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Larry Johnson: Why Are Democrat Leaders Persecuting Law Abiding Citizens and Letting Criminals Walk?

Larry Johnson: Why Are Democrat Leaders Persecuting Law Abiding Citizens and Letting Criminals Walk?

Guest post by Larry Johnson The COVOID crisis juxtaposed with the George Floyd riots has fully exposed the double standard that Democrats, as well as some RINO Governors (i.e., Republican In Name Only), apply to average citizens trying to go about normal life and their total surrender to anarchists. The contrast is stark. A good…

The post Larry Johnson: Why Are Democrat Leaders Persecuting Law Abiding Citizens and Letting Criminals Walk? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Guest post by Larry Johnson

The COVOID crisis juxtaposed with the George Floyd riots has fully exposed the double standard that Democrats, as well as some RINO Governors (i.e., Republican In Name Only), apply to average citizens trying to go about normal life and their total surrender to anarchists. The contrast is stark.

A good friend of mine with a condo that sits on the beach in Pompano, Florida–that is Broward County–was out jogging along the waterfront seven weeks ago. He was the only one on the beach as far as the eye could see until two police on ATVs showed up and threatened him with arrest if he did not get off the beach. He posed no risk to anyone and was not threatening property, but that did not matter to Broward cops who were acting at the behest of Broward County offiicials.

We now know that this kind of stupidity is not limited to Broward County, Florida. It is rampant in most Democrat led states, counties and cities across the United States as well as some ostensibly  Republican led states (Maryland and Massachusetts come to mind). These control freaks are enraged if citizens demand to assemble in church or synagogue or mosque in groups larger than 10. “This cannot be allowed”, they shout.

However, if you are a rabble of marauding rioters hell bent on looting commercial establishments in the center of town, the Governors of Minnesota, New York, Oregon, Washington, and California sat on their hands. Democrat Mayors in Minneapolis, St. Paul, Washington, DC, New York City, Los Angeles, and San Francisco stayed mute and inert in the face of organized mob attacks on police and commercial establishments.

The police chief of Raleigh, North Carolina (another brain dead Democrat) announced her police would do nothing to protect businesses being attacked. “I will not put an officer in harms way to protect the property inside of a building,” says Chief Cassandra Deck-Brown.

Peaceful Americans who tried to go to work at their barbershop or their restaurant or their clothing store were threatened and berated and even arrested at the direction of the political leaders in Democrat and Republican led cities and counties. If you wanted to go to the beach or the park to exercise or play–NO, and Hell No!!

But if you were a convicted criminal in jail for charges that included murder and rape and assault, these same cottoned brained morons gave them a get out of jail free card. None of those officials had the grace to acknowledge their mistake when some of the criminals released immediately committed murder and rape. These deluded Democrats have a very queer notion about keeping communities safe from a disease while looking the other way when they unleash criminals and mobs on the law abiding.

The Michigan Attorney General had a meltdown because Donald Trump was filmed not wearing a mask inside a Ford plant during a 21 May 2020 visit but remained mute over rioting and looting in Detroit:

AG Nessel was asked if President Trump was welcome to Michigan again. Her response, “Well, I will say speaking on behalf of my department and my office – That’s right! That’s exactly right. I mean today’s events were extremely disappointing and yet totally predictable… In Michigan that is the law! A court just upheld that… So the president is like a petulant child who refuses to follow the rules. And this is no joke!… I think we’re going to have to have a very serious conversation with Ford… I would hate to have Ford shut its doors again because somebody got infected by this president.”

The bullshit and hypocrisy are now fully exposed. There was no justifiable reason to deny Americans of the Constitutional Rights using the threat of a disease as an excuse to ignore the law. Equally, there is no excuse to ignore the law governing theft, assault and looting that has been allowed to go unchecked in the name of trying to pursue racial healing. Black merchants in Minneapolis and Atlanta have seen their dreams being carried out through broken windows in the arms of gleeful thieves who could care less about the death of George Floyd.

George Floyd has become an excuse for lawlessness.

There is a reason you are not seeing this kind of rioting nonsense throughout most of Florida–we have guns. In Virginia, thanks to pseudo black man and Governor, Ralph Northem, you must flee if someone forces their way into your home. Only if they pursue you can you shoot them. In Florida, we have stand your ground. Antifa and the Black Lives Matter anarchists understand that and have steered clear of most of Florida. But even in the Democrat strongholds of Broward and Dade counties, the cops were ready and suppressed riots in the early stages. Just a reminder of why we have the Second Amendment.

The post Larry Johnson: Why Are Democrat Leaders Persecuting Law Abiding Citizens and Letting Criminals Walk? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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