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BY THE NUMBERS, Via the CDC: 2019 Flu – 22,000 Dead and 36 Million Infected …2019 Coronavirus – 50 Dead and 2,340 Infected

UPDATE- The numbers presented are the latest numbers from the CDC and the World Coronavirus Map The latest numbers continue to indicate that the coronavirus is not much different than the common flu. The truth is in the numbers. As more data is known about the coronavirus, the numbers don’t look as scary. Here are […]

The post BY THE NUMBERS, Via the CDC: 2019 Flu – 22,000 Dead and 36 Million Infected …2019 Coronavirus – 50 Dead and 2,340 Infected appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

UPDATE- The numbers presented are the latest numbers from the CDC and the World Coronavirus Map

The latest numbers continue to indicate that the coronavirus is not much different than the common flu.

The truth is in the numbers.

As more data is known about the coronavirus, the numbers don’t look as scary.

Here are the numbers as reported on March 14, 2020:

The data is skewed by the fact that China and other countries, like Iran, skew the numbers.  China still shows less than 81,000 cases overall.  They have been at this level for some time.  Either China’s numbers are not accurate or the virus is dying down to nearly nothing, or both.

Yesterday China reported only 11 new cases in all of China and 13 new deaths.  China’s death rate per confirmed cases is one of the highest in the world at 3.94%.  This skews the overall numbers quite a bit.

Per data available, around 3% of cases confirmed end in death.  But by taking out China, Iran and Italy the rate goes down to 1%.

Clearly not all people with the virus are captured in the current numbers.  Just like the flu most people who get sick never report it and therefore are never counted.

Sharyl Attkisson reported, “Most people who get coronavirus have mild or no symptoms.”

There are now 146 countries with cases of the coronavirus confirmed and 111 countries with mortality rates for those confirmed of less than 1%.  Most countries have no deaths reported related to the coronavirus.  (Denmark has over 800 cases with no deaths.)

The US has reported 50 deaths to date.  Attkisson shares that, “Almost all of the reported coronavirus deaths in the U.S. happened in long-term care facilities in Washington State. And almost all of those occurred at the same facility.”

No young or middle-aged people have died of coronavirus in the U.S and most people around the world diagnosed from January-March 1 have already recovered.

Attkisson notes that the average age of deaths from the coronavirus in the US is 80 years old:

Some current death rates that sound high are being calculated in a particular age group. The rate will be highest among the elderly and, in the U.S., there have been zero deaths among people age 50 and under. Some death rates are being calculated as deaths among the sickest patients, those are diagnosed and treated, which will produce a much higher number than a more accurate death rate that takes into consideration those patients who are infected but do not become ill at all.

As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier, according to CDC numbers, in the US in the 2019-2020 flu season, there were 222,000 confirmed cases of the flu from testing and an estimated 36 million flu cases in the United States.  There were 22,000 confirmed deaths from the flu.

The numbers make the current responses by government officials, communities and companies appear exaggerated. 

Of course better safe than sorry, but better sane than insane as well. 

The current data from the CDC shows that you are more likely to die from the flu this year than the coronavirus.  However, it is the elderly and those with other ailments who are most at risk and are hit the hardest by the Chinese coronavirus.

22,000 Americans died from the flu this year and 50 from the coronavirus and the country is in a total panic because of the coronavirus?

Clearly the panic will dissipate as more data becomes available.

Freakin Relax for goodness sake!

The post BY THE NUMBERS, Via the CDC: 2019 Flu – 22,000 Dead and 36 Million Infected …2019 Coronavirus – 50 Dead and 2,340 Infected appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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