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The Gateway Pundit 

“This Country Is Your Country Too” – “Hispandering” Mayor Pete Habla Español Speaks to Illegal Aliens in New Hampshire (VIDEO)

While in New Hampshire Mayor Pete Buttigieg celebrated his second place win by ‘hispandering’ to illegal aliens. Pete is the moderate Democrat who like radical Democrats believes in open borders, free healthcare for illegals and the cataclysmic Green New Deal to make America a third world sh*thole. Pete reached out to illegal aliens. Via Breitbart.com: […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Trump National Security Advisor O’Brien on Dismissal of Vindman Brothers from NSC: US Not a Banana Republic Where Lt. Colonels Dictate Policy

National Security Advisor Ambassador Robert O’Brien commented Tuesday night on the abrupt dismissal from the National Security Council last Friday of Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman and his twin brother Army Lt. Col. Yevgeny Vindman, implying that the two were insubordinate and tried to control U.S. policy with regard to their native Ukraine. When asked […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Clinton Fixer John Podesta Lashes Out at President Trump For Attacking Crooked Tony Podesta

John Podesta, a longtime Clinton fixer and brother to Tony Podesta lashed out at President Trump Wednesday morning. John Podesta is one of the dirtiest people in DC (and that’s saying a lot). President Trump was on a rampage Tuesday night after Mueller’s prosecutors recommended Roger Stone serve 7-9 years in prison for process crimes. […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

“You’d Be Surprised!” – Trump Drops Major Hint to Media on Identity of “Anonymous” Anti-Trump Skunk in the White House (VIDEO)

On Tuesday President Trump spoke briefly to reporters from the Oval Office. President Trump was asked about the Roger Stone case during his brief banter with reporters.. President Trump:  No I didn’t speak to the Justice… I would be able to do it if I wanted.  I have the absolute right to do it.  I […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Democrat FORCIBLY REMOVED From Rutgers “Muslims for Peace” Event After Questioning Rashida Tlaib on her Anti-Semitism (VIDEO)

Police forcibly ejected Former NY State Democrat Assemblyman Dov Hikind from a “Muslims4Peace” event at Rutgers University this week. This was after Hikind stood and asked the headliner Rashida Tlaib about her antiSemitic statements. In January a Palestinian boy was found dead in a cistern by Israeli firefighters. The Palestinian press instead reported that the […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Pelosi Accuses Trump of Engaging in “Political Interference” For Tweeting About Roger Stone’s Excessive Sentencing, ‘DOJ Should be Investigated’

Nancy Pelosi House Speaker Nancy Pelosi exploded after President Trump defended his longtime friend Roger Stone from an abusive sentencing recommendation of 7 to 9 years in prison. Federal Prosecutors on Monday recommended Trump confidante Roger Stone serve 7-9 years in prison for process crimes during the Mueller witch hunt. Roger Stone is a non-violent […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

DISGRACEFUL: CNN Has on Serial Liar Andrew McCabe to Discuss Deep State Case against Trump Supporter Roger Stone

This really is rich. The March 2019 inspector general report revealed former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe lied four separate times to Congress. The report led to McCabe’s firing at the FBI. Four different times McCabe lied about leaking classified FBI information to The Wall Street Journal. Despite his record of lying CNN had Andrew […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

VIDEO: Rep. Ratcliffe Gets Failed FBI Chief Chris Wray to Admit FBI Tampered with Evidence and Conducted Illegal Surveillance on Trump Admin.

