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SHOCKING: Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos’s Team Is Surveilling, Intimidating Legal Recall Workers

Guest post by Joe Hoft at JoeHoft.com – republished with permission Robin Vos Team Surveilling, Intimidating Legal Recall Workers The following is from a press release by Kelly Walker at Lindell Offense Fund Robin Vos Team Surveilling, Intimidating Legal Recall Workers [Racine, Wisconsin]—May 6, 2024 As the second effort to recall embattled Speaker of the Wisconsin House of Representatives Robin Vos continues, so do unsubstantiated claims by the Vos camp.

The post SHOCKING: Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos’s Team Is Surveilling, Intimidating Legal Recall Workers appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Guest post by Joe Hoft at JoeHoft.com – republished with permission

Robin Vos Team Surveilling, Intimidating Legal Recall Workers

The following is from a press release by Kelly Walker at Lindell Offense Fund

Robin Vos Team Surveilling, Intimidating Legal Recall Workers [Racine, Wisconsin]—May 6, 2024 As the second effort to recall embattled Speaker of the Wisconsin House of Representatives Robin Vos continues, so do unsubstantiated claims by the Vos camp.

Residents have shared a bright yellow-and-black mailer they received in the mail from “The Republican Party of Wisconsin, Authorized by Friends and Neighbors of Robin Vos.

The mailer warns people to “BEWARE” if you “get a knock on the door from someone wanting you to sign a petition. The mailer claims, without any apparent proof, that “this recall effort is under investigation.”

Caption: The mailer includes photos of recall workers taken without their knowledge

“I’m here to help recall a corrupt politician who’s been called out for accepting money from the Chinese Communist Party,” said one petition worker, “and now Vos is operating with their Media Contact: Kelly John Walker Kelly@lindelloffensefund.orgmethods, using surveillance and intimidation. Our tax dollars are being used to endanger people participating in a legal recall effort. It just highlights the need to get people like this out of office.” “

Robin Vos is using communist China tactics to intimidate the citizens of his district,” allege Racine Recall organizers. “He posted all of the signers’ names online in a searchable database for neighbors in order to police those who wanted the recall. We have heard from residents that Vos himself is coming to doors begging them not to sign the new petition. Vos and his cronies are lying in mailers and advertisements. It’s despicable.”

One petition worker, Josias Andujar, is a Puerto Rican American. He shared a threat and racial slur he experienced: “I met the guy today that told us to go away at his house. He said that if he sees ‘that Mexican guy’ again he will ‘fuck him up.’ I’ve had residents threaten to ‘kick my ass’ and my image was used (without permission) in flyers accusing our campaign of illegal activity. We’re just collecting signatures to get the recall on the ballot. Nothing Illegal about that.”

“I’ve worked over 20 campaigns in the last 10 years as a petition circulator,” added Andujar. “This is the toughest campaign I have ever worked.”

Caption: Petition workers submitted this photo of people allegedly surveilling and photographing without permission Media Contact: Kelly John Walker Kelly@lindelloffensefund.org

The first recall effort received over 10,000 signatures from Vos’s district, but narrowly failed after the congressman hired teams to scour signatures and remove as many as possible. Voss then used his position to change the boundaries of his district in the middle of the recall effort.

“Can you imagine the audacity to change boundaries and use your influence in the legislature to keep your position?” asked Vos Recall advocate, Mike Lindell. “That’s exactly what Robin Vos did.”

Caption: Mike Lindell in Real America’s Voice interview as recall petitioner looks on In spite of the fact that claims of non-citizen recall workers or recruitment of underage signers were thoroughly refuted by Burlington Police Chief, Brian Zmudzinski, the Vos counter-campaign continues to disseminate false claims.

“We have had some complaints regarding individuals collecting signatures for the recall Vos efforts,” wrote Zmudzinski during the first recall. “We have no reason to believe any of them involved employed migrants.” The Chief went on to refute a false claim that, “Several circulators were also found to be circulating petitions among students at Burlington High School without verifying whether the signers were 18 years old.” Citing the absence of complaints from the school’s faculty or students, he added, “I’m not sure where this information came from.”

A college-age petitioner submitted a statement via text in the zeitgeist of Gen-Z young people stepping up at universities around the country: Media Contact: Kelly John Walker Kelly@lindelloffensefund.org

Caption: Among petition workers are college-age volunteers

As an American citizen and an 18-year-old voter, I recently traveled to Wisconsin to participate as a petitioner in efforts to recall Robin Vos. My experience was disheartening and concerning, as I encountered hostility and aggression from individuals opposed to our cause. Throughout my time in Wisconsin, I witnessed acts of aggression towards myself and my fellow volunteers. These included instances of physical harm, such as a dog bite, and verbal abuse, including being subjected to profanity and having doors slammed in our faces. Robin Vos’s response to our petitioning efforts has been equally disappointing. Instead of engaging in constructive dialogue, he chose to spread misinformation and propaganda, including claims of exorbitant costs associated with the recall process and labeling us as “con men” from out of state. Such tactics not only undermine the democratic process but also demonstrate a lack of respect for the rights of citizens to express their grievances and participate in political activities. It is imperative that we uphold the principles of democracy and ensure that elected officials are held accountable for their actions. I call on Robin Vos to engage in meaningful dialogue with his constituents and address the legitimate concerns raised by those seeking his recall. Furthermore, I urge my fellow citizens to remain vigilant and actively participate in the democratic process, despite the obstacles and challenges we may face. Media Contact: Kelly John Walker Kelly@lindelloffensefund.org

“The Lindell Offense Fund will be there every step of the way giving support and needed media attention to this critical recall effort,” says Lindell, “making sure this effort is successful, providing volunteers, resources, media and even speaking on the ground to the people of Wisconsin.”

“Some of the people I talked to wanted to sign the petition but expressed fear of reprisals from Vos,” according to another worker, a 54-year-old father. “People are afraid of losing their jobs or being harassed by the Vos administration,” he said. “That is why they had to bring in some people from out of state, outside of this administration’s reach. I drove up from another state to help and I know the issue and the problems with Vos, but I’m not intimidated.” “

Over a week’s time helping with the recall, I had a few ask me where I’m from,” he added. “I told them I’m from the United States of America, and that should be enough. What’s happening in Wisconsin affects all of us. It isn’t about where I’m from, it’s about the people of Racine County having a voice. I took off work and spent time away from my family to help ensure they have one.”

About The Lindell Offense Fund, a 501(c)4 founded by Mike Lindell, is dedicated to securing U.S. elections on behalf of all Americans, regardless of party affiliation. The Lindell Plan for Secure Elections includes strategies, materials and staffing to promote transparency, fairness, and accountability to restore confidence in our elections. https://LindellPlan.com Media Contact: Kelly John

The post SHOCKING: Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos’s Team Is Surveilling, Intimidating Legal Recall Workers appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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