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Without Accountability, A Settled Court Case Does Little to Address the Failure of the Department of Defense

Image: Wikimedia Commons

Last week, a decision was made to settle U.S. Navy SEALs 1-26 v. Biden in favor of service members who refused COVID-19 vaccine injections on the grounds of religious objection. Was the decision a win for the sailors?

Jordan Karr, an outspoken advocate for military accountability, who served in the Air Force as an intelligence officer for nine years, recently posted her thoughts on X:

Following the settlement, Karr spoke to The Gateway Pundit, sharing that she observed “a number of headlines started touting the case as a victory for the Navy Class members.” According to her, the headlines were “misleading.” She pointed out, “The case was not won. It was settled.”

“The people who are calling this settlement a victory say that the members who have been discharged get an upgraded discharge characterization to honorable,” she pointed out. “But what people fail to note is that all of the class members would have had their discharges upgraded regardless, through the Board for Correction of Military Records (BCMR).”

Karr noted the similar case of Doster v. Kendall in the Air Force, which also resulted in a settlement. For her, this case was also not a win for class members and those impacted by the unlawful COVID-19 shot mandate that was subsequently rescinded in January 2023.

In agreement with others like Air Force Col. (Ret.) Rob Maness, Karr said, “there has been no accountability for the unlawfully mandated COVID vaccines in the military,” adding “neither case ensured that any accountability will happen.” As a result, she warned, “there is still no guarantee that this kind of religious discrimination won’t happen again in the future.”

“Though the attorneys were paid a large sum, which they deserve, the class members have not been made whole and there is no reassurance that they ever will be,” she noted. “The navy members who were discriminated against for their faith are either still in the same chain of command that discriminated against them, or they are discharged and will not be reinstated.”

For Karr, “the message this settlement [of U.S. Navy SEALs 1-26 v. Biden] sends is that the department of defense can infringe on service members constitutionally protected rights, and there are no repercussions for doing so.” All the while, she said, “the commanders who mandated the vaccines unlawfully and discriminated against service members beliefs have been rewarded via promotions and job opportunities.”

“Those who uphold their Oath [to the Constitution] have not only been punished but have learned the hard way that every avenue that is supposed to work in ‘We The People’s’ favor (i.e. courts, Congress, and the Uniform Code of Military Justice) fails against the Military-Industrial Complex.”

While it’s not the military she once believed in, she reluctantly shared, “the Department of Defense (DOD) has proven to be as corrupt as every other government organization in America.”

To seek accountability to the military leadership for the “irreparable harm” caused by the COVID-19 shot, Karr is one of the original 231 service members and veterans to sign the Declaration of Military Accountability. Over 36,000 have joined the original signatories to offer their support.

Others, like Lt. Col. Ryan Sweazey (USAF-Ret.), agree on the topic of DOD corruption. He and his organization, Walk the Talk Foundation, are vying for the creation of an independent Inspector General (IG) for the DOD, an attempt to curtail corruption and regain trust. Join over 2,500 others here to support the endeavor.

The post Without Accountability, A Settled Court Case Does Little to Address the Failure of the Department of Defense appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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