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Новости за 02.03.2018

The Gateway Pundit 

EPIC FAIL=> Only 13 Delta Passengers Bought Tickets Using NRA Discount That Cost Airline $40 Million Tax Break

As previously reported, Georgia’s Lt. Governor Casey Cagle vowed to kill any tax legislation that benefits Delta unless the company changes its position and fully reinstates its relationship with National Rifle Association. I will kill any tax legislation that benefits @Delta unless the company changes its position and fully reinstates its relationship with @NRA. Corporations […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Prosecutors File Papers Postponing Imran Awan Court Date For Fourth Time As Parties “Assess Their Options” About Wasserman Schultz Laptop

On Friday, prosecutors filed papers postponing former Democrat IT aide Imran Awan’s court case, reports Luke Rosiak of the Daily Caller.  “Prosecutors filed papers today postponing the #ImranAwan court date for a fourth time, to May 4, while the parties “assess their options” about Wasserman Schultz’s laptop, which he had after being banned from the House […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Developing: Here Are Two of the FISA Court Judges Who Rubber-Stamped Illegal Warrants to Spy on Trump’s Camp

Two FISA court judges who rubber-stamped the illegal surveillance warrants signed by Comey, McCabe and Sally Yates to spy on Trump’s campaign have been revealed.   Paul Sperry of the New York Post reported: “DEVELOPING: US Judge Anne C. Conway and US Judge Raymond J. Dearie among the 4 FISA court judges who rubber-stamped illegal […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

BREAKING=> Former AG Alberto Gonzales: I Would Resign if I Was Jeff Sessions (VIDEO)

President Trump slammed his AWOL Attorney General Jeff Sessions for neglecting his responsibilities as US Attorney General. On Wednesday President lashed out at Sessions for asking the Inspector General to look into Obama era FISA abuse. Trump correctly states it “will take forever.” Jeff Sessions went AWOL the day after he was sworn in when […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

MYSTERY: Did Fusion GPS’s Nellie Ohr Evade NSA Surveillance With A Ham Radio?

Nellie Ohr, the wife of Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, was hired by Fusion GPS for the purpose of digging up dirt on then-presidential candidate Donald Trump. One curious detail about Mrs. Ohr is that she obtained an amateur radio license on May 23rd, 2016. Was evading NSA surveillance the motivation behind obtaining the license? ‘ George Parry of The […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

GOP Senator Demands Answers: Why Did FBI Wait Weeks to Act on Weiner Laptop in Clinton Corruption Probe?

In early February the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee released a majority staff report titled “The Clinton Email Scandal And The FBI’s Investigation Of It.” The committee also released thousands of text messages between two agents and lovebirds Peter Strzok and Lisa Page that shed light on the criminal intent of deep state […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Joys of Socialism: Average Venezuelan Has Lost 24 Pounds Per Person – They Are Starving (VIDEO)

Venezuelans pick through trash for food. The children and adults are fighting over garbage now. .@realDonaldTrump @POTUS @VP President Donald Trump, this is in the downtown of Valencia, Carabobo State / Venezuela, children and adults fighting over garbage to be able to feed themselves! Venezuela is a disaster! https://t.co/SvhvOmfj1E — Marcel Castillo (@chachelo) February 28, […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

We Were Right! Deep State Smear Website That Lists Gateway Pundit as Russian Bot Favorite Is Complete #FakeNews Horsesh*t

The Alliance for Securing Democracy calls itself a dashboard tracking Russian Propaganda on Twitter. But its real purpose is to smear websites supportive of Donald Trump and his accomplishments as Russian propaganda. The Advisory Council for Alliance for Securing Democracy includes several #NeverTrumpers and far left hacks including: Michael Chertoff, Bill Kristol, Michael Morell, Mike […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Hah! President Trump Slams Far Left Hack Alec Baldwin for His ‘Terrible Impersonation of Me’ – ‘It Was Agony’ Watching

For the last year-and-a-half Alec Baldwin has played the role of Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live. His character is neither believable or funny. But they keep rolling with it. SNL has not figured out that NOBODY does Donald Trump better than Donald Trump. On Friday President Trump panned Alec Baldwin’s portrayal and his “dying […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Unhinged Liberal in “White Powder” Letter to Trump Jr. Donated to Democrats – Compared Trump to Hitler

On February 12th, a letter addressed to Donald Trump Jr. with an unknown powdery substance was sent to a Manhattan apartment belonging to Donald Trump Jr.’s wife, Vanessa. Vanessa Trump was taken to a Manhattan hospital as precaution. On Thursday, a Beverly, Massachusetts man named Daniel Frisiello was arrested for sending the letter with white […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Pelosi Slams ICE ‘Abuse of Power’ for Arresting ‘Law-Abiding, Patriotic’ Illegal Aliens

Guest post by John S. Roberts at Right Observer: ICE is the enemy to the left, not the lawbreaking illegal aliens themselves. Go figure. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is now upset with ICE for abusing their power by arresting ‘patriotic’ illegals. From CNS News via Weasel Zippers: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi today attacked the Immigration and Customs […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Obama Program May Have Helped Nikolas Cruz Slip Through the Cracks

While students and the liberal media rush to blame the National Rifle Association for the tragic school shooting in Parkland, President Barack Obama’s PROMISE program may have actually helped to keep Nikolas Cruz from failing a background check that would have stopped him from purchasing guns. Last week, Rush Limbaugh discussed the program and how […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Gregg Jarrett: Jeff Sessions Is Not the Attorney General – Sessions Is Kept in the Dark, Out of Major Decisions (VIDEO)

FOX News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett told the Hannity audience what we already knew. Jeff Sessions is not the Attorney General – He’s kept in the dark at the Department of Justice. This was one of the most honest assessments of the AWOL AG this year. Gregg Jarrett: Jeff Sessions has been utterly feckless in […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Chairman Nunes Sends Blistering Letter to AG Sessions: FBI May Have Violated Multiple Criminal Statutes in FISA Application

On Thursday, Chairman Nunes sent a letter to AG Sessions stating the FBI may have violated criminal statutes by using unverified information to obtain a FISA warrant on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page, reports Fox News’ Catherine Herridge. Catherine Herridge reports: The FBI may have violated criminal statutes, as well as its own strict internal […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

TECH GIANTS LAUNCH MASSIVE PURGE of Top Conservative Sites on Facebook, YouTube — WHERE THE HELL IS THE GOP?

