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President Biden – A Single Point of Failure for America

This story originally was published by Real Clear Wire

By Adam Schwarze
Real Clear Wire

On Sunday, President Joe Biden made the appropriate decision to drop out of the 2024 presidential race amid pressure and a soft coup attempt from Democrats. While dropping out, Biden, our sitting commander-in-chief, hid in Delaware for almost a week without being seen by the American people, prompting “proof of life” demands. Unfortunately, this past week is not the first time this has happened before – Joe Biden has been missing in action for the last four years as our country has been falling apart around him.

As a retired Navy SEAL and former Marine, I’ve had the honor and duty of serving this country in some of the most challenging and dangerous situations imaginable. Our missions demanded precision, adaptability, and unwavering leadership. Any failure, any gap in our planning or execution, could cost lives. That’s why it is deeply troubling to see the current state of leadership under President Biden, who has become a “single point of failure” as our commander-in-chief. His weakness continues to put America in grave danger as our enemies seek to capitalize from America’s missing leader.

It’s no secret that the Biden administration has admitted that the president can only take meetings and function in a presidential capacity from 8 AM to 4 PM. This startling admission should be a wake-up call for all Americans. The presidency is not a 9-to-5 job; it demands constant vigilance and the ability to respond to crises at any hour. The world doesn’t stop turning when the president clocks out, nor do the threats to our national security. It begs the question many have been asking: if Biden can’t serve another four years in office, why should he be allowed to serve another three and a half months in office?

In the military, redundancy is a core principle, particularly in the SEALs. Every mission, every piece of gear, and every communication line has a backup. This ensures that no single failure can jeopardize the entire operation. If one plan falters, another is ready to be executed immediately. This redundancy is crucial for maintaining the integrity and success of our missions.

Unfortunately, this principle is missing from the current administration. The fact that President Biden is limited to such a narrow window of availability and missing from the public eye for nearly a week straight after announcing on “X” that he is dropping out of the 2024 presidential race raises serious questions about the continuity of government operations. What happens during the hours he is unavailable? Who has been in charge for the last week? Who makes critical decisions in times of crisis? In a time of crisis, the inability to contact top officials can have catastrophic consequences.

Only the president can fulfill numerous critical roles. He alone has the authority to make final decisions on national security matters, launch nuclear missiles, sign executive orders, and serve as the armed forces commander-in-chief. The president is also the primary representative of the United States on the global stage, engaging with foreign leaders and making decisions that affect international relations. These responsibilities demand a leader who is always fully engaged and capable.

Our success as SEALs relies on our trust in our leadership and the systems that support us. Knowing that the president is limited in his capacity to lead effectively erodes that trust. It’s akin to entering a mission without knowing if our commander is fully prepared or even present. The American people deserve a leader who is always ready to act in their best interests, not one who is only partially available.

The absence of a clear plan or redundancy for such scenarios is troubling. In times of emergency, there must be a seamless transition of authority and decision-making capabilities. The current state of affairs suggests that there is no adequate backup and contingency plan. This lack of foresight and preparation is not just a managerial oversight but a national security risk.as a nation, we cannot afford to have our highest office and critical government positions operating under such constraints. The world is watching, and our adversaries are keenly aware of any weaknesses. We need an administration that understands the importance of redundancy and has plans to ensure the continuity of leadership and operations.

Right now, America’s leaders are asleep at the wheel. We have no idea who is truly running our country as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have actively tried to bring down the greatest country in history. In the military, we operate under the principle that failure is not an option. It’s time for our leaders to adopt the same mindset. The security and future of our nation depends on it.

This article was originally published by RealClearDefense and made available via RealClearWire.

Adam Schwarze is a 21-year retired Navy SEAL and former Infantry Marine who has deployed nine times and has served in over 90 countries around the world.

The post President Biden – A Single Point of Failure for America appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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