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Новости за 16.05.2020

The Gateway Pundit 

Trump Warns McConnell on Failure to Hold Democrats Accountable for Russia Collusion Hoax

President Trump warned Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) that his failure to hold the Democrats accountable for the Russia hoax will endanger the Republican majority in the Senate and McConnell’s campaign to pack the federal judiciary with constitutional conservatives nominated by Trump. Trump also tagged Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC). File screen…

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The Gateway Pundit 

China Admits to Destroying Early Coronavirus Samples But Insists It’s Not a Cover-up

China admitted on Friday to destroying early coronavirus samples at unauthorized laboratories in the country. But Liu Dengfeng, a supervisor with China’s National Health Commission, says it was not an attempted cover-up. Via TheDailyMail.com: China has acknowledged it destroyed early samples of COVID-19, confirming a claim put forward by U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Power Hungry Mayor Garcetti Says LA Beaches Will Only Be Open For Exercise on Wet Sand, No Sunbathing on Dry Sand (VIDEO)

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti extended the Coronavirus lockdown until August for no good reason. Garcetti said that beaches will reopen for exercise and active recreation only; people will not be allowed to touch dry sand. Beach goers will only be allowed to exercise in the wet sand. Sunbathing in dry sand is illegal, according…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Anti-Trump Justin Amash Ends Exploratory Presidential Campaign for Libertarian Nomination

Rep. Justin Amash (I-MI) announced Saturday he is ending his exploratory campaign for the presidential nomination of the Libertarian Party, saying, “circumstances don’t lend themselves to my success as a candidate for president this year”. The 40-year-old five term Congressman Amash, who quit the Republican Party last year over his opposition to President Trump and…

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The Gateway Pundit 

UPDATE: Washington State Governor Walks Back Orwellian Rule to Force Restaurants to Keep Log of All Customers, Including Contact Information

Washington state Governor Jay Inslee announced a controversial rule earlier this week that would wipe out restaurants in his state. The governor said he will require restaurants to keep a log, including contact information, on every customer who dines at their establishment. Inslee also wants all restaurants to open at half capacity. This crazed tyrant…

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The Gateway Pundit 

WOW! President Trump Retweets Michelle Malkin Video on Big Tech Censorship — So Twitter Censors Tweet and Deletes the Video!

President Donald Trump retweeted Michelle Malkin’s tweet this morning on the far left censorship at Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Google. President Trump added that his administration is working to remedy “this illegal situation.” Twitter then removed the video after the US President retweeted her! The tech giants have absolutely NO FEAR in their open discrimination…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Horror! Domestic Violence Up 21% in Cities Across the US Due to COVID-19 Lockdowns

One of the unwanted side effects of Dr. Fauci’s national lockdown besides a surge in poverty and unemployment is domestic violence. Since the national lockdown started back in March there has been a significant increase in domestic violence in communities across the country. According to USA Today — Detroit received 769 domestic violence calls over…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Steve Bannon Presents — “Descent into Hell 5: Tear Down this Firewall” — Live Video 10 to Noon ET

Former Trump Chief Strategist Steve Bannon is holding a special on the Chinese Communist Party Saturday morning from 10 AM to noon Eastern. On WarRoomPandemic and The Gateway Pundit. Steve Bannon: If you start questioning the WHO or other Chinese Communist Party collaborators, Big Tech takes you down. You’re getting a firewall here in the US —…

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The Gateway Pundit 

How Sad: Archdiocese of St. Louis to Close Three Schools Due to Financial Strain Caused by Coronavirus – Including Holy Trinity in Inner City

The St. Louis Archdiocese will close at least three schools due to the strain of coronavirus. Most Holy Trinity Catholic School in North St. Louis is one of the schools that will be closing.  This Catholic school is located in the inner city. Parents were stunned to hear the news of the closing. FOX2 Now…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Author Dr. Andrew Bostom: Americans Must Disregard Dr. Fauci’s Pediatric Panic Porn

It should be clear at this point that NIAID Director Dr. Tony Fauci has been completely inaccurate with his predictions and extremely dangerous with his plan of action regarding the coronavirus pandemic. Dr. Fauci made several mistakes during this pandemic the greatest being his lockdown plan and destruction of the record US economy. One of…

