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Court Date Set for Trump Assistant Attorney General in Civil Division Jeff Clark in DC Case – Democrats Want to Punish Him for Questioning 2020 Election

Former Acting Assistant Attorney General of the Civil Division Jeff Clark is under attack by the radicalized left for his devotion to his country and his support of President Donald Trump. GiveSendGo pic

Jeff Clark has been an eminent legal practitioner over a career spanning about 25 years. No question about his qualifications, his ethics, or his legal acumen had ever been raised prior to late January 2021. He served in the Bush Administration as a very young (34 year-old) Deputy Assistant Attorney General in the Environment and Natural Resources Division from 2001-2005, fighting against over-regulation and winning awards from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and, most importantly, from the Pentagon for protecting naval readiness. Without his efforts, China’s race for naval domination would have advanced by leaps and bounds.

President Trump nominated Jeff Clark to become the Assistant Attorney General of the 400-lawyer Environment Division at the Justice Department in 2017. He was proud, 17 years later, to take the helm of the DOJ litigating Division he had first entered as a leader in 2001. Despite attempts to block his confirmation (which held him up for an unprecedented 14-month period), he was confirmed with bipartisan support in October 2018 and took office on November 1, 2018. He accomplished much–(1) securing billions of dollars in penalties from those cheating the American people; (2) defending President Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accords that stripped Americans of jobs, offshoring them to China and other parts of the world for no good purpose; and (3) spearheading the first reform of the red-tape-encrusted National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in 40 years, which was, among other things, slowing infrastructure renewal to a crawl. In recognition of his strong work in the Environment Division, Jeff Clark was ALSO named the Acting Assistant Attorney General of the Civil Division (adding another 1,000 lawyers to his oversight responsibilities) in early September 2020. He left both offices behind as part of the transition in mid-January 2021.

As part of a new and destructive era in politics, Jeff Clark has been targeted for cancellation by the hyper-partisan January 6 Committee, the “mainstream” media, and a collection of leftist law professors and supposed “Republicans” who are conveniently never-Trumpers. He needs your support to defend himself against these unfair assaults and the efforts to penetrate into confidential advice he provided to President Trump–for on the Left, the advice given to all Democrat Presidents is sacrosanct but President Trump somehow cannot be afforded those same constitutional protections. Think of the outcry if President Trump had taken office and immediately ordered the release of the advice given to President Obama from Attorney General Holder about the “Fast and Furious” operation. (Taken from Jeff’s GiveSendGo page.)

The Marxist left understands Jeff Clark’s talent and potential. They also fear his likely future role in a Donald Trump administration. So they decided to ruin him with numerous lawfare suits to make his life a living hell. This is what the left does. They love America’s enemies, work to destroy the country with policies like open borders, and detest those who support American greatness.

Jeff Clark today is juggling several lawfare suits filed against him by the radical left.

** Please help Jeff Clark with his oppressive lawfare bills by donating here.

Clark will be in court on Friday, February 23, 2024 at 1:00 PM in the District of Columbia over his alleged efforts to help President Donald Trump challenge the fraudulent 2020 election.

DC attorneys filed ethics charges against Jeff Clark in July 2022. The bar charges against Jeff Clark are focused on an unsent draft letter claiming the department “identified significant concerns that may have impacted the outcome of the election in multiple states, including the state of Georgia.”

Clark defended Trump and challenged the election scandals. So now they want to destroy him to set an example for anyone in the future who questions their incomprehensible election results.

Rachel Cauley, spokesman for Center for Renewing America where Jeff Clark is Sr. Fellow and Director of Litigation, released a statement to The Gateway Pundit on the upcoming hearing.

“We are looking forward to the oral argument. We think it is obvious that Mr. Clark can take the Fifth, as is the right of any American, including those who are innocent like Mr. Clark.”

Clark will defend his Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination in response to Disciplinary Counsel’s motion

** Please help Jeff Clark with his oppressive lawfare bills by donating here.

The post Court Date Set for Trump Assistant Attorney General in Civil Division Jeff Clark in DC Case – Democrats Want to Punish Him for Questioning 2020 Election appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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