FBI Director Chris Wray testified before Congress last week on Wednesday in his first public testimony on Capitol Hill since the release of the Justice Department’s inspector general report in December. The cocky FBI Director delivered a unemotional and unconcerned response to the accusations in the IG Report that confirmed the FBI was spying on […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

“This Is the Biggest Political Scandal of Our Time.  Let’s Be Clear!” – Maria Bartiromo Goes Off on Attempted Coup Against Trump (VIDEO)

Two time Emmy winning anchor Maria Bartiromo discussed her observation of the broken mainstream media on Sunday morning.  Her thoughts were absolutely spot on. Maria Bartiromo was on FOX and Friends Weekend on Sunday morning before her regular Sunday morning show Sunday Morning Futures.  She made some powerful and accurate observations about the state of […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

BOOM! President Trump Accuses Bob Mueller of Lying to Congress — He’s Right! Dirty Robert Mueller Lied Several Times in Reports and Testimony

On Wednesday President Trump went off on former special counsel Bob Mueller, who ran a sham investigation for two years on his administration. Mueller ran his witch hunt on Trump despite knowing when he started that there was no collusion or communications between the Trump team and Russia during the 2016 election. The Mueller probe […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Hillary Clinton: Trump a Fascist; ‘Rule of Law and Our Democracy Are in Crisis’

Defeated 2016 Democrat presidential nominee and Russia-hoax coup instigator Hillary Clinton spoke out on Twitter Tuesday night on President Trump, his administration and Republicans, calling Trump a fascist and warning, “the rule of law & our democracy are in crisis.” File screen image. Clinton posted two tweets, one on the Roger Stone sentencing controversy that […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Oops! Senator “Cryin’ Chuck” Schumer Just Inadvertently OUTED One of Schiff’s Whistleblowers – Again!

Nobody can claim Senator ‘Cryin’ Chuck Schumer is the sharpest tack in the box.  He did it again.  He outed one of Rep. Adam Schiff’s fake whistleblowers – again. In late November Crying Chuck inadvertently outed one of Adam Schiff’s fake whistleblowers in a tweet where he referred to “Alexander Vindman and whistleblowers like him“. […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Morning Joe Meltdown: Scarborough Rants ‘Would-Be Dictator’ Trump Would Arrest Every Journalist He Doesn’t Like, WaPo Owner Jeff Bezos if He Could

MSNBC’s Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough went off on an unhinged rant Wednesday morning, calling President Trump a “would-be dictator” who would arrest reporters and even Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos if he could. Scarborough, with wife and co-host Mika Brzenski nodding in agreement by his side, blamed Republicans for not reining in Trump as […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Revealed: Ilhan Omar’s Second Highest Donor, Basim Omar Sabri, Is A Convicted Felon Who Regularly Raises Funds for Hamas

Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar’s second largest donor, Basim Omar Sabri, is a convicted felon who owns millions in property that is dilapidated and unsafe, receiving over 180 regulatory violations. Yaacov Apelbaum shared the following about Ilhan Omar’s donor Sabri: One of Sabri’s properties was “the first Somali mall in the USA” and it collapsed: Sabri […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Mislabeled Sample at UCSD Medical Center Leads to Release of Coronavirus-Positive Patient back into Quarantine

One of the leading medical centers in the nation accidentally released a patient, who tested positive for the coronavirus, back into quarantine. The incident happened at University Of California San Diego, and was the result of a miscommunication with officials at the Atlanta-based Centers For Disease Control. San Diego’s ABC 10 reports: An evacuee who […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

WATCH: AOC and Her White Boyfriend Offer White People ‘Tips’ On Fighting Racism

Far-left radical socialist Alexandria-Ocasio Cortez and her white boyfriend, Riley Roberts, instructed viewers on Instagram Live on how to “chip away” at racism as a White person. Roberts claimed that white people can be racist without actually knowing that they’re racist. “[White people] don’t want to be racist,” claimed Roberts.  “They don’t think that they’re racist, […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

CNN Reporter Says He Spoke to Over 100 Voters in New Hampshire, Couldn’t Find a Single One Voting for Biden

A CNN reporter said that he was conducting his own “sort of unofficial exit poll” in Dover, New Hampshire, during Tuesday’s primary and didn’t find a single person who was voting for former Vice President Joe Biden. Miguel Marquez said that he spoke to over 100 voters and none of them said that they were […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Tom Tancredo: Trump Threatens Democrats’ Primary Strategy to Overthrow America

