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Новости за 23.04.2020

The Gateway Pundit 

94% of All NYC Coronavirus Patients Have Underlying Health Problems; 3,505 Nursing Home Residents Die from China Coronavirus in New York State

Most all of the coronavirus patients in New York City had (94%) underlying health problems. 42% of the patients were overweight and 53% had hypertension. And at least 3,505 residents of nursing homes and assisted living facilities have died from confirmed or suspected COVID-19 illness. Chart from TIME:

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The Gateway Pundit 

Democrats to Punish Black Michigan Lawmaker Who Said Trump Helped Her Beat Coronavirus By Urging Hydroxychloroquine Consideration

Michigan state Rep. Karen Whitsett (D-Detroit) is set to be punished by her local Democratic Party committee for meeting with President Trump and crediting him with helping to save her life from the COVID-19 Chinese coronavirus by his urging of consideration of hydroxychloroquine treatment. Whitsett went to the White House earlier this month where she…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Pelosi Wipes Her Dripping Nose With Her Bare Hand, Then Touches House Floor Podium Used by Other Lawmakers (VIDEO)

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday wiped her dripping nose with her bare hand, then took that same hand and wiped it all over the House floor lectern used by other members of Congress. Pelosi’s mask/scarf was also pulled down around her neck. This is totally against CDC guidelines and 80-year-old Pelosi is definitely in…

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The Gateway Pundit 

‘Wuhan Plague’ Plaques Placed Around Atlanta by Anonymous Street Artist, Vice News Cries ‘Racism’

Plaques reading “Wuhan Plague” and featuring Winnie the Pooh holding a bat with chopsticks began popping up all over Atlanta this month, and the liberal media is outraged by the satire. Police have no leads about the street artist responsible for the gold and teal plaques that first began appearing in the city on April…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Connecticut Police Testing ‘Pandemic Drone’ That Can Detect When Someone Has a Fever or Coughs

Police in the Connecticut city of Westport are testing a “pandemic drone” that will be able to tell if someone coughs, sneezes, or has a fever from 200 feet away. The city’s “pandemic drone” can deliver audio messages from officers who are watching remotely. The drone, made by drone manufacturer Draganfly, can even monitor a…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Pope Francis and UN Secretary General Call for Socialist Green Recovery in Response to China’s Coronavirus Pandemic

Red Francis was back at it on Wednesday. The communist pope urged the global community to implement a “green recovery” to the Chinese coronavirus pandemic. Rather than comforting the sick and needy during this global pandemic the pope is playing politics. Truly disgraceful. Reuters reported: The pope, who wrote a major encyclical in 2015 on…

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The Gateway Pundit 

New Research Reveals Between 12 Million and 33 Million Americans Were Infected by Coronavirus – Mortality Rate Similar to Seasonal Flu

Two new studies were released this week that show millions of Americans were infected with the coronavirus between March and April 21. The studies also revel the mortality rate is much less that was reported and similar to seasonal flu. A study by Dr. Justin Silverman estimates that there were 8.7 million coronavirus infections between…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Elizabeth Warren’s 86-Year-Old Brother Dies of Coronavirus

Massachusetts Democrat Senator Elizabeth Warren announced on Thursday that her 86-year-old brother died from the Coronavirus in Oklahoma. According to the Boston Globe, Warren’s brother, Donald Reed Herring, had undergone treatment for cancer years ago and was hospitalized with pneumonia in February. Herring was then transferred to a recovery center and became infected with the…

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The Gateway Pundit 

The Future of the Democrat Party: Ocasio-Cortez Calls for Broke Unemployed Americans to Boycott Work

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez suggested on Tuesday that broke and unemployed Americans should refuse to go back to work after the lockdown is lifted. It’s hard to get paid if you’re not working. Unless the government bails you out each month. Ocasio-Cortez is allegedly the future of the Democrat Party. .@AOC is calling for a National Work…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Sweden Resisted Suicidal Economic Lockdown – Now Stockholm Expected to Reach “Herd Immunity” in Weeks

