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How Pavel Durov's problems might affect Telegram's security

Tengrinews.kz - Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram and VK, who was detained in France, has agreed to cooperate with the country's intelligence services and has started providing them with information. How Durov's troubles might impact the security and confidentiality of the messenger was discussed by cybersecurity, IT, and marketing expert Evgeny Pitolin.
Pitolin noted that, despite Pavel Durov's significance, he does not represent the entirety of Telegram.

"I am confident that the company's operations, like those of any large corporation, are structured so that the departure, business trip, or even the death of its leader should not impact its functioning. One would hope that the resilience of the system is not dependent on incidents involving its leader. I believe this scenario has been planned for, and fail-safe mechanisms make Durov a useless asset for France, even if much is concentrated in his hands," she stated.

At the same time, the expert noted that positioning Telegram as a fully secure and confidential messenger has been greatly exaggerated from the start.

"The question is how possible it really is to ensure confidentiality in any messenger. I have serious doubts. For instance, many people open messengers, whether it's WhatsApp or Telegram, on their work computers, thereby increasing the risks. By using a messenger on a work computer, you expose all your communication to the risk of leaks," Pitolin warned.

Evgeny Pitolin. Photos from the personal archive
Meanwhile, many scammers have already taken advantage of the situation surrounding Telegram's founder, so Pitolin advises remaining vigilant.

"Many scammers have emerged using alarming predictions as scams. For example, they write: "Telegram is blocked! To copy your data and messages, click here." Such messages are becoming more frequent, so it's crucial to be especially cautious now. Cybercriminals will be the main beneficiaries of this situation," he warned.

It is no secret that many commercial, corporate, and government services are based on Telegram. Bots and chats have become convenient tools for interacting with the public and providing services, including in Kazakhstan. The expert notes that this creates an additional risk: if the messenger suddenly "breaks," it could impact thousands of ordinary users.

"I’m not as concerned for Pavel himself, who has accumulated many questions and will be able to resolve his issues. I feel sorry for those who might become victims of cybercriminals and for those who may suddenly find themselves unable to receive their services properly: quickly and clearly," concluded Evgeny Pitolin.

Recall: The investigation into Telegram was initiated following Pavel Durov's detention by French intelligence services last month.
On August 28, he was released on bail of 5 million euros in Paris. Durov was prohibited from leaving France and required to report to the police twice a week.
It was later revealed that he agreed to cooperate with law enforcement and began providing information that could be used to identify Telegram users. Additionally, it was disclosed that Pavel Durov's brother is being compelled to come to France to give testimony.

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