The only force standing between the United States remaining the country with more freedom, opportunity and prosperity than any place on the planet and the nation becoming a communist, open border shit hole is President Donald Trump. Consequently, Democrats have put all their eggs in the basket of hating, resisting and thwarting the Trump presidency […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Biden and Warren Both Pick Up ZERO Delegates in New Hampshire

Former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Elizabeth Warren both failed to pick up any delegates during the New Hampshire primary. Both candidates were seen as darlings of the Democrat establishment. Senator Bernie Sanders picked up the most delegates, followed by Mayor Pete Buttigieg. The Hill reports that Warren and Biden combined did not even […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

ANOTHER TRUMP RECORD: With 70% of Precincts Reporting Trump Surpasses Vote Total for Every Incumbent President in Last 4 Decades!

Here is an amazing shot from Benjamin Drazen at the rally tonight. THOUSANDS of Trump Supporters lined up early to see President Trump in Manchester on Monday night. MANCHESTER, NH: the line for tonight’s @realDonaldTrump rally is blocks and blocks long, 5 hours ahead. pic.twitter.com/DlU3lXGkc3 — Lisa Desjardins (@LisaDNews) February 10, 2020 Trump supporters started […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

“Stunning” – CNN Admits Biden’s 2020 Run Doomed, ‘A Former Two-Term VP Isn’t Even Finishing in Top Four In New Hampshire’ (VIDEO)

You know it’s bad when CNN admits old Joe’s 2020 campaign is doomed. CNN’s Dana Bash on Tuesday night said the biggest story of the night is the fact that a former two-term Vice President isn’t even finishing top four in the New Hampshire primaries. The Dems threw impeachment at Trump while the fake news […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

“Rod, We’re Proud of You” – Email Shows John Huber Praising Rosenstein Prior to Being Tapped by Sessions to Lead Fake Probe Into Clinton Foundation

John Huber Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch obtained 382 pages of documents showing former DAG Rod Rosenstein’s communications with US Attorney John Huber, Eric Holder, other senior Obama officials and liberal reporters leading up to his appointment of special counsel Robert Mueller. John Huber, the US Attorney tapped by then-AG Jeff Sessions to probe the […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

ANGRY, VIOLENT SOCIALISTS With Weapons Beat President Guaidó On His Return to Venezuela (VIDEO)

Venezuelan President Juan Guaidó was attacked and beaten by angry, violent Socialists on his return to Venezuela on Tuesday. TGP reporter Elda Primera obtained photos of President Guaidó when he landed in Venezuela and before the attack. Guaidó returned to Venezuela after his very successful visits to Europe and America. President Trump honored Juan Guaidó […]

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«Вся Москва была его любимым проектом»: вдова бывшего главного архитектора Москвы Александра Кузьмина о премьере документального фильма о нем

17-миллионный посетитель выставки-форума «Россия» из Волгограда получил в подарок поездку в Нижний Новгород

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«Спорт вдохновляет»: судебные приставы Кузбасса приняли участие в молодежном спортивно-туристическом мероприятии «Гонка профсоюзов - 2024»

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Новости России

ЕС не смог согласовать осуждение мер России в отношении европейских СМИ

Два сквера и территорию благоустроют у водохранилища в Волоколамске

Дзюба выложил фото из спортзала с Малкиным и Ковальчуком

Бейсболисты из Балашихи завоевали бронзу на Первенстве России

Экология в России и мире

Дарсонваль: что это, в чём польза, против угрей, выпадения волос и себореи

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Команда Сервисного локомотивного депо «Сольвычегодск» филиала «Северный» ООО «ЛокоТех-Сервис» стала победителем эстафеты ГТО железнодорожных игр «Мы вместе»

В Татарстане прошла встреча 125 дилеров нижнекамского шинного производителя

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Даниил Медведев представил форму, в которой выступит на Уимблдоне

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