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Новости за 06.03.2018

The Gateway Pundit 

James Woods Takes Fake News CNN’s Jake Tapper to the Cleaners

Patriotic actor James Woods lit up Twitter Tuesday when he dropped in on fake news CNN’s Jake ‘Fake’ Tapper. Very Fake News CNN’s Jake Tapper became the laughing stock of Twitter on Tuesday morning. Tapper tweeted, “If you’re a news organization and the folks in power are constantly praising you, you’re doing it wrong. By […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

REPORT: AG Sessions To Make ‘MAJOR’ Announcement About Sanctuary Cities Tomorrow

On Wednesday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions is scheduled to appear before the California Peace Officers’ Association in Sacramento to make a “major” announcement about Sanctuary Cities. Mercury News reports: Sessions will make the “major sanctuary jurisdiction” announcement at the 26th Annual Law Enforcement Legislative Day, according to a news release from the Department of Justice. The announcement comes […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Linda Sarsour Arrested at Paul Ryan’s Office (VIDEO)

Left-wing darling, Linda ‘Jihad-Against-Trump’ Sarsour was arrested Monday along with other CAIR activists at Speaker Paul Ryan’s office for civil disobedience during a DACA protest. Linda Sarsour, who is best known for her ties to Hamas and for calling for Jihad against the Trump administration was arrested AGAIN Monday. Yahoo reported: Muslim-American leaders have been arrested […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

GLOBALIST PAUL RYAN Hits Trump Again on Proposed Tariffs — Defends Foreign Manufacturers with Inferior Product (VIDEO)

Speaker Paul Ryan pushed back against President Donald Trump’s announcement to place tariffs on foreign aluminum and steel. Paul Ryan, a renowned globalist who joined President Obama in pushing the Trans-Pacific Partnership, attacked President Trump on Monday for his announcement to place tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum. Paul Ryan still has NO INTENTION of […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Liberals Go Ballistic After President Trump Zings Hollywood for Lowest Rated Oscars in History

Jimmy Kimmel opened the Oscars like a far left political rally urging viewers to march for gun control and lobbing insults at Vice President Mike Pence. The 2018 Hollywood Awards shot stumbled to its worst viewership in history on Sunday night.Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com Guess most Americans don’t want to be lectured by […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Dem Rep. Admits Trump-Russia Probe Is “Running Joke” With Fellow Dem Lawmaker, Says Voters Never Ask About It (VIDEO)

On MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Tuesday morning, Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT) admitted that the Trump-Russia probe is a “running joke,” with a fellow Democrat lawmaker, later saying his colleague’s voters never ask about it. When asked by Robert Costa of the Washington Post about why Democrats are not campaigning on the probe, the lawmaker had this […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

All Roads Lead to Clinton Crime Family: All 4 Initiators of Trump Collusion Probe Were Paid by Hillary or Donors to Clinton Foundation

On February 5th this story broke by Ryan Saavedra at The Daily Wire: On Monday The Hill reported that Alexander Downer is a former Clinton associate. Rep. Devin Nunes tweeted about this development on Monday night. New information tonight. Very interesting… https://t.co/RvMwKtwoix — Devin Nunes (@DevinNunes) March 6, 2018 The Deep State FBI didn’t tell […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

NEW JERSEY SCHOOLS Are Pushing 9-Year-Old Kids to Join in March 14th Anti-Gun Walkout Protests

They’re not your kids. They belong to the state now. Radical leftist groups are organizing massive anti-gun walkout protests on March 14th. The protests are part of a nationwide effort by anti-Trump groups to strip Americans of their right to bear arms. One New Jersey father with 9-year-old children received this letter from the school […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Racist South African Political Leader Julius Malema: “Go After the White Man… We Are Cutting the Throat of Whiteness”

In 2011 South Africa youth leader Julius Malema told his supporters that the white farmer’s land must be shared by all black Africans. He was arrested for playing “Kill the Boer (white man)” song at his rallies. Julius Malema later founded the Economic Freedom Fighters, a South African political party. Malema recently called for new […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

PTA Joins Far Left Women’s March Activists in Anti-Gun Walkout Protests Set for March 14th

The California Parent Teacher Association is helping organize the massive anti-gun walkout protests on March 14th. The protests are part of a nationwide effort by anti-Trump groups to strip Americans of their right to bear arms. Far left activist Linda Sarsour, who called for jihad against President Trump, is one of the organizers of the […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Aussie Whose Outlandish Tip Reportedly Helped Launch Deep State Probe on Trump is a Clinton Associate

Aussie diplomate Alexander Downer’s rumored meeting with low level Trump volunteer George Papadopoulos at a London bar in 2014 reportedly started the Deep State probe on Donald Trump. This guy. Downer was best known for agreeing to pose for a photo wearing a pair of fishnet stockings and high heels for a charity promotion in […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

US District Judge Rules Trump Admin Can Withhold $1 Million Funding to Rogue Sanctuary State of California

U.S. District Judge William Orrick refused to order President Trump to pay California $1 million in delayed law enforcement funding over their sanctuary state policies. The Trump administration has withheld $1 million to the Golden State over its rogue illegal immigrant policies. The Washington Times reported: The Trump administration will not immediately have to award […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

