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As Central Banks Stockpile Gold, a Christian Company Works To Help Americans Get Ahead of the “Retirement Bubble”

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The current “everything bubble” that should be making more news has been largely ignored by corporate media. Part of the reason for this is because there has been so much to cover since the unleashing of Covid-19 that “boring” economic news gets pushed aside. But another more nefarious reason can be traced back to the central banks whose members have great influence over what’s reported and what’s ignored.

All the while, they’ve been quietly buying up as much gold and silver as possible in preparation for Central Bank Digital Currencies and the eventual bursting of the various economic bubbles.

Just look at the trend: 

A faith-driven precious metals company, Genesis Gold Group, has been working diligently to get as many Americans ahead of the “retirement bubble” as possible. They are changing the industry in the process, pushing against the questionable tactics of “Big Gold” companies by focusing on customer service and long-term value for their clients.

David Holland, a minister and the Director of Philanthropy at Genesis Gold Group, points to the Bible as reason why Americans should protect their life’s savings at such a time as this.

“Proverbs 22:3 admonishes us to prepare our families, stating, that a prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions,” he said. “I firmly believe, along with leading my family to walk with Christ, that securing our family’s finances with gold & silver puts us in the best position to fulfill these biblical principles.”

Click here to reserve an appointment with Genesis Gold Group.

The signs of such dangers are all around us now, but many are missing them because there are so many distractions thrown at us on a daily basis. Job numbers come back positive only to be “corrected” later to reflect a sadder reality. Wages are going up, but inflation is going up faster. Both political sides claim to be protecting Social Security but both also realize the challenges it faces. The bank crisis is ongoing but never makes the news until it’s too late.

All the while, central banks keep making moves that telegraph their belief in bad times ahead.

“The way central banks are buying up gold has changed the landscape in precious metals,” said Jonathan Rose, co-founder of Genesis Gold Group. “Unfortunately, many in the industry aren’t keeping up with these changes because they’re busy doing business as usual. There’s nothing ‘usual’ about what’s happening in America and across the globe financially.”

Genesis Gold Group, which is one of the only precious metals companies in America that unabashedly espouses a Biblical worldview as their namesake implies, has noted net increases in gold supply held by most central banks. They’ve followed the trends with both eastern and western central banks; Turkey’s is the only one based on their current financial troubles that didn’t make moves toward precious metals in May. This influences which precious metals Genesis recommends for the self-directed IRAs they generate for their customers.

“Getting the proper mix of coins into our clients’ depositories makes a big difference for their long-term returns,” Rose noted. “We stay aware of everything that’s happening before making moves with our clients. It’s not just about price fluctuations today. It’s about which products are poised to appreciate in the future.”

Central banks aren’t the only ones making big moves. Asset managers like BlackRock are delivering unprecedented recommendations to their investors to purchase precious metals, which seems to go against their past preferences for Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) investments.

Genesis Gold Group focuses on serving God and their customers. This is why many customers give them a perfect 5 out of 5 score with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). Here are some of the things customers have said about them recently:

  • “Genesis Gold Group has been very helpful to me as a first time customer. They were very patient with me and answered every question I had. 

  • “Genesis Gold Group is a wonderful company to do business with. The staff are knowledgeable, courteous, and patient . . . I’ve had many questions before, during, and even after opening my Self Directed IRA and everyone has been very kind and open. Start your Gold IRA with Genesis Gold Group without reservation!”

  • “The staff at Genesis Gold Group has been very friendly and helpful. I was contacted by them when I left my contact details on their website. They weren’t just interested in my business only but me as well. I can tell that they’re for real. My texts are replied within the same day. I had a concern and I got a call within hours. The staff was willing to talk about life, food, prayed for my wife. This is how businesses should be. It takes something special to do so. And most importantly, I am not the investor with a lot of money here, just pocket change and I have never felt like I am an inferior person. Glad I found Genesis Gold Group.”

  • “This company has been a wonderful choice for us and helped greatly when we were buying metals for the first time . . . I absolutely recommend Genesis Gold Group.”

“We set out to make a difference in the precious metals industry and to change the lives of our customers for the better,” says co-founder Jonathan Rose. “I’m not sure if we can really change other gold companies but I am certain we’re succeeding in the more important goal of helping Americans secure their life’s savings.”

Reserve an appointment with Genesis Gold Group and see how they can help you rollover or transfer your retirement into a self-directed IRA backed by the right physical precious metals today.

The post As Central Banks Stockpile Gold, a Christian Company Works To Help Americans Get Ahead of the “Retirement Bubble” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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