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The Gateway Pundit 

NYT Magazine Publishes Hit Piece on Renowned French Doctor Who Identified Inexpensive Cure for Coronavirus – Top Critic Linked to Gilead and Remdesivir

The French doctor who identified a cure for the coronavirus that saw immediate results, is now being targeted and smeared by those who want to cash in on a different more expensive drug made by Gilead. Of course nothing is sacred anymore.  The progressive socialist left has taken over everything.  Since the advent of the…

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The Gateway Pundit 

“We’ll Just Get Rid of All Whites in the United States” – CDC Chair of Advisory Committee on Immunizations Lashes Out at White Americans (VIDEO)

Dr. Carol Baker was appointed Chair of the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices in 2009. Carol is well known for her work in immunization and education. The Houston doctor sat on an “expert” panel of experts sponsored by the National Meningitis Association in New York City on May 9, 2016 in Atlanta, Georgia.  During…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Intel Vets Provided Evidence Russians Didn’t Hack DNC to Sec of State Pompeo in 2017 – To Date No Evidence Pompeo Followed Up with President Trump

A group of more than 20 U.S. intelligence, military and diplomatic veterans determined that the DNC emails in 2016 were not hacked, but instead they were copied by someone on the East Coast.  This information was provided to President Trump’s current Secretary of State Mike Pompeo but there is no evidence to date that Pompeo…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Chris Christie Schools Joy Behar Of The View On What Republicans Have Done To Help Average Americans (VIDEO)

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie recently appeared on The View and had to educate Joy Behar. She insisted that Republicans haven’t done anything to support the American people during the Coronavirus crisis. She suggested that only big businesses have gotten financial help, which is a complete lie. Christie calmly set the record straight. FOX…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Pompeo Fires Deep State IG Steve Linick an Obama Holdover Who Worked with Democrats During Sham Impeachment

State Department Inspector General and Deep State hack Steve Linick was fired on Friday night. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo fired the anti-Trump Obama holdover. Linick served as State Department IG since 2013 Linick played a role in the faux impeachment of President Trump over Ukraine. Linick requested an urgent meeting with Congressional Democrat staffers.…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Facts from Victor Davis Hanson: Greater Chance of Death During Elective Surgery than From Cornavirus (VIDEO)

On Friday night Victor Davis Hanson joined Laura Ingraham on The Ingraham Angle to discuss the tyrannical Democrat governors who are refusing to follow science and instead are putting unrealistic expectations on the situation in their state before they left their lockdowns. During their discussion Victor Davis Hanson argued that the risk of death from…

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The Gateway Pundit 

KILLER WOLF: GOP Congressman Perry Calls Out Democrat Governor For Killing Elderly Pennsylvanians in Nursing Homes

Over 3,505 nursing home residents died from the coronavirus in New York state since March. Governor Cuomo’s policies required infected coronavirus patients to be sent back to their nursing home where they could spread their disease to vulnerable Americans. Pennsylvania has a similar policy under Democrat Governor Tom Wolf. So did Rhode Island. Half of…

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The Gateway Pundit 

BREAKING: Video Surfaces of Joe Scarborough Joking About Having Affair With Intern and Having to Kill Her

President Donald Trump snapped back at MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough in a jaw-dropping way last week, calling for an investigation into the Morning Joe host’s deceased intern. Liberal media was quick to blast him for peddling a “conspiracy,” but during an appearance on Imus in the Morning in 2003, the host and Scarborough joked about having an…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Chinese State Media Warns China will Interfere in US 2020 Election – Threatens Missouri Economy

The Chinese Communist Regime is furious after US lawmakers brought lawsuits against the regime for the destruction of the coronavirus on US lives and economy. The regime is considering punitive countermeasures against US lawmakers and US firms behind the coronavirus lawsuits. The regime is also threatening to retaliate against lawmakers and their home states. China…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Michigan AG Trashes Barber Who Opened Shop Defying Stay-At-Home Order, Says ‘He’s Not a Patriot’

