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Brexiteer rebels vow to use six-month delay to kick May out and restart talks with EU from scratch

BREXITEERS have vowed to use a six-month delay to our EU exit to kick out Theresa May and restart talks with the EU. Last night leaders from across Europe signed off on a second delay to Brexit until the end of October, to give Britain time to figure a way out of the chaos. And […]

BREXITEERS have vowed to use a six-month delay to our EU exit to kick out Theresa May and restart talks with the EU.

Last night leaders from across Europe signed off on a second delay to Brexit until the end of October, to give Britain time to figure a way out of the chaos.

Theresa May left Brussels today after a late-night summit ended in a 6-month extension to Brexit

And Leavers said the space to kick the can down the road meant they had time to finally boot out the PM.

MP Anne Marie Morris said today: “We need someone to bring the party together and do what the country asked.”

She said she understands the executive of the powerful backbench 1922 committee are discussing “changing the rules so we can have a proper election of a leader” and she wants to see them in place by June.

The PM is now 7/2 to be done by the summer after signing off on another extension, bookies Betfair said today, and Boris is the favourite to take over.

In another late-night crunch summit in Brussels:

  • Mrs May vowed to continue her efforts to get Britain out of the EU by June 1 by convincing Parliament to back her deal.
  • No10 officials said she would stay for as long as it takes to deliver Brexit, clinging onto power until possibly the end of the year
  • But the prospect of a six-month delay was slammed by Brexiteers and welcomed by Remainers desperate to force a second referendum
  • EU leaders were deeply split over the way forward – with Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel on opposite sides of the debate
  • Businesses blasted the continued uncertainty as”seemingly endless” and that it can’t go on

After six hours of tense talks which went on late into the evening, the PM agreed to a delay which could cost the country billions of pounds extra.

French President Macron’s hardline approach to push the UK out sooner was shot down by other EU leaders including Germany’s Angela Merkel, who wanted to give us more time.

They ended up compromising with a six-month delay and a review around June, but that can be cut if a deal is signed off.

Mrs May said last night: “I do not pretend the next few weeks will be easy or that there is a simple way to break the deadlock in Parliament.

“But we have a duty as politicians to find a way to fulfil the democratic decision of the referendum

“The choices we now face are stark and the timetable is clear.

“We must now press on at pace with our efforts to reach a consensus on a deal that is in the national interest.”

Any new leader will say, this hasn’t worked, we want to start from scratch

David Davis

But Brexiteers are fuming with the idea of staying in the EU for another six months, and which could mean having to take part in EU elections next month.

David Davis told Radio 4 this morning: “There will be pressure for her to go.

“If she does go, a new leader will take over, then there will be a rest in the negotiations.

“Any new leader will say, this hasn’t worked, we want to start from scratch, particularly on Northern Ireland issues.”

John Whittingdale told Peston last night: “I do think that it is time for a change of leadership and I think that is becoming increasingly the view of more and more of my party.”

Even Iain Duncan Smith told the BBC “I think the reality now is that is becoming the firm date for departure, the end of May, June.”

Sir Bill Cash blasted today: “I hope she goes as soon as possible.”

Jacob Rees Mogg said we should be out by now, but wouldn’t be pushing to oust the PM over it. He said today: “People expected to leave in the 29 March. We should have left the EU already, that’s what we need to deliver.

“Here we are heading towards Halloween, there’s some symbolism in that I think.”

John Redwood said it was “another pointless delay” and left the UK “in a very week position”.

But the problem with their plan to kick her out is that the PM already faced a vote of no confidence vote in December last year, meaning she can’t be challenged for another 12 months.

Tories have demanded the rules be ripped up to allow another one, but backbench bosses of the 1922 have said now isn’t the time for that.

The Sun Says

THE new Brexit postponement is the final confirmation of Theresa May’s failure. She must now accept the game is up.

She has done her best. But she had one job and has not delivered on it. Nor can she. She has no workable plan to do so.

There is no deal the Prime Minister and Corbyn could cook up that would secure a majority. Scores of Labour MPs will rebel, maybe even quit, unless they get a second referendum which Mrs May must never accept.

And Tories will reject the ­customs union Corbyn wants, especially since it is a figment of Keir Starmer’s imagination.

There can be no UK-EU union where Britain has a say over trade ­policy, insists French President Macron.

Mrs May could have a fourth vote on her own deal. But a foolishly intransigent ERG hardcore will never back it.

And why would Remainers do so now?

They can just use the Brexit delay to plot a second referendum which they will skew against 17.4million Leave voters.

The Tory Party is in meltdown. The Government is paralysed, impotent and plummeting in the polls, as The Sun predicted it would if it failed on Brexit.

Their only hope, and Britain’s — since the alternative is Marxism and poverty — is a new leader. With a new Cabinet, new energy, new ideas for tackling our problems, more voter appeal and, we hope, some new Brexit strategy.

After last night, what is Mrs May waiting for? She cannot survive long.

Theresa May wanted a short extension to Brexit but got six months instead

Mrs May has said she will quit as PM – but only once her deal is passed.

Squabbling MPs have rejected the deal three times, forcing the PM to go into cross-party talks with Labour instead.

Tories fear she will have to sign up to a customs union which would tie our hands in future trade talks – and would split her warring party in to.

So far the talks haven’t resulted in agreement, but they are due to resume again today.

Mrs May and Angela Merkel sharing a joke about wearing a similar jacket
AFP or licensors
Macron wanted to push the UK to sort Brexit out now – but he was overuled

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