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The End of ‘Macronism’ in France sends Globalist Media Into a Panic, as Snap Legislative Elections Set to Hand Power to Marine Le Pen’s Right Wing RN Party

Globalist poster boy and former Rothschild banker, French President Emmanuel Macron is a political survival expert, and during seven years in power his ‘escape artist’ powers saw him through multiple crisis, from Yellow Jackets season of marches, to the racial riots, to the major political unrest caused by his dictatorial change of pension plans bypassing the Legislative, to the long mobilization of French farmers against his Globalist inane policies.

The post The End of ‘Macronism’ in France sends Globalist Media Into a Panic, as Snap Legislative Elections Set to Hand Power to Marine Le Pen’s Right Wing RN Party appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Globalist poster boy and former Rothschild banker, French President Emmanuel Macron is a political survival expert, and during seven years in power his ‘escape artist’ powers saw him through multiple crisis, from Yellow Jackets season of marches, to the racial riots, to the major political unrest caused by his dictatorial change of pension plans bypassing the Legislative, to the long mobilization of French farmers against his Globalist inane policies.

But now, at long last, it does seem that the snap elections he called will usher in his demise as an effective leader, and he is to serve the remainder of his second term – until 2027 – as a lame duck President.

And the Globalist MSM is feeling the blow, with a multitude of articles just about everywhere about Macron’s downfall.

Bot WaPo and Financial Times have articles with the same ‘End of Macronism’ in their headlines.

The Washington Post notes that ‘the once-unthinkable now seems an imminent reality’.

The right is widely expected to become the largest party in France’s parliament.

The National Rally is to emerge with the biggest bloc of seats, followed by rival coalition of the French left, and leaving the party loyal to French President Emmanuel Macron in a distant third place.

“After his party suffered a humiliating defeat in European parliamentary elections at the beginning of this month, the French president took a hubristic gamble: He dissolved parliament, blindsiding some of his closest allies, and called for fresh legislative elections.

[…] Almost immediately, it seemed Macron’s decision to call the election backfired. On one side of the political spectrum, it led to the creation of a left-wing alliance, spanning from the far left to the center-left Socialists to whom Macron once belonged, under a grouping called the New Popular Front. On the other, the traditional center-right party convulsed after its leader sought an alliance with the ascendant National Rally. Both major right and left blocs are certain to outperform Macron’s party, which has almost no chance of establishing a parliamentary majority.”

Under his rule, France was kicked out of several former African colonies.

There have been ‘cohabitations’ in France between politically-opposed presidents and prime ministers, but this time it promises to be an explosive mix.

“Macron and his highhanded political style may be directly to blame, and so too his inability to forge a genuine grass-roots movement under his banner. ‘He was perceived as imperial, ‘Jupiterian,’ acting without consultation, while his reluctance to use redistribution to reduce inequality fed a perception that he was the president of the rich’, wrote French economist Olivier Blanchard. ‘In the absence of viable alternatives on the center-left and center-right, voters were attracted to the extremes, with populists on the far right vilifying immigrants, and populists on the far left, reflecting a long-standing French Marxist tradition, railing against the rich’.”

He was reelected as president in 2022 without his parliamentary majority. His base of support dwindled his popularity took a nose-dive.

And, of course, his failed, crippling Globalist policies are felt dearly by the citizens.

“Despite saying he would stay out of the fray for the parliamentary election, Macron has been tacitly campaigning at every opportunity. In a podcast interview Monday, he said both the far right and far left promote ‘civil war’ in the country, calling out the former’s antipathy to migrants and the latter’s supposed pandering to Muslim voters.

‘When you are fed up, and daily life is hard, you can be tempted to vote for the extremes that have quicker solutions. But the solution will never be to reject others’, Macron said.”

Desperation kicks in the Globalist MSM.

At the same time, the Financial Times notes how he failed I his initial goal when first elected of ‘releasing France from the lure of the far right’.

“The president, then 39, and his cadre of bright, optimistic aides — dubbed the ‘Mormons’ — aimed to rejuvenate France’s economy and international standing, champion the EU and transcend the left-right divide in politics.

‘If we do not get a grip, whether it be in a few months, in five or 10 years, the Front National will be in power,” wrote Macron in ’Revolution’, his manifesto written before the 2017 election’.”

Seven years later, Marine Le Pen is closer than she has ever been to being President, and her rebranded Rassemblement National party is surging.

“The arrival of Macronism — and its central tenet of dépassement, seizing policy ideas and talent from all sides — swept aside the traditional left and right parties. But his time in office has coincided with a boom in support for extreme parties — the RN and far-left La France Insoumise (LFI).”

THIS IS FINE: Chaos reigns as Macron is unable or unwilling to meet the security challenges of his country.

Rivals say that Macron ‘dissolved himself as well as parliament’, and hail the news: ‘Macronism is over’.

“It was not just crises that eroded Macron’s popularity but the manner in which he governed. The lengthy town hall meetings he held as part of the so-called big debate helped defuse public anger during the gilets jaunes [Yellow Jackets] crisis — and exemplified his campaign promise to take a more consultative approach.  But for the most part there was very little sharing of power — even with his own colleagues. ‘A government has to be a team. There is no team’, said one former government member. ‘He doesn’t like his ministers’.”

Some say Macron imposed a ‘hyper-presidential’ style, others say ‘Le Petit Roi’ was just a very small tyrant.

Macron’s allies now have to pray that when the RN takes the premiership they will stumble badly in government ‘inoculating’ France against electing Le Pen in 2027.

Read more:

France’s Macron Blasted for His Failed Political Gamble as Le Pen’s RN Party Maintains Lead Ahead of Snap Elections – Far-Left Unites To Try To Keep Right Wing From Power

The post The End of ‘Macronism’ in France sends Globalist Media Into a Panic, as Snap Legislative Elections Set to Hand Power to Marine Le Pen’s Right Wing RN Party appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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