WOW! FBI Agent Peter Strzok Knew About Potential Breach Into Hillary Clinton’s Server — But Never Followed Up

Disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok was notified of a potential breach into Hillary Clinton’s server, but failed to follow up in a ‘significant way,’ reports FOX News.  Fox News reported: During the final months of the Clinton email investigation, FBI agent Peter Strzok was advised of an irregularity in the metadata of Hillary Clinton’s server that […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Here is the Broward Sheriff’s Captain Who Told Deputies to Wait Outside as Nikolas Cruz Slaughtered Students and Teachers

Florida – On February 14th, crazed killer Nikolas Cruz unleashed a barrage of bullets onto students and teachers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School which left 17 people dead.  Fox News’ Laura Ingraham later revealed three deputies on scene were told not to run into the school because they weren’t wearing body cameras. These deputies […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

EXCLUSIVE: Trump Aide Sam Nunberg Defends Roger Stone: Just Because Mueller Team Doesn’t Like Roger, “TOUGH SHIT!”

Former Trump aide Sam Nunberg told the Washington Post today he will refuse to appear before a grand jury at the request of special counsel Robert Mueller. Sam Nunberg later asked Jake Tapper on CNN why he should have to compile dozens of emails he exchanged with the likes of former White House strategist Stephen […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

JOHN SOLOMON: FBI Never Told Congress Aussie Diplomat Whose Tip Triggered Russia Probe Is Linked To Clinton Foundation

According to a new report, the FBI failed to brief Congressional investigators on ties between former Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer, the diplomat whose tip prompted the Russia probe, with the Clinton Foundation. John Solomon of The Hill reports: Former Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer’s role in securing $25 million in aid from his country to […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Former CIA Director John Brennan Comes Unhinged – Calls POTUS Trump a Paranoid Charlatan

Former CIA Director John Brennan has been reduced to a pathetic Twitter troll. Brennan, who may have perjured himself in a May 2017 testimony to the House Intel Committee spends his days attacking President Trump and his allies on Twitter.   On Monday morning President Trump unleashed fury from his Twitter account. Trump tweeted: “Why […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Violent Leftists Storm Christina Hoff Sommers Campus Lecture – Try to Shut Down Speech (VIDEO)

Christina Hoff Sommers is an American author and philosopher and leading critic of contemporary radical feminism. Sommers was asked to speak today at Lewis and Clark Law College Portland, Oregon. The radical feminists did not want her to speak on campus. Today’s college campuses are cesspools of radical Marxism. Coalition of student groups (socialist, black, […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Jim Acosta Whines on Live TV After Sarah Sanders Ignores Him “That’s the 3rd Briefing You’ve Not Taken a Question From CNN” (VIDEO)

On Monday, CNN’s resident clown Jim Acosta whined on live t.v. after White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders refused to take a question from him. On Monday, Sarah Sanders brought two wounded veterans to the White House press briefing room. At the end of the briefing, Sarah Sanders wrapped things up by thanking the press […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Former Trump Aide Who Spoke With Mueller’s Team: “Mueller Thinks Trump is the Manchurian Candidate” (VIDEO)

Former Trump aide Sam Nunberg is refusing to appear before a grand jury at the request of special counsel Robert Mueller, reports the Washington Post.  Nunberg spoke to CNN on Monday and he said, “Mueller thinks Trump is the Manchurian candidate.” WOW. In an interview with the Washington Post, Nunberg says he refuses to appear before […]

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Сотрудники столичного спецназа Росгвардии посетили Троице-Сергиеву Лавру

В Якутске состоялся V Международный цирковой форум

Асфальтирование цена за м2 Петербург

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Республика Конго заинтересована в проектах с энергокомпаниями из России

Городские службы перевели на режим повышенной готовности из-за жары в Москве

Миллиард рублей выделили на ремонт сетей водоснабжения в Можайском округе за год

Температура в Москве может превысить отметку в 30 градусов

Экология в России и мире

Врач дерматолог-косметолог Мадина Байрамукова: что делать, если вас ужалила медуза

Сборная СЛД «Чита» одержала победу над командой Камеруна в товарищеском матче по футболу

5 болезней, которых не существует, но которые до сих пор диагностируют

Познание мышления мозга

Спорт в России и мире

Хачанов уступил Руне на предуимблдонском выставочном турнире в Харлингеме

Елена Рыбакина впервые в 2024 году сыграла на Уимблдоне

Зарина Дияс сотворила громкую сенсацию на Уимблдоне-2024

Анна Калинская впервые вошла в топ‑20 рейтинга WTA


Классика Санкт-Петербурга

Более 12 млн раз проехали автомобилисты по платной трассе М-12 Восток

В Москве пройдет 19-я выставка «Интеравто»

CorpSoft24 перевела информационные системы ВДНХ на платформу «1С: Предприятие 8»

Топ новостей на этот час


Больше никакого Chery Tiggo 8: кроссовер вывели из российской линейки

В Якутске состоялся V Международный цирковой форум

Благоустройство проверили на Московской набережной Чебоксар

Асфальтирование цена за м2 Петербург