Sweden, a country of 10 million, now has 2,021 reported coronavirus related deaths. New York, a state of 19.85 million, now has 20,354 reported coronavirus related deaths. New York state shut down their businesses and issued lockdown orders in March. Sweden left its economy open. Mayor Bill De Blasio says the state will not reopen…

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The Gateway Pundit 

THIS EXPLAINS THE NEW YORK NUMBERS: Governor’s Policies Required Infected Coronavirus Patients Be Sent Back to Nursing Home

The so-called “experts” rarely mention this but the fact is coronavirus kills seniors and compromised individuals. We see this in country after country. New York leads the nation with 20,354 coronavirus deaths. In New York State the law required officials to bring COVID-19 patients back to nursing homes. Official New York policy encouraged infectious COVID-19…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Pelosi Taps James Clyburn to Chair Coronavirus Committee After He Called Devastating Pandemic “Tremendous Opportunity”

In accordance with the democrat doctrine of never letting a good crisis go to waste, Majority Whip James Clyburn told his Democrat colleagues last month the coronavirus pandemic was a “tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.” Clyburn wants to use America’s suffering to reshape the landscape into some kind of Socialist paradise.…

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The Gateway Pundit 

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: In 2017 Dr. Shi from Wuhan Institute of Virology Claimed She Kept a Large Reservoir of Bat Viruses and Related Vaccines

We first mentioned China’s Dr. Shi Zhengli weeks ago on April 9th, long before other news publications.  About a week after our first post, Dr. Shi’s name was finally breaking into the mainstream media reports.  Professor Shi Zhengli was even discussed on Tucker Carlson’s show as well. Chinese Doctor Shi Zhengli was part of a…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Former CIA Analyst and National Security Council Chief of Staff, Fred Fleitz, Praises TGP Post on Bogus Richard Burr Senate Intel Report – Adds More Info in His FOX News Op-ed

Yesterday we reported on the corrupt Senate Intel Committee  report that claims the Russians did indeed impact the 2016 election in their efforts to ensure candidate Trump beat Hillary Clinton. We also reported that this total garbage tale was promoted by the liberal media for the past three plus years and has been totally debunked.…

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The Gateway Pundit 

HUGE: More Evidence that the China Coronavirus Reacts Significantly to Sun and Heat – Like the Flu It Dissipates in Hot Summer Months

The Gateway Pundit reported back on March 21st that based on the data at that time the coronavirus had reacted negatively to heat. This indicates the virus would behave like strains of the flu and die out in the summer months. We added more to this yesterday and today we have additional information to support…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Breaking… US Jobless Claims: 4.42 Million Americans Join Unemployment Ranks in Last Week – The Fauci Model Is NOT Working

The weekly US unemployment numbers grew by 4.42 million jobs this week. This means a total of 26 million Americans are now unemployed due to government enforced regulations. This is the fastest employment decline in US history. The complete destruction of the US economy continues. U.S. Initial Jobless Claims Fall to 4.42 Million – https://t.co/9BvBv3Q7k5…

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The Gateway Pundit 

South Dakota’s Republican Governor Kristi Noem Is Beating Coronavirus Without Strict Shutdown Policies

Many states across the country are living under extremely strict shutdown policies but are still struggling with Coronavirus infections. In South Dakota, Republican Governor Kristi Noem is trying a different strategy, and it seems to be working for the state. Her policies are much less strict, yet they are having success flattening the curve. Breitbart…

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The Gateway Pundit 

DEVASTATING! Renowned French Dr. Didier Raoult DESTROYS Liberal Trump-Hating Media on VA Junk Report on Hydroxychloroquine (VIDEO)

Ever since President Trump mentioned the highly successful studies of hydroxychloroquine treatments on coronavirus patients the media has downplayed and miracle drug. The far left Washington Post led the charge early. Dr. Fauci cheered the use of hydroxychloroquine in treating the MERS virus in 2013 — but played down the drug’s effectiveness this month. Attorney…

