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Supporters Of Global Deep State Suffer Setbacks In European Parliament Elections. But This Would Change Nothing

On May 26th, people of the European Union went to the polling booths to vote for members of European Parliament....

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Supporters Of Global Deep State Suffer Setbacks In European Parliament Elections. But This Would Change Nothing

The European Parliament, circa 2012. Click to see full-size image

On May 26th, people of the European Union went to the polling booths to vote for members of European Parliament.

The biggest winner by far was voter turnout, since these elections saw the highest activity after 40 years of declining participation. The 50% turnout was reached.

Supporters Of Global Deep State Suffer Setbacks In European Parliament Elections. But This Would Change Nothing

Click to see full-size image

For the first time since 1989, the center-right European People’s Party (EPP) fell below 25 percent of the vote, with the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D) in the European Parliament just shy of 20%. The third biggest party was the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe + Renaissance + USR PLUS (ALDE&R) at 14.51%.

The grand coalition between the EPP and the S&D blocs will lose their majority in the 751-seat legislature.

The EPP came in first place with 180 seats, down sharply from 216 seats in the 2014 election. The S&D came in second with 146 seats, down from 185 in the last election. Third came in the ALDE&R, a centrist party, with 107 seats, a huge jump from 69 seats in the last election.

The Greens made gains to 70 seats, from 52 in the last parliament. The European Conservatives and Reformists Group (ECR) won 58 seats. The EU’s “Green wave” remained geographically limited. Green parties finished second and third in countries including Germany, France, Finland and Luxembourg. Yet Green parties have won no seats in Southern and Eastern Europe.

The so-called “Euroskeptics” made gains, the Europe of Nations and Freedom Group (ENF) and Europe of Freedom and Direct Democracy (EFDD), won 58 and 56 seats, respectively. Combined, these parties won 33 seats more compared to the last election.

In Hungary, Viktor Orbán’s ruling Fidesz party scored 53% which also marked the biggest success of euroskeptics in the bloc.

Fidesz will now need to decide whether to stay within the EPP, or to branch out and join a Euroskeptic party group.

In Italy, Matteo Salvini’s Right League party won 35% of the vote. In France, Marine Le Pen’s National Rally won 23.3%. In the UK, the Brexit Party and Nigel Farage won 31.7% of the vote.

“Not only is the League the first party in Italy, but also Marine Le Pen is the first party in France, Nigel Farage is the first party in the UK. Therefore, Italy, France, the UK – it is the sign of a Europe that is changing.”

In Spain, the Socialist Party (PSOE) won the elections with 33% of the vote, pushing down the Popular Party (PP) from the leading position it had held since 2014. It should be noted that in Spain Catalonia’s former separatist president Carles Puigdemont, who fled Spain in 2017 after a failed secession bid, and his ex-deputy Oriol Junqueras, currently in jail, were elected to the European Parliament.

Spain’s conservative Vox party entered the European chamber for the first time, earning 6% of the vote and three MEPs

And across the Parliament, Euroskeptic parties look set to end the night with 235 seats, not all of those are part of the Euroskeptic bloc, since some are part of EPP or others, but allegiances might change.

The European United Left-Nordic Green Left (GUE/NGL) secured 38 seats, down 14, while Others/Non-attached won the remaining 35 seats.

The voting results show a general discontent of the voters with the current state of the EU bureaucracy and the disregard of sovereign national interest.

Despite this, parties representing the European branch of the Global Deep State largerly remained in control of the European Parliament. Political forces representing interests of the European nations and states failed to deliver a devastating blow to the bureaucracy and globalists and would remain in the opposition.

This is an important symptom of the current state of the EU political landscape. The wave of terrorist attacks and violence as well as the radicalisation of the society and the decreasing  real earnings of the population did not affect the mainstream political parties as much as some experts had expected. Taking into account this and the large-scale propaganda campaign in the maisntream media in the support of the globalist, “neo-liberal” world order, constructive European political forces would likely not be able to strengthen their positions further in the next electoral cycle. The window of opportunities to change the curren course and move towards the national and indusrial development of the core European countries is closing.

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