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Missouri AG Demands DOJ Release Communications with Soros Funded DA’s Alvin Bragg, Letitia James, and Fani Willis Over ‘Witch Hunt’ Against President Trump

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey has formally requested that the U.S.

The post Missouri AG Demands DOJ Release Communications with Soros Funded DA’s Alvin Bragg, Letitia James, and Fani Willis Over ‘Witch Hunt’ Against President Trump appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey has formally requested that the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) release all communications involving Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, New York Attorney General Letitia James, and Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis in relation to the “witch hunt” against former President Donald Trump.

For context:

  1. Alvin Bragg (Manhattan DA): The focus has largely been on alleged financial crimes, including possible fraud and falsification of business records related to hush money payments and other financial discrepancies within the Trump Organization.
  2. Letitia James (New York AG): James has pursued civil charges against Trump and his business practices, alleging persistent fraud involving banks, tax authorities, and insurance companies. This includes misrepresenting the value of assets for financial gain.
  3. Fani Willis (Fulton County DA): Willis is investigating alleged criminal interference in the 2020 presidential election.

In a series of tweets, Bailey cited evidence suggesting that the DOJ, under Biden’s regime, orchestrated or coordinated the prosecutions of Trump.

He pointed to the appointment of Matthew Colangelo, the third-highest ranking official in the DOJ, to the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office in December 2022 as a critical sign of coordination. Colangelo was brought on specifically to prosecute Trump.

Attorney Mike Davis also said this during an interview with Steve Bannon that Matt Colangelo is the link between the Biden DOJ and DA Bragg in their corrupt acts of targeting and putting together a bogus indictment against President Trump. This guy was in the Obama White House and the Biden DOJ and appears to have been brought in to indict President Trump on whatever he could come up with.

Attorney General Bailey also emphasized that Bragg had previously worked alongside Letitia James in civil litigation against Trump and campaigned on a promise to prosecute the former president if elected.

After securing his role as District Attorney, Bragg pledged to prioritize investigations into Trump’s business practices.

“During that campaign, Bragg promised “if elected, [he] would go after Trump.” Once he won election, he pledged “to personally focus on the high-profile probe into former President Donald Trump’s business practices,” Bailey wrote.

Bailey argues that the timing of Bragg’s charges, which came only after Trump announced his candidacy for president, suggests a politically motivated effort to weaken Trump’s campaign.

“Given the timing, the weakness of the charges, and their impact on Trump’s ability to campaign effectively, there is substantial reason to suspect that President Biden has coordinated with Bragg and others to prosecute Trump,” Bailey wrote.

The Attorney General insists that Missourians have the right to know whether the prosecutions of Trump are being coordinated by the federal government, particularly by Biden’s administration, which has a vested political interest in weakening Trump’s candidacy.

Bailey’s office filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request at the DOJ to obtain any communications that could shed light on the extent of federal involvement in these prosecutions. The demand specifically targets interactions between DOJ officials and local prosecutors like Bragg, James, and Willis.

“The people of Missouri deserve transparency, and we’re demanding the DOJ turn over documents that we believe will expose these political prosecutions for what they are: a witch hunt,” Bailey added.

The Attorney General’s office has yet to receive a response from the DOJ regarding the FOIA request. However, Bailey remains adamant that the prosecution efforts against Trump are a calculated attempt to hinder his campaign trail activities and damage his chances of reclaiming the presidency.

The post Missouri AG Demands DOJ Release Communications with Soros Funded DA’s Alvin Bragg, Letitia James, and Fani Willis Over ‘Witch Hunt’ Against President Trump appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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