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FDA initiating new review of toxic metals in tampons

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has begun an expert, independent review of recent research on the health effects caused by heavy metals in tampons after lawmakers sounded the alarm on possible toxins in the products. 

The Hill confirmed the move after Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) announced the FDA would conduct the review in response to a July letter she sent the agency, according to a statement released Thursday. 

In the letter, Murray asked the agency to investigate the findings of a recent study showing a worrisome level of toxic metals in several brands of tampons.

In response to the letter, the FDA said it has an expert, independent review of research on health effects caused by metals in tampons and an internal lab study to examine the metals found in tampons and how they are released during normal use.  

The FDA is currently working on “a more detailed response” to the senator’s questions from her letter and two related studies, a spokesperson told The Hill.

Murray sent the letter to the agency after a study published earlier this summer found a worrisome level of toxic metals in several brands of the period product.  

The study, published last month in the scientific journal Environmental International, shows the presence of lead, cadmium, arsenic and 13 other harmful metals in 14 commonly used tampon brands.  

Between 52 and 86 percent of menstruating people in the United States use tampons — a small cylindrical cotton or rayon-based product inserted into the vagina to absorb blood.  

The study notes that the products may contain metals from agricultural or manufacturing processes, which could be absorbed into a person’s bloodstream during use. 

Heavy metals can cause numerous health issues such as kidney disease, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Researchers noted that while they detected all 16 metals in at least one sampled tampon, future research is needed to replicate the findings and see if they can be absorbed by the vaginal wall.  

While the August study is the first to find harmful metals in tampons, it is not the first to find dangerous chemicals in the feminine product. 

Research findings from the University of Notre Dame released last year found indicators of PFAS, otherwise known as forever chemicals, in many feminine products, including some tampons. 

Murray is not the only lawmaker who has sounded the alarm on possible toxins in tampons. 

Yesterday, members of the Democratic Women’s Caucus wrote a letter to the FDA urging the agency to address concerns about the ingredients in tampons in light of recent research exposing possible toxins in the products.  

“The FDA must review and improve the current safety standards for tampons,” members of the Democratic Women’s Caucus wrote in the letter.  

“We urge the FDA to take swift action to ensure that women are safe from harmful and toxic substances in tampons. We look forward to reviewing your plan to address these concerns and working with you on this issue.” 

Members of Congress who signed the letter include Reps. Summer Lee (D-Pa.), Grace Meng (D-N.Y.), Kathy Manning (D-N.C.) and Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.), according to a copy of the letter shared with The Hill. 

An FDA spokesperson told The Hill that the agency had received the letter and would respond to the caucus directly. 

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