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Israel’s Assassinations of Hezbollah and Hamas Leaders Make War More Likely

Mossad courtesy of the Times of India

On Tuesday, Israel conducted an airstrike in Beirut that killed Fouad Shukr, a top Hezbollah commander. The following day, Ismail Haniyeh, the political leader of the terrorist group Hamas, was killed in Tehran in a targeted attack.

These are just the latest in a series of successful targeted killings of terrorist leaders over the past year. These include Qassem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s Quds Force; Mohammed Deif, the leader of Hamas’s military wing; and Rafa’a Salameh, head of Hamas’s Khan Younis Brigade.

These assassinations have escalated tensions in the Middle East, with Iranians vowing severe retaliation against Israel, with calls for “Death to Israel, death to America” reverberating across the region.

Hezbollah has also been threatening war while launching opportunistic missile attacks on Israel. Now, the specter of war looms even larger as the world awaits the reactions of both Iran and Hezbollah.

Haniyeh was reportedly killed by a bomb that was smuggled into his guesthouse in Tehran. The operation, attributed to Israeli intelligence, involved meticulous planning and execution. The explosive device was planted months prior and detonated remotely, ensuring the assassination of Haniyeh, who was a key figure in Hamas’s political and military strategies.

Ismail Haniyeh was born in 1962 in the Shati refugee camp in Gaza. Haniyeh rose through the ranks of Hamas, initially as a close associate of the organization’s founder, Sheikh Ahmed Yassin.

Haniyeh’s political career took a significant turn when he was elected as the Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority in 2006. However, following the violent conflict between Hamas and Fatah, he assumed the position of de facto Prime Minister in Gaza in 2007, after Hamas took control of the Strip.

Under Haniyeh’s leadership, Hamas has been involved in numerous attacks on Israel, carrying out rocket attacks, suicide bombings, and other militant activities against Israeli targets.

His tenure has also been marked by attempts to consolidate Hamas’s rule in Gaza, often through repressive measures against political opponents and efforts to impose strict Islamic laws. Despite these actions, he has remained a popular figure among many Palestinians, who view him as a steadfast defender of their rights and aspirations.

In the past year, Israel has carried out several high-profile assassinations of key figures within militant organizations. Among them was Qassem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s Quds Force, killed in a US drone strike in Baghdad in January 2020.

Although orchestrated by the US, Israel’s intelligence reportedly played a crucial role in the operation. Soleimani was responsible for orchestrating Iran’s military strategy and supporting militant groups across the Middle East. He was also linked to numerous attacks on US personnel and interests, including the 2019 attack on the US Embassy in Baghdad.

Mohammed Deif, the leader of Hamas’s military wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades, was killed in an Israeli airstrike in Khan Younis, Gaza, on July 13, 2024. Deif had survived multiple assassination attempts and was considered a mastermind behind numerous attacks against Israel and had links to broader regional militant activities.

Rafa’a Salameh, a close associate of Deif and the head of Hamas’s Khan Younis Brigade, was killed alongside Deif in the same airstrike. He was involved in planning and executing military operations against Israel, including rocket attacks and tunnel construction.

Fouad Shukr, a top Hezbollah commander, was killed in an Israeli airstrike in Beirut. Shukr was instrumental in coordinating Hezbollah’s military activities and had a long history of involvement in attacks against Israel. He was also implicated in the 1983 bombings of the US Marine barracks in Beirut, which killed 241 American servicemen.

These targeted killings have been part of Israel’s broader strategy to disrupt the operational capabilities of militant organizations and to send a strong message of deterrence. Each assassination has prompted significant reactions from Iran and its allies, who have vowed to retaliate against Israel and its interests.

The killing of Ismail Haniyeh and Fouad Shukr, as well as the rocket attacks on both Israel and Beirut this week, mark a critical juncture in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. As both Iran and Hezbollah are threatening war, the region braces for potential escalations.

The post Israel’s Assassinations of Hezbollah and Hamas Leaders Make War More Likely appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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