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United States Crosses The Threshold Into The Dark Age Of Neo-Liberal Totalitarianism

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On January 7th, the US Capitol building in Washington, D.C., is secured with four people dead as a result of the clashes.

Shortly after mid-day on January 6th hundreds of pro-Trump protesters pushed through barriers set up along the perimeter of the Capitol, where they tussled with officers in full riot gear, some calling the officers “traitors” for doing their jobs.

About 90 minutes later, police said demonstrators got into the building and the doors to the House and Senate were being locked.

Shortly after, the House floor was evacuated by police. Vice President Mike Pence was also evacuated from the chamber, where he was to perform his role in the counting of electoral votes.

An armed standoff took place at the House front door, and police officers had their guns drawn at someone who was trying to breach it. A Trump supporter was also pictured standing at the Senate dais earlier in the afternoon.

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The counting of the vote then continued.

The situation is quite suspect, with one woman dying from being shot by authorities and three others dying to “medical emergencies” during the riot.

“One adult female and two adult males appear to have suffered from separate medical emergencies, which resulted in their deaths. Any loss of life in the District is tragic and our thoughts are with anyone impacted by their loss,” Police Chief Robert Contee said.

Smoke grenades were used on the Senate side of the Capitol, as police worked to clear the building of rioters. Windows on the west side of the Senate have been broken, and hundreds of officers are amassing on the first floor of the building.

Trump was blamed for stoking violence and telling his people to resist, despite actually telling them to be peaceful, and not be violent at all, but calling them “special”.

Trump told his supporters to “go home,” but added, “We love you. You are very special.”

Trump struck a sympathetic tone to the rioters he himself unleashed saying, “I know your pain, I know you’re hurt. We had an election that was stolen from us. It was a landslide election and everyone knows it. Especially the other side. But you have to go home now. We have to have peace.”

Social media giants Twitter and Facebook temporarily locked the accounts of US President Donald Trump, “as they scrambled to crack down on his baseless claims about the US presidential elections.”

Twitter hid and required the removal of three of Trump’s tweets “as a result of the unprecedented and ongoing violent situation in Washington, DC,” after the president’s supporters attempted to force Congress to block the appointment of President-elect Joe Biden.

“Future violations of the Twitter Rules, including our Civic Integrity or Violent Threats policies, will result in permanent suspension of the @realDonaldTrump account,” Twitter officials said in a statement. The social media handle used by the president is followed by some 88 million people.

Twitter said Trump’s account would be locked for 12 hours and that if the offending tweets were not removed, “the account will remain locked”.

In a rapidly evolving sequence of events, Facebook and YouTube also took down videos posted by the president.

“This is an emergency situation and we are taking appropriate emergency measures, including removing President Trump’s video,” Facebook Vice President of Integrity Guy Rosen said in a tweet.

“We removed it because on balance we believe it contributes to rather than diminishes the risk of ongoing violence.”

YouTube also removed a Trump video that repeated his baseless attacks on the integrity of the election he lost in November, following its policy barring claims challenging election results.

“As the situation at the United States Capitol Building unfolds, our teams are working to quickly remove live streams and other content that violates our policies, including those against incitement to violence or regarding footage of graphic violence,” said YouTube spokesman Alex Joseph.

Facebook subsequently said it would search for and remove content which praised the storming of the Capitol or encouraged the violence.

The enormous social network said it would also seek to take down additional calls for protests, including peaceful ones, if they breached a curfew imposed in the US capital or any attempts to “restage” the storming of Congress, which a Facebook spokesman described as a “disgrace”.

“We prohibit incitement and calls for violence on our platform,” the spokesperson said. “We are actively reviewing and removing any content that breaks these rules.”

Twitter’s initial actions were aimed at limiting the reach of offending tweets from Trump and others.

“We have been significantly restricting engagement with tweets labelled under our Civic Integrity Policy due to the risk of violence,” the Twitter support team said.

“This means these labelled tweets will not be able to be replied to, retweeted, or liked.”

Trump now has two deleted tweets on his account, with the most recent one remaining being this one:

There were issues throughout the city, federal and local law enforcement responded to reports of possible pipe bombs in multiple locations in Washington, DC, according to a federal law enforcement official. It’s unclear if the devices are real or a hoax, but they’re being treated as real.

A pipe bomb was found at the Republican National Committee’s headquarters earlier Wednesday, an RNC official said. The device was found on the ground outside, along the wall of the headquarters. It was safely detonated by the police, the RNC official said.