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel is trashing the 77-year-old barber who defied the state’s shut down order and opened up his shop. Nessel referred to the shop owner, Karl Manke, as “not a hero” and “not a patriot.” “We’re not looking to throw people in jail,” Nessel said of the owner of Karl Manke’s Barber…

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The Gateway Pundit 

USNS Mercy Leaves Los Angeles Port After Treating a Few Dozen Patients – But LA Still on Coronavirus Lockdown Until August

In mid-March crazed Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom sent a letter to President Trump claiming that 25 million people in California would be infected with Coronavirus over an 8-week period. Newsom asked President Trump in a letter on March 19 to deploy the USNS Mercy hospital ship “to help decompress our current healthcare delivery system in…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Oops! Massive Screw-up by St. Louis County Lawyers Leads to Motion to Dismiss Suit Against Local Gym That Defied Unconstitutional Lockdown

Guest post by Bill Hennessey Earlier this week, The Gateway Pundit reported on St. Louis County’s continued persecution of a small business that defied an unconstitutional order to shut down. House of Pain Gyms in Maryland Heights and Chesterfield re-opened last month in order to pay their bills and to provided needed physical fitness facilities…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Acting DNI Ric Grenell Announces the FBI Will No Longer be Giving Intelligence-Based Threat Briefings to Candidates

Ric Grenell Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell on Friday announced major changes to election security briefings. Grenell announced the US Intel Community (IC) will lead all intelligence-based threat briefings to candidates, campaigns, and political organizations. The FBI was frozen out. This is huge. The FBI cannot be trusted after what they did to…

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Новости от наших партнёров в Вашем городе


Путин провёл разговор с исполняющим обязанности президента Ирана Мохбером

Производство бумаги и бумажных изделий в Москве выросло в 4,6 раза

Суд в Москве заочно арестовал экс-ведущую телеканала «Россия-1»

Одна не вышла на работу, другая сбежала во Францию. Куда пропадают генеральши из Минобороны

Музыкальные новости

«Спорт вдохновляет»: судебные приставы Кузбасса приняли участие в молодежном спортивно-туристическом мероприятии «Гонка профсоюзов - 2024»

Преимущества карты строек жилых и промышленных объектов в России

Юные таланты под эгидой Фонда Спивакова дали концерт в «Михайловском»

В России появилась новая инвестиционная платформа investin.vc с лицензией ЦБ

Новости России

«В 23 года узнал, что я — француз»: как люди случайно находят родных родителей

На маршруты МЦД выйдут ещё девять поездов «Иволга 4.0»

12-летнему ребенку из Кулебак экстренно пересадили сердце в Москве

Солист «Иванушек International» устроил жене необычный сюрприз

Экология в России и мире

Армяне – герои СВО. Группой бойца чеченского спецназа «Ахмат» Давида Петросяна с позывным «Карабах» посажены около 1000 дронов-камикадзе. ВИДЕО

«Авиаторы» возглавили рейтинг самых популярных солнцезащитных очков у россиян – «585*ЗОЛОТОЙ»

ГПМ Радио: победа на июньском конкурсе ФКК

Туристов предупредили о распространении в популярной европейской стране двух смертельных инфекционных заболеваний: кровососущие клещи не щадят никого

Спорт в России и мире

Анна Калинская впервые вошла в топ‑20 рейтинга WTA

«Недальновидное решение». На «Беларусь 1» раскритиковали отказ Арины Соболенко от Олимпиады

Уроженка Тамбова Арина Родионова вышла во второй круг квалификации Уимблдона

Путинцева в Бирмингеме завоевала третий титул WTA в карьере


В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии задержали гражданина, объявленного в федеральный розыск

Филиал № 4 ОСФР по Москве и Московской области информирует: В Московском регионе более 62 тысяч семей распорядились материнским капиталом через банки

Заместитель Московско-Курского транспортного прокурора в рамках работы мобильной приемной провела личный прием граждан на Курском вокзале г. Москвы

В Москве пройдет 19-я выставка «Интеравто»

Топ новостей на этот час


Актер Тимофей Елецкий: «Съемки в скринлайфе стали для меня новым опытом и даже вызовом»

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Несовершеннолетняя девушка-зацепер погибла от удара током в Подмосковье

Ответственность за нападения собак ужесточат в Подмосковье