Helen’s Bay in Northern Ireland.

More than 50 firefighters are battling to get a blaze under control that broke out on the Mourne Mountains in County Down, Northern Ireland.

The fire is reportedly a mile long and the attempts to contain it are expected to last until Monday morning.

Guests at Bonny’s Caravan Park near to where the fire is have been evacuated and around 200 residents nearby have been forced to leave their homes.

Buses were brought in to help with the evacuation.

Eyewitness Jim Beattie said he fire had spread so quickly it was “unbelievable”.

Beattie said: “It was at the edge of the house here when it diverted and there are at least five fire crews here that I can see and they are starting to evacuate the homes.

“We don’t know where people are being told to go.

“There is no sense of panic but residents are naturally concerned and haven’t been told where to go, simply to get out. It is really raging now.”

Firefighters in South Yorkshire were also battling to put out a grassland fire near Ulley Reservoir in Rotherham with five fire engines at the scene.

While over on Marsden Moor near Saddleworth firefighters are still at the scene of a separate fire.

West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue said one fire engine from Slaithwaite Fire Station was dealing with the fire and two others from Oldham had also been dispatched.

Last Sunday fire crews battle a similar fire on the moorland which also broke out near Marsden.

A woodland fire also broke out in the hills above the market town of Guisborough in the Tees Valley with the Cleveland Fire Brigade tackling the blaze.

A fire broke out in the same area last week as well.


A blaze also broke out on moorland on Thursday at a National Trust estate in Cheshire on the edge of the Peak District.

Firefighters used hose reel jets, water backpacks and beaters to control the blaze at Lyme Park near Disley.

Deborah Maxwell, general manager at Lyme, said: “The area affected was primarily moorland. Dry and hot weather makes the moors more combustible. If it’s windy, it can spread very quickly.

“The National Trust has been working proactively for many years to reduce wildfire risk through restoring the moorlands and monitoring for signs of fire in hot weather.

“We need our visitors’ help to prevent the risk of fire across the countryside that we care for, particularly when we experience prolonged periods of dry weather or are in drought conditions.”

Earlier this month the North Yorks Moors National Park Authority issued a fire alert.
Senior Ranger, Bernie McLinden, said: “It may not feel as though we’ve been basking in hot sunshine in recent weeks, but a lack of rain has led to very dry ground vegetation that could easily be ignited.

“If anything, the situation is more dangerous, as people might not be aware just how great the threat is, even in April.

“Fire can spread extremely quickly, as was seen in Guisborough Forest just last week, and this can cause significant damage to the landscape and its wildlife.

“People are asked to avoid lighting fires and BBQs and not to discard cigarettes, matches or glass bottles, including throwing cigarette ends out of car windows.

“The majority of moorland fires can be prevented so we would urge people to take extra care when visiting the National Park while the fire risk signs are in place.”

Back in February firefighters tackled a huge blaze on Saddleworth Moor when a fire broke out on the hottest winter day on record.

Firefighters from Cleveland Fire Brigade were tackling the blaze near Guisborough
Getty Images - Getty
More than 50 firefighters have been trying to get the fire that broke out on the Mourne Mountains in County Down, Northern Ireland under control
A fire broke out near Guisborough last week in the woodland
Getty Images - Getty
Police have arrested three people in connection with the fire on Ilkley Moor
AFP or licensors
Guests at Bonny’s Caravan Park had to be evacuated

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