At least two suspected pipe bombs were rendered safe by law enforcement, including the one at the building that houses RNC offices and one in the US Capitol complex, a federal law enforcement official told CNN.

Near the scene where one of the pipe bombs was found, police found a vehicle and detained a suspect, and found a rifle and as many as 10 Molotov cocktails, according to a federal law enforcement official.

Finally, after the riots and the storming of Capitol, Joe Biden was confirmed as US President.

The counting of Vermont’s three electoral votes put Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris over the 270-threshold needed to win the presidency.

The Senate and House rejected objections to throw out Georgia and Pennsylvania’s electoral votes for Biden. Republicans also objected to Arizona, Nevada and Michigan’s electoral votes, but the motions failed before they reached debate.

This is a complete and utter defeat of the Republican party, Donald Trump told his supporters to go home and be peaceful, essentially giving up on fighting for any different outcome to an election whose results were advertised as decided long before they were counted.

Republican senators and congressmen all also gave up, entirely capitulating to the Democrats and lifting their support from the US President.

White House Deputy national security adviser Matt Pottinger resigned in response to President Trump’s reaction to a mob of his supporters breaching the US Capitol.

Sen. John Cornyn, a member of the Senate GOP leadership team, said that today “we hit bottom,” before suggesting that the President Trump’s rhetoric led to the attack on the Capitol.

“You get that many people together and get them stirred up, you simply can’t control them,” the Texas Republican said. “And I don’t know what the crowd’s composed of – that’s one reason why you don’t stir people up and say ‘go up and tell the people in the Capitol what you think about it,’ because you’re gonna get some people potentially infiltrating those groups that are gonna do things that you’re not gonna want them to do.”

Former Republican Rep. Charlie Dent expressed his disgust over rioters who stormed the US Capitol building and President Trump’s rhetoric that helped sparked the unrest.

“He’s committed a mortal crime against the republic,” Dent said. “He should have resigned over this, but he won’t, of course.”

The head of a significant United States business group that represents 14,000 companies including Exxon Mobil Corp, Pfizer Inc and Toyota Motor Corp urged senior US officials to consider removing President Donald Trump from office after supporters of the outgoing president stormed the US Capitol.

National Association of Manufacturers President and CEO Jay Timmons said Trump “incited violence in an attempt to retain power, and any elected leader defending him is violating their oath to the Constitution and rejecting democracy in favour of anarchy … Vice President [Mike] Pence, who was evacuated from the Capitol, should seriously consider working with the Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment to preserve democracy.”

The Business Roundtable, an association of chief executives of some of the biggest US companies, said, “The chaos unfolding in the nation’s capital is the result of unlawful efforts to overturn the legitimate results of a democratic election.”

It is likely that the complete demoralization of the Republican party is incoming, and the mainstream portion of the party has already all but surrendered their will to the Democratic victory.

In their surrender, they’re likely losing the majority of the support of the active part of the population that supports them.

It is “highly likely” that what will transpire now is a hollow two-party system, in which both parties follow the same agenda, the pro-globalist elites of the United States.

A new age is dawning in the US, that of neo-liberal totalitarianism, which will bring a new wave of censorship, political witch hunts of the “white oppressors” and the supporters of Trump. The neo-liberal agenda is likely to dominate all spheres of life, especially in the US, but it will also start leaking throughout the world.

For the conservative part of the US society it’s largerly lost fight, with most of the world also expressing their support of Biden, and against Trump and his supporters, disregarding the fact that the US is likely on the brink of civil war.

Australian prime minister Scott Morrison described the events in Washington D.C. as “terribly distressing, they’ve very concerning.”

He added that “as a result, we are making some changes to our travel advice.”

He went on to say: “This is a difficult time for the United States clearly, they’re a great friend of Australia and they’re one of the world’s greatest democracies. And so, we just, our thoughts are with them and we hope for that peaceful transition to take place.”

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in a radio interview that he was “concerned” watching the violent and chaotic scenes unfold in Washington D.C.

“I think the American democratic institutions are strong and hopefully everything will return to normal shortly,” Trudeau told News 1130 in Vancouver, adding that “we’re going to continue to do what we need to do to make sure that Canadians are well served in our relationship with the United States, regardless of how things unfold.”

The Chinese Embassy in the U.S. advised Chinese nationals to “exercise caution before going to public places,” according to a translation posted on Twitter by Economist journalist Simon Rabinovitch.

