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Author Dr. Andrew Bostom: Americans Must Disregard Dr. Fauci’s Pediatric Panic Porn

Author Dr. Andrew Bostom: Americans Must Disregard Dr. Fauci’s Pediatric Panic Porn

It should be clear at this point that NIAID Director Dr. Tony Fauci has been completely inaccurate with his predictions and extremely dangerous with his plan of action regarding the coronavirus pandemic. Dr. Fauci made several mistakes during this pandemic the greatest being his lockdown plan and destruction of the record US economy. One of…

The post Author Dr. Andrew Bostom: Americans Must Disregard Dr. Fauci’s Pediatric Panic Porn appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

It should be clear at this point that NIAID Director Dr. Tony Fauci has been completely inaccurate with his predictions and extremely dangerous with his plan of action regarding the coronavirus pandemic.

Dr. Fauci made several mistakes during this pandemic the greatest being his lockdown plan and destruction of the record US economy.
One of his greatest mistakes was promoting the ridiculous Imperial College model that he used to frighten DC leaders and the American public.

Dr. Fauci was promoting a garbage “scientific” model that predicted over 2 million US deaths — a completely nonsensical number based on the realities at the time.

UPDATE– THE LIST — Dr. Fauci’s 15 Deadly Mistakes and Contradictions — Including the Devastation of the US Economy Based on a Garbage Model

Fauci’s latest panic porn involves a rare inflammatory condition in children that is associated with respiratory infections. This uncommon condition is not unfamiliar to doctors who treat children with respiratory infections. But it does make good headlines for the fake news media during a pandemic.

Dr. Andrew Bostom breaks down Dr. Fauci’s flawed argument to keep schools closed in America.
Several European countries started sending children back to school this past month.

Dr. Fauci has done enough damage. If he worked in the private sector he would have been fired a long time ago.

Via AndrewBostom.com

Senator Paul’s limited time for discussion precluded mention of data repeatedly demonstrating–from AustraliaThe NetherlandsSwitzerland, and France—that children, certainly those below 10-years old, are less likely to contract covid-19, and dramatically less prone to transmit the disease to others. Indeed, the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases (4/11/20) described a covid-19 infected 9-year old child, contact traced as part of a cluster of cases in the French Alps, who did not transmit the virus to 112 contacts at schools, or a ski class. “However” as the report noted,  “the high proportion of picornavirus and influenza infections among his contacts at the schools indicated transmission of those viruses within those settings.”

Although Dr. Fauci’s response to Sen. Paul closed with a grudging and passing concession to “the numbers” in children, his initial comments riveted upon what has been aptly characterized as pediatric panic porn(ography).

Right now children [are] presenting with covid-16 (sic), covid-19, who actually have a very strange inflammatory syndrome very similar to Kawasaki’s Syndrome [Disease]. I think we better be careful that we are not cavalier in thinking that children are completely immune to the deleterious effects. So again, I think you’re right in the numbers that children, in general, do much, much better than adults and the elderly…That’s why I am very reserved in making broad predictions.

Thus, even after Sen. Paul resoundingly debunked Fauci’s opening presentation alarmism, the NIAID Director had the temerity to raise the specter of “Kawasaki Syndrome” in children with covid-19, completely de-contextualizing this uncommon, and generally transient inflammatory condition’s well-established association to all manner of respiratory infections each yearincluding otherwise rather benign human coronaviruses that cause 15-30% of common colds! For example, a 2016 study published in one of the pre-eminent childhood illness journals, Pediatrics, found that 42% of 192 children admitted with Kawasaki Syndrome had a detectable respiratory infection, 7/192, or 3.6%, testing positive for one of three cold-causing human coronaviruses. Finally, a refreshingly sober 5/9/20 perspective on the ginned up covid19-Kawasaki Disease hysteria Dr. Fauci was content to fan, based upon review of 100 purported “cases,” concluded the syndrome was “rare, “children seem to improve rapidly,” “and children are probably still spared from most morbidities and mortality linked to COVID-19 infection.

Contra the prevailing hard left-dominated “mainstream” media caricature, President Trump weighed in (during a 5/14/20 interview with Maria Bartiromo) thoughtfully, if firmly, on the matter of school re-opening, and rejected Dr. Fauci’s opinion:

[~2:37-3:01Young people are very little affected by this (covid-19). We have to get the schools open…I totally disagree with him (Fauci) on schools.

Acknowledging the lethal havoc covid-19 had wrought upon the vulnerable elderly, “the elderly have been decimated,” the President added this reasonable caveat:

[~14;35-15:05Open the schools. But if a teacher is 65 or older, especially if they have diabetes, if they have a bad heart, if they have a (medical) problem, we say relax for a longer period of time. But if you look, there’s been very little damage done to people that are healthy and young, and frankly medium age people.

Poisoned with their own deranged hatred of POTUS Trump, which renders them impenetrable by fact, “mainstream” media sneered its collective disapproval of his remarks (examples hereherehere).

Notwithstanding Dr. Fauci’s factually-challenged covid-19 pediatric panic stoking, reflexively amplified by the media chorus of apocalyptic covid-19 brayers, school re-openings are burgeoning across Europe (including DenmarkFranceThe NetherlandsSwitzerlandGreeceCroatiaSerbia; and Slovenia), Australia—and Montana, here in the U.S…

…Americans, instead, must disregard Fauci’s covid-19 pediatric panic porn, and demand that U.S. schools be re-opened selectively, now, and full re-opened by late summer.

Read the entire report here.

The post Author Dr. Andrew Bostom: Americans Must Disregard Dr. Fauci’s Pediatric Panic Porn appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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