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Javier Milei’s Forceful Speech at the Forum: ‘Freedom as the Only Salvation’

The Forum for Freedom kicked off with a powerful intervention by Javier Milei, the Argentine president and leader of the La Libertad Avanza movement. Milei wasted no time in presenting his vision on the challenges facing Argentina and the world.
As expected, Milei addressed crucial topics such as the economy, the fight against the political elite, and the defense of individual liberty. His speech was a call to action, backed by his achievements in government and a vision for the future based on libertarian and conservative principles.

A Government Committed to Change
Milei highlighted the progress made by his administration since taking office, emphasizing economic improvements:

«I want you to know we are committed to making the best government in history, and with what we’ve achieved, we’ve already shown more than enough proof. We inherited the worst economic conditions, with indicators of a country at war, and we’ve done so with the least political support in history.»

He stressed that despite these challenges, his government has managed to control inflation, stabilize the dollar, achieve fiscal and trade surpluses for the first time in 20 years, and attract over $50 billion in investments.
This was met with strong applause from an audience that sees Milei as the embodiment of the change they longed for.

The Political Elite: The Enemy of Freedom
One of the core themes of Milei’s speech was his relentless critique of what he calls the «political caste.» According to Milei, this elite has enriched itself at the expense of the Argentine people and now seeks to sabotage his government’s reforms.
«They’re willing to bankrupt the state and plunge 10 million more Argentines into poverty and misery just to score a few points with pretty speeches in the chamber,» Milei asserted, making it clear that the real battle is against a corrupt system.

The Global Cultural Battle
Milei framed Argentina’s issues within a broader global crisis, warning about the decline of historically free nations like Britain and France. He linked this to socialism and collectivist policies, which he claims undermine Western civilization.
«Flirting with socialism may seem harmless at first… but in the long run, it always creates a voracious, destructive monster,» Milei warned.

Freedom of Expression Under Threat
Another key highlight of his speech was the defense of free speech. Milei accused traditional media and tech platforms of aligning with the political elite to censor dissenting voices. He vowed that his government would protect freedom of expression as an inalienable right.

Justice, Faith, and the Fight for Freedom
Milei also touched on justice, not only in the legal sense but as a fundamental societal principle. He rejected «social justice» as administered by tyrants and reaffirmed his commitment to traditional values, emphasizing the role of faith in the fight for freedom.
«No one can fight well without faith. And we have it, and we’re winning the battle.»

Unity and Loyalty as Keys to Success
Towards the end of his speech, Milei called for unity within his movement and loyalty among its members, stressing that only through internal cohesion could they defeat the entrenched political powers.

Milei’s address at the Forum for Freedom was a passionate defense of his government, a fierce denunciation of the political elite, and a call to action to protect liberty. His uncompromising rhetoric made it clear that his fight goes beyond corruption or state waste—it’s about preserving the values on which Western civilization stands.

With closing words that resonated:
«No matter what the state’s party does, Argentina will be free, and freedom will make us prosperous. The only force that matters comes from above. Long live freedom, damn it!»
The speech concluded with roaring applause.

Original by Joana Campos.

María Herrera Mellado es una abogada de EE.UU. y licenciada en España. Doctora en Ciencias Jurídicas y Analista política. La Dra. Herrera es conocida por su amplia experiencia en análisis y consultas en el diseño de políticas públicas, propuestas de ley y gestión en relaciones internacionales.

Su reconocimiento proviene de sus contribuciones al análisis y representación legal de diversas organizaciones, empresas e individuos que han visto abusados sus derechos humanos, su privacidad o en la inclusión  de políticas efectivas fundamentalmente en el ámbito de la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas, así como la lucha contra la corrupción.

Su formación académica y experiencias profesionales la convierten en una voz respetada en el debate público y en el análisis de temas de actualidad sobre todo en los desafíos políticos y legales contemporáneos.

María Herrera Mellado is a U.S.-based attorney also licensed in Spain. She holds a PhD in Legal Sciences and is known as a media legal and policy analyst.

Dr. Herrera is recognized for her extensive experience in analyzing and consulting on public policy design, legislative proposals, and international relations management.

Her recognition stems from her contributions to the analysis and legal representation of various organizations, companies, and individuals whose human rights or privacy have been violated, or who have benefited from the inclusion of effective policies, primarily in the areas of transparency, accountability, and the fight against corruption.

Her academic background and professional experience make her a respected voice in public debate and in the analysis of current issues, particularly in contemporary political and legal challenges.

The post Javier Milei’s Forceful Speech at the Forum: «Freedom as the Only Salvation appeared first on Gateway Hispanic.

The post Javier Milei’s Forceful Speech at the Forum: ‘Freedom as the Only Salvation’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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