Tech Giants Google and Facebook are currently purging conservative content from Facebook and YouTube — They are hiding conservative stories on Google — They are shadow-banning conservative news on all social media. In February Facebook launched a new algorithm to ensure that conservative news would not spread on the social media platform. The algorithm change […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

PAPER: In New Plot Against Trump, Ben Rhodes Establishing “Shadow” National Security Council

Ben Rhodes, former Deputy National Security Advisor for President Obama, has launched what is being described as a “shadow” National Security Council “to serve as a ready-made foreign policy team, no matter which Democrat is elected,” writes Monica Showalter of the American Thinker.  American Thinker reports: His latest scheme is launching a “shadow” National Security Council, called “National Security Action,” […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Stunning. Hillary Clinton Gave Russia the US Technology for Hypersonic Intercontinental Nuke Missiles

On Wednesday Russian leader Vladimir Putin threatened the West with unstoppable intercontinental nuclear missiles. Putin announced that Russia had developed an intercontinental nuclear missile that can’t be stopped or shot down by any country’s defence system The Russian leader said the rocket travels 20 times the speed of sound and has unlimited range. Now we […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Eric Bolling Speaks at Opioid Summit – Chokes Back Tears as He Describes Moment He Found Out His Son Died of Accidental Overdose (VIDEO)

Eric Bolling’s only son, 19-year-old Eric Chase Bolling died in early September of 2016 in what was reported as an accidental drug overdose. Eric Bolling and his wife Adrienne were devastated by the news and received tons of outpouring support from the public. The news of Bolling’s son’s death came only a day after the former Fox […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

RUMBLINGS: Mueller Readying Criminal Charges Against Hackers Responsible For Leaking DNC/Podesta Emails

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is readying criminal charges against Russian hackers allegedly responsible for leaking damaging emails “designed to hurt Democrats in the 2016 election.” NBC News reports: Much like the indictment Mueller filed last month charging a different group of Russians in a social media trolling and illegal-ad-buying scheme, the possible new charges are expected to […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

Mike Flynn Jr. Endorses Virginia Senate Candidate (VIDEO)

Mike Flynn Jr. has thrown his support behind Republican Ivan Raiklin in the Virginia senate race and recorded a video to explain his endorsement. “The 2016 election was only step one when it came to defeating a candidate who would have absolutely brought this country in the continued direction of socialism — if not worse, […]

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The Gateway Pundit 

First Lady and Self-Made Woman Melania Celebrates the Beginning of Women’s History Month – Feminists Respond with Vitriol

On Thursday our beautiful First Lady Melania Trump marked the beginning of Women’s History month from her Twitter account and like clockwork, the feminists responded with vitriol.   First Lady Melania tweeted: March starts #WomensHistoryMonth, a time to celebrate the ways American women have historically changed & continue to shape our society. As we also […]

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Новую детскую площадку установили в Центральном парке Лобни

Июль в столице начнется с жаркой погоды

Квалифицированный инвестор Кокорев назвал уровень ключевой ставки в течение 2024 года

Песков заявил о подготовке визита лидера Палестины Аббаса в Россию

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Работники Улан-Удэнского ЛВРЗ высадили деревья в честь полувекового юбилея БАМ

Почта Банк: россияне на 45% снизили траты в duty free

Контрольный матч. "Спартак" обыграл "Торпедо".

Собянин: 29 и 30 июня в Москве пройдет празднование Дня молодежи

Новости России

Новую детскую площадку установили в Центральном парке Лобни

Квалифицированный инвестор Кокорев назвал уровень ключевой ставки в течение 2024 года

Июнь станет супермокрым месяцем с рекордным количеством осадков в Москве

Одним из погибших при крушении поезда "Воркута — Новороссийск" оказался житель Кубани

Экология в России и мире

Ледяная ловушка: доктор Кутушов рассказал про опасность мороженого в жаркую погоду

Каникулы на Сейшелах

«585*ЗОЛОТОЙ» посчитала, сколько тратят на покупку солнцезащитных очков к лету в Ростове-на-Дону

6 необычных фактов о том, как кишечник влияет на всё тело

Спорт в России и мире

Хачанов и Калинская выступят на турнире в Вашингтоне, который пройдет во время Олимпиады

МОК допустил Медведева и Андрееву к участию в Олимпиаде

Хачанов уступил Руне на предуимблдонском выставочном турнире в Харлингеме

Теннисист из Казахстана не сумел пробиться в основной раунд Уимблдона-2024


ТСМ готовит полигон для конкурса механизаторов

Заместитель Московско-Курского транспортного прокурора в рамках работы мобильной приемной провела личный прием граждан на Курском вокзале г. Москвы

Портативный ТСД корпоративного класса Saotron RT-T70

...Есть чем платить, но я не хочу победы любой ценой. Памятник Виктору Цою в Санкт-Петербурге

Топ новостей на этот час


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