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Новости за 15.07.2020

The Gateway Pundit 

Trump Announces Massive MS-13 Bust, Key Gang Leader Charged With Terrorism-Related Offenses

A key leader of the violent gang MS-13 has been charged with terrorism-related offenses for the first time ever. President Donald Trump and Attorney General William Barr announced the massive gang bust on Wednesday. “We just concluded a historic operation leading to the indictment and arrest of dozens of savage MS-13 leaders,” Trump told reporters…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Walmart, Sam’s Clubs New Coronavirus Mask Mandate for Customers to Be Enforced by Black Shirt “Health Ambassadors”

Walmart announced Wednesday that all customers at Walmart and Sam’s Club stores will be mandated to wear coronavirus masks effective Monday, July 20. The mask mandate will be enforced by black-shirt wearing “Health Ambassadors.” The nation’s largest retailer said the mandate is to bring “consistency” to store policy as about 65% of its stores are…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Black Lives Matter Activist Shoots Police Officer Dead in Washington State — Media Ignores Story

Washington state Police Officer Jonathan Shoop was murdered on Monday night and his partner was shot and injured following a pursuit of a vehicle that ended in a pedestrian being stuck. The killer Henry E. Washington fired a weapon at the police SUV pursuing him. Black Lives Matter activist Henry Eugene Washington, 37, was arrested…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Instagram Threatens to Delete Don Jr’s Account For Posting Hypocritical Headlines From CNN About Hydroxychloroquine

Instagram on Wednesday threatened to delete Don Jr.’s account for posting hypocritical headlines from CNN about Hydroxychloroquine. President Trump very early on encouraged people infected with Coronavirus to take the affordable anti-malaria drug along with a Z-pac. The Democrat-media complex hammered President Trump and told the public that hydroxychloroquine was ineffective and dangerous. A couple…

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The Gateway Pundit 

“He’s a Miraculous Writer for Someone Who Didn’t Even Know What Was in His Report a Year Ago” – Rep. Devin Nunes on Mueller Op-ed in the Washington Post

Devin Nunes was with Elizabeth MacDonald on FOX Business yesterday and he addressed the same question that many people have had since last weekend’s op-ed in the Washington Post supposedly drafted by corrupt cop and senile Robert Mueller. How did he ever even write the op-ed? Representative Devin Nunes was on FOX Business yesterday and…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Three NYPD Officers Violently Attacked by BLM Militants Crossing Brooklyn Bridge – Officers Sustained Serious Injuries (VIDEO)

Three NYPD officers were violently attacked by Black Lives Matter militants on Wednesday. The BLM terrorists were crossing the Brooklyn Bridge when they clubbed three police officers with a weapon. This is Communist Mayor Bill de Blasio’s New York. WATCH: Three officers violently attacked by protesters crossing the Brooklyn Bridge. The officers sustained serious injuries.…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Breaking: Trump Admin Wisely Strips CDC of Control of Coronavirus Data — Information Will Now Be Sent to Central DC Database

The Trump administration announced new guidelines on Wednesday. Starting today hospitals will be ordered to bypass the CDC and send ALL COVID-19 patient information to a central database in Washington DC. This comes after TGP’s Tuesday report on the likely fraudulent numbers coming from the CDC. EXCLUSIVE: Three Reasons the China Coronavirus Incidence and Mortality…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Biden Staffer Interrupts News Anchor Live on Air, Cuts Screen, Tries to End Interview Early Before Biden Can Embarrass Himself (VIDEO)

Joe Biden appeared virtually on Phoenix Channel 12 Wednesday morning. The interview started off awkward. The 77-year-old opened up the conversation saying Arizona is an important city. Biden’s staffer interrupted the news anchor live on air when he asked about China. The staffer ended the interview and cut the screen blank so Biden wouldn’t embarrass…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Fired VA Staffer in West Virginia Admits to Killing Seven Patients with Insulin

Nursing Assistant Rita Mays admitted this week to intentionally killing seven US veterans with insulin. She worked overnight at the Louis A. Johnson VA Medical Center. Federal officials were investigating the mysterious deaths at the VA medical center. BREAKING: First photo of Reta Mays, former VA Medical Center nursing aide who admitted to killing seven…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Gun Sales Soar To All-Time High Amid Race Riots, Violent Crime And ‘Defund Police’ Efforts

Gun sales soared in June, with 2,387,524 weapons sold, a year-over-year increase of 145.3% from June 2019, Small Arms Analytics & Forecasting reports. “Likely single handgun sales (1,511,714) increased year-over-year by 177.5% whereas single long-gun sales (690,212) increased year-over-year by 114.3%. All other likely background check-related sales (185,599) increased year-over-year by 74.0%. This includes so-called…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Junk Science Joe Biden Says: “We Only Have 9 Years Left” to Stop Global Warming (VIDEO)

This is intelligent conversation on the left. These people are dangerous and insane. Joe Biden held another bizarre “rally” for reporters yesterday. Joe Biden’s rallies only include reporters lately and usually take place in a gym with several circles taped on the floor. During his event Joe Biden warned reporters we only have 9 years…

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The Gateway Pundit 

SHOCKER: Co-Founder of Never Trump ‘Lincoln Project’ Was Foreign Agent for …Russia

A group of Never Trumpers formed the ‘Lincoln Project’ with the mission of ‘protecting democracy’.  Their real cause is not to protect democracy and the rule of law, but rather to defeat President Trump in the 2020 Presidential election. We saw this in 2016, a group of self acclaimed true ‘conservatives’ joined together in an…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Trump Says He Will Do ‘Everything’ He Can To Help St. Louis Couple As Charges Loom, Missouri Governor Says