In article on its home page, the state-backed Global Times newspaper said: “Chinese web users still remember the distress and anger they felt when they saw rioters in Hong Kong storming the Legislative Council Complex, scrawling graffiti, smashing and robbing items, and, instead of condemning the violence, U.S. politicians hailed the ‘courage’ of these mobs.”

Repeating calls for the rioters to respect democracy, French foreign minister Jean-Yves Le Drian condemned the violence.

“The American people’s will and vote must be respected,” he wrote on Twitter.

“The enemies of democracy will be delighted at these terrible images from Washington DC,” tweeted Germany’s foreign minister Heiko Maas, after the Trump supporters were photographed vandalizing lawmakers’ offices, waving Confederate flags, and scaling walls inside the Senate Chamber.

“Trump and his supporters must accept the decision of American voters at last and stop trampling on democracy.”

Indian prime minister Narendra Modi, who has been accused by critics of undermining democracy in India, tweeted of his distress at seeing “news about rioting and violence in Washington DC.”

He added: “Orderly and peaceful transfer of power must continue. The democratic process cannot be allowed to be subverted through unlawful protests.”

Ireland’s Taoiseach Micheál Martin, who had warmly welcomed Joe Biden’s election victory, expressed sadness over the events at the Capitol.

“The Irish people have a deep connection with the United States of America, built up over many generations,” Martin tweeted. “I know that many, like me, will be watching the scenes unfolding in Washington DC with great concern and dismay.”

Luigi Di Maio, Italy’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, tweeted that the storming of the Capitol was “a real disgrace to democracy” and “an attack on the freedoms of the American people.

He added: “We strongly condemn all forms of violence and hope that there will be an orderly and peaceful transfer of power as soon as possible.”

“We hope that the democracy of America will overcome this turmoil and regain the peace and cooperation of society,” said Katsunobu Kato, the Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary.

“We take seriously and with concern the invasion into the US Congress and the filibuster that occurred,” he continued. “Currently, we understand that the invasion into the U.S. Congress has been eliminated and proceedings have resumed. According the media reports, one woman died in this series of events and we would like to express our condolences.”

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte directly addressed the outgoing President, urging him to recognize President-elect Joe Biden “as the next president today.”

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez expressed his confidence in the “strength of America’s democracy” and said he was following with concern the news coming from the Capitol in Washington.

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven said Wednesday’s events in Washington D.C. were “deeply worrying,” and “an assault on democracy.”

He called for the democratic process to be respected. Löfven also directly referenced Trump, tweeting that both Trump and members of Congress “bear substantial responsibility for developments.”

Joanne Ou, a spokewoman for Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said “Taiwan’s foreign ministry expresses regret for the clashes. We will continue to pay close attention to relevant developments.”

She added: “Taiwan’s representative office in the U.S. especially reminds Taiwanese people living there to raise their awareness, pay attention to their own safety and avoid going out during the curfew. The representative office will also provide needed assistance to Taiwanese nationals living in the Washington area.”

It is interesting to see Taiwan’s response, since it is one of the countries that enjoyed the most support in the Trump era.

Turkey’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said “We are following with concern the internal developments happening in the U.S. following the Presidential elections which culminated in the Capitol Hill building being breached by protesters today.”

It added: “We call on all parties in the U.S. to maintain restraint and prudence. We believe the U.S. will overcome this internal political crisis in a mature manner.”

The ministry advised Turkish citizens in the U.S. “to avoid crowded areas and places where protests are taking place.”

British Prime Minister and longtime Trump ally Boris Johnson condemned the “disgraceful scenes in U.S. Congress” on Twitter, calling for “a peaceful and orderly transfer of power.”

The Venezuelan Ministry for Foreign Relations posted a communique to its website condemning “the political polarization and the spiral of violence that does nothing but reflect the deep crisis that the United States political and social system is currently undergoing.”

The Trump Administration has previously attempted to oust Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro in favor of opposition leader Juan Guaido.

“With this unfortunate episode, the United States is experiencing what it has generated in other countries with its policies of aggression,” the Ministry for Foreign Relations said.

Finally, the flagship of globalism, the alliance of the unwilling NATO, also expressed its opinion on the matter.

Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization that comprises 30 European and North American countries, urged for respect for the democratic process in the U.S., calling the scenes from Washington D.C. “shocking.”

The situation is all but concluded, with Biden confirmed president and the last 13 days of Trump remaining in office, unless he is somehow removed.

The United States is officially entering the dark age of the neo-liberal totalitarianism. The only obstacle standing on the way of the full transformation of the country towards the neo-liberal/globalist/minority-ruled regime is the grassroots resistance of patriotic conservative groups.


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