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Judge bans Wayne LaPierre from serving in NRA for 10 years, but doesn't appoint a monitor 

A New York judge on Monday banned former National Rifle Association (NRA) leader Wayne LaPierre from serving in a paid position for the gun rights group for the next ten years while declining to appoint an independent monitor to oversee the organization.

The ruling came as part of the second stage of a civil trial brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James (D), stemming from a lawsuit to remove LaPierre over allegations of tax fraud.

Judge Joel Cohen, in court Monday, said the state's request for a monitor was not the solution, stating it would be "time-consuming, disruptive and will impose significant costs on the NRA without corresponding benefits," the Associated Press reported.

It comes months after a Manhattan jury found LaPierre, along with other leaders of the gun rights group, diverted millions of dollars for lavish personal trips and other questionable expenses.

LaPierre, who stepped down from the NRA in early January, was ordered to pay $4.3 million in damages. The jury found he had caused $5.4 million in damages to the organization, but had already repaired over $1 million. 

The retired former finance chief of the organization, Wilson Phillips, was ordered to pay $2 million to the organization in February's verdict.

Cohen on Monday reportedly said he had concerns over “speech-chilling government intrusion on the affairs of the organization," but that the same First Amendment concerns did not apply to whether LaPierre would be able to return to the gun rights advocacy group anytime soon, the AP reported.

“This relief is about the privilege, not the right, to serve as an officer or director of a New York not-for-profit,” he said, per the news wire.

It comes as the NRS has struggled with shrinking membership and financial concerns, including an attempt at bankruptcy in 2021.

In court Monday, LaPierre told Cohen the appointment of a monitor to oversee the group's finances would be "equivalent to putting a knife straight through the heart of the organization and twisting it," the AP reported.

The NRA celebrated Cohen's decision against appointing a monitor and said it "remains positioned for a bright future," in a statement following the ruling.

The NRA said it will comply with Cohen's recommendation the group and New York Attorney General's office consent to further governance reforms and said it will suggest additional changes.

Sarah Rogers, an attorney for the NRA, said in court the group had already established new controls since the jury's verdict in February, which included bringing on new board members and creating a new compliance team, the AP said.

Cohen said the NRA's changes after the February ruling was “decidedly mixed” and alleged the group leadership showed “a stunning lack of accountability” for the mismanagement.

“We recognize the importance of the jury’s findings and will continue our commitment to good governance,” said NRA President Bob Barr, who “praised the Association’s millions of loyal members who never lost faith in the organization and its commitment to protecting freedom.”

The Hill reached out to the New York Attorney General's office for further comment.

Prior to stepping down, LaPierre served as the group's CEO and executive vice president for more than three decades.

While LaPierre has denied any wrongdoing, he admitted during the trial that he used the company funds for personal trips and gifts.

The Associated Press contributed.

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