Missouri’s governor says President Trump will take “some sort of actions” to help a St. Louis couple who could face criminal charges for wielding guns to defend their home from angry protesters marching down their street. “I think the president didn’t like what he was seeing, and the way people are being treated,” Gov. Mike…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Joe Biden: Arizona’s “an Important City” (Video)

Democrats are putting all their money on this guy. Wow. Joe Biden was on Phoenix Channel 12 this morning. He opened up the conversation saying Arizona is an important city. 12 News Host Mark Curtis: “Democratic nominee Joe Biden. Good to see you sir and look, Arizona is very much in play in 2020 so…

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The Gateway Pundit 

OUTRAGE: After More than Two Months Since the Government Dropped Their Case Against General Flynn – Corrupt DC Judge Still Won’t Shut it Down

It’s now been more than two months since the Justice Department moved to drop its case against General Flynn.  But members of the Obama Deep State are stalling and obstructing justice by delaying this rightful act. FOX News reported on May 5, 2020: The Justice Department on Thursday moved to drop its case against former National…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Jake Tapper Stunner: CNN Hack Slams Governor Cuomo for Crowing on Late Night After Worst Coronavirus Numbers in Nation and World (VIDEO)

On Monday New York Governor Andrew Cuomo released a poster at his press conference Monday that celebrates his response to the COVID-19 China coronavirus that devastated New York state and especially New York City this year. New York state ended up being the epicenter of the coronavirus. The state totaled over 32,000 deaths. The new…

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The Gateway Pundit 

EXCLUSIVE: Coronavirus Study Confirms, with Exception of New York and New Jersey, Overall Mortality Not Much Different Than a Bad Flu Season

On March 17, 2020, we were the first to identify that the WHO and the WHO’s Director General Tedros were pushing fraudulent numbers regarding the expected mortality of the coronavirus. The WHO over-stated the mortality rate of the virus by at least 30 times. We then followed up with multiple posts on the subject. We…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Nick Cannon Canned and Canceled – After Anti-Semitic Slurs and Anti-White Filth (Video)

Nick Cannon was fired by ViacomCBS over anti-Semitic slurs he made on his podcast Cannon’s Class. In the video, filmed last year, Cannon interviewed Professor Griff formerly from Public Enemy. Cannon came out as a black supremacist. Nick Cannon comes out as black supremacist. Says white people genetically inferior, incapable of compassion. pic.twitter.com/NUQkb887Qq — Mark…

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The Gateway Pundit 

“I Think We Had Help From the Very Top – We Had Help from the Federal Government” – Mark McCloskey Tells Hannity He Had Security Assistance from Trump (Video)

Armed security guards position themselves on the balcony at the McCloskey home during the second wave of protests on their home. This was several days after the BLM protesters originally broke into their gated community. St. Louis Attorney Mark McCloskey joined Sean Hannity on Tuesday night to discuss the latest developments from St. Louis. McCloskey…

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Новости от наших партнёров в Вашем городе


Воробьев: возвращение «Троицы» в лавру — большое событие для православных

Telegram-канал «Хуже и не скажешь»: Земфира приехала в Москву на прием к стоматологу

Реконструкция бассейна «Бригантина» продолжается в Мытищах

Два пассажира пропали после аварии с поездом Воркута — Новороссийск

Музыкальные новости

Путин наградил погибших в Дагестане протоиерея Котельникова и охранника Вавилина

В России появилась новая инвестиционная платформа investin.vc с лицензией ЦБ

Аванса хватило на четыре года // Реставратору объектов Московского Кремля дали срок по делу о мошенничестве

Шедевры Моцарта в музее-заповеднике «Царицыно» – Relax FM приглашает совершить музыкальное путешествие сквозь эпохи

Новости России

Вторая смена завершилась в лагере «Патриот» в Мытищах

Волонтеры юго-запада Москвы поддержали выдвижение Екатерины Раззаковой кандидатом в депутаты МГД

Прокуратура Москвы: рабочий погиб, упав с высоты на объекте в Огородном проезде

Telegram-канал «Хуже и не скажешь»: Земфира приехала в Москву на прием к стоматологу

Экология в России и мире

Туристов предупредили о распространении в популярной европейской стране двух смертельных инфекционных заболеваний: кровососущие клещи не щадят никого

Дарсонваль: что это, в чём польза, против угрей, выпадения волос и себореи

Задачка с диагнозом в ответе: предложен новый метод диагностики Альцгеймера, точность — 78%

СберСтрахование застраховала крупные предприятия на Урале почти на 2 трлн рублей

Спорт в России и мире

Российские теннисисты подпишут декларацию о нейтралитете для участия в Уимблдоне

Уроженка Тамбова Арина Родионова вышла во второй круг квалификации Уимблдона

В Беларуси отреагировали на неожиданное решение Арины Соболенко

Появились новости о здоровье Елены Рыбакиной перед турниром в Англии


В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии задержали гражданина, объявленного в федеральный розыск

Терминал сбора данных (ТСД) промышленного класса SAOTRON RT42G

ТСД промышленного класса Saotron RT-Т510

Армяне – герои СВО. Группой бойца чеченского спецназа «Ахмат» Давида Петросяна с позывным «Карабах» посажены около 1000 дронов-камикадзе. ВИДЕО

Топ новостей на этот час


Спектакль по мотивам произведения Пушкина представили в ДК «Яуза» в Мытищах

Ефимов: Москва выделила 3 участка для строительства новых объектов в Коммунарке

Жилье в Москве: стабилизация спроса и предложения

Петербургские шахматистки Анастасия Боднарук, Евгения Овод и Ольга Карманова выиграли свои партии в 1-м туре Высшей лиги в Нижнем Новгороде