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The Gateway Pundit 

Betsy DeVos Blocks Emergency Aid For “Undocumented” Students

Trump’s Secretary of the Department of Education, Betsy DeVos, announced on Tuesday that “undocumented” students will not be eligible for emergency aid. Many of these students are from the DACA program, and are, for some reason, eligible for all sorts of student aid. Politico reports: The Trump administration on Tuesday prohibited undocumented college students from…

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The Gateway Pundit 

HERE WE GO… Bitter Doctor Hires Christine Blasey Ford Attorney Debra Katz to Represent Him in His Upcoming Whistleblower Complaint Against Trump

Earlier today US health official Dr. Rick Bright told reporters he was ousted because he insisted on limiting the use of a drug President Donald Trump has pushed as a Covid-19 treatment despite little clinical evidence it works. Rick Bright was abruptly pushed out of his position as the director of the Biomedical Advanced Research…

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The Gateway Pundit 

BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS: Liberal Media and Drudge Cheer the News That Hydroxychloroquine May Not Be Effective Treatment for COVID-19 Despite the Fact People Are Dying

They are complicit — They have blood on their hands. Ever since President Trump mentioned the highly successful studies of hydroxychloroquine treatments on coronavirus patients the media has downplayed and miracle drug. The far left Washington Post led the charge early. Dr. Fauci cheered the use of hydroxychloroquine in treating the MERS virus in 2013…

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Новости от наших партнёров в Вашем городе


"Теперь полный запрет": кому грозит штраф за остекление балконов уже летом 2024 года

В середине лета вернется зима: погода с 1 июля преподнесет настоящий сюрприз

Власти: созданные в ОЭЗ «Технополис Москва» разработки не имеют аналогов

Вторая смена завершилась в лагере «Патриот» в Мытищах

Музыкальные новости

«Мы можем захватить любую страну». Стоит ли России бояться голода у соседей

В «Башню 2000» вошел инвестор // Часть площадей небоскреба у «Москва-Сити» получил Кирилл Шамалов

Замок Пугачевой в деревне Грязь оценили в 11 млн рублей

Команда Сервисного локомотивного депо «Сольвычегодск» филиала «Северный» ООО «ЛокоТех-Сервис» стала победителем эстафеты ГТО железнодорожных игр «Мы вместе»

Новости России

Атом бывает мирным: ровно 70 лет назад в СССР заработала первая АЭС истории человечества

Российские ветераны о создании идеологии: наша высшая цель — человечность

Делегация чердаклинской школы № 2 стала победителем детского всероссийского конкурса

В Дубне состоялась выездная администрация в Парке семейного отдыха

Экология в России и мире

Дарсонваль: что это, в чём польза, против угрей, выпадения волос и себореи

На Мальдивы – со скидкой

11 страшно ядовитых растений, о которых необходимо знать каждому

Главный врач клиники "Мегастом", стоматолог Владимир Лосев: в каком возрасте оптимально устанавливать брекеты

Спорт в России и мире

Появились новости о здоровье Елены Рыбакиной перед турниром в Англии

Анна Калинская впервые вошла в топ‑20 рейтинга WTA

Российские теннисисты подпишут декларацию о нейтралитете для участия в Уимблдоне

В Беларуси отреагировали на неожиданное решение Арины Соболенко


ТСД промышленного класса Saotron RT-Т510

Началось строительство путепровода между Костромской улицей и Юрловским проездом в Москве

Росгвардейцы приняли участие в акции "Свеча Памяти".

Филиал № 4 ОСФР по Москве и Московской области информирует: В Московском регионе более 62 тысяч семей распорядились материнским капиталом через банки

Топ новостей на этот час


В середине лета вернется зима: погода с 1 июля преподнесет настоящий сюрприз

В Дубне состоялась выездная администрация в Парке семейного отдыха

Свыше 100 человек посетили день мужского и женского здоровья в Мытищах

Вторая смена завершилась в лагере «Патриот» в Мытищах