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OFC U-16 Men’s Championship Ready For Kick Off In Tahiti


Press Release – Oceania Football Confederation

Eight teams will compete for three places at next years FIFA U-17 Mens World Cup in Qatar, the first time OFC has had three representatives at a FIFA competition.

OFC Media via Phototek:Team captains (left to right Yvrick Hmae,Kennedy Sihiu,George Aru, Alex Lienard, Tiahiti Colombani, Kingston Hansell, Maikah Dau, George Temata Rouru) / Supplied

Vanuatu coach Emerson Alcantara believes the OFC U-16 Men’s Championship which kicks off in Tahiti tomorrow is the most important OFC tournament on the men’s competition calendar.

Eight teams will compete for three places at next year’s FIFA U-17 Men’s World Cup ™ in Qatar, the first time OFC has had three representatives at a FIFA competition.

Group A features New Zealand, Cook Islands, Fiji and Vanuatu with New Caledonia, Samoa, Solomon Islands and hosts Tahiti in Group B.

Alcantara whose side plays pre-tournament favourites New Zealand in the opening match of the tournament in Stade Fautaua in Papeete, highlighted the importance of using the competition to prepare the players to play at the highest level.

“The most important thing we can give the players is to play the international game for the first time, of course everyone wants to go to the World Cup, but the most important thing is we give confidence to these new young boys. I think it’s the most important tournament we have, to prepare the players for the senior team.” Alcantara said.

The passionate Brazilian is thrilled to have a chance for Vanuatu to test themselves against New Zealand first up.

“New Zealand push us to get better every year and to develop players push so that one day we can beat them.”

Alcantara turned to New Zealand coach Martin Bullock (at the pre tournament media conference) and said, ‘Now I say, coach, don’t stop this because you push us, we train hard in our countries to get to the level of your country, thanks so much.”

Fiji have often been described as the ‘sleeping giant’ of Oceania football. They have a strong development programme and coach Sunil Kumar has high hopes for his players.

“We have set our objective very clear from the first day with the staff and the players that we want to create history for Fiji. We want to be the first Fijian team to win the OFC Under-16 Championship. We want to show the Fijian flair and our identity of being fearless.” Kumar said ahead of his side’s opening match tomorrow against the Cook Islands.

New Caledonia coach Leo Lopez admitted it had been a difficult preparation for his side against the backdrop of the civil unrest in the country.

“With a difficult context to prepare for the tournament. But despite everything, thanks to the Federation and to the Government we were able to train. The parents of the players have made great sacrifices to be able to bring the young players to the training ground, and we try to do our best to represent the country.” Lopez said.

New Zealand coach Martin Bullock disputed being tagged tournament favourite, partly because this is the first taste of international football for all the players.

“I don’t know if we are favourites. We’ve potentially got more resources and a bigger player pool than the other countries. We are probably labelled favourites based on history. I don’t think anything’s won based on history. This is a new group of players, like everyone else has got. So, we’ll see over the first couple of group games, we’ll see where we sit alongside everyone else. “Bullock said.

The Solomon Islands side may have been the last to arrive in Papeete, but they may also be the best prepared. The same group of players won the OFC U-16 Men’s Qualifying tournament in Tonga in April.

“It’s a different competition altogether, and it’s a challenge for us that we’re going to give our best. And we expect some outcome from the competition to please our passionate fans back home.” Said coach Eddie Rukumana.

The top two teams in each Group advance to the semi-finals with the two finalists and the winner of the third-place playoff booking their tickets to Qatar next year.

All matches are LIVE and FREE on FIFA +. https://bit.ly/4cOwgPk

Content Sourced from scoop.co.nz
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