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Top 8 nutrition rules for muscle growth

Proper nutrition for muscle growth. Diet at home. A person who decides to seriously engage in sports should think about proper nutrition. The main task of the bodybuilder is to increase muscle mass and endurance during training. It’s no secret that the builder of muscle tissue is protein, which must be present in the diet. Consider what nutrition should […]

Запись Top 8 nutrition rules for muscle growth впервые появилась Новости медицины, здравоохранения и фармакологии - РИА АМИ (АМИ-ТАСС).

Proper nutrition for muscle growth. Diet at home.

A person who decides to seriously engage in sports should think about proper nutrition. The main task of the bodybuilder is to increase muscle mass and endurance during training. It’s no secret that the builder of muscle tissue is protein, which must be present in the diet. Consider what nutrition should be for muscle growth.

Protein — as a basis for nutrition of athletes

For proper nutrition of the body, it is necessary to build a home diet so that the body does not suffer from a lack of trace elements, in particular protein. Its amount should be more pronounced in relation to fats and carbohydrates. The following proportions must be observed: 55% protein, 35% carbohydrates, 10% fat. This amount per day is enough to maintain the body normal. During exercise, a fraction of the protein will generate energy to break down excess fat with carbohydrates. An increase in the amount of protein will lead to a load on the liver. You can easily calculate the individual amount of protein for each individual on pages top fitness blog. The arithmetic is as follows: for every kilogram of its own weight should be 2 — 3 grams of protein. Under this condition, subcutaneous fat is burned, due to which muscles are drawn.

Protein foods and dishes

Here is a list of products that contain a large amount of protein:

  1. Lean meat (beef, lamb).
  2. Chicken products (fillet, breast, turkey).
  3. Seafood (salmon fish, mackerel, herring).
  4. A variety of dairy products (milk, bifidoc, fermented baked milk, cheeses and cottage cheese).
  5. Chicken eggs (fresh).
  6. Protein-rich cereals (buckwheat, rice, wheat, oatmeal).
  7. Berries and fruits (banana, grapes, avocado).
  8. Boiled potatoes.

This is not a complete list. You can add something from your preferences. Improvising in cooking is not prohibited. On the contrary, you need to find the right solution in mixing the ingredients, getting the maximum benefit from the presence of protein. A sample menu looks like this: today, boiled beef fillet with boiled potatoes. The next day, at lunch, cook chicken breast with buckwheat porridge. Do not forget that vegetable protein for muscle growth is no less important on the way to an ideal figure.

Of course, everyone understands that meat products, although dietary, are of the nature of heavy food. Therefore, it is recommended to consume such products at a certain time. Cheeses, milk, and mashed potatoes should be added to the morning diet. For lunch, meat products with a side dish are preferred. For dinner, porridge with cottage cheese is recommended.

It is important! Protein for muscle growth is an indispensable condition. If you want to build muscle mass, its content in the daily diet should be close to 50%.

Top 8 Nutrition Rules for Muscle Gain

Before you start training, you need to carefully work out the diet, especially bodybuilders, make a list of the necessary products for preparing a variety of dishes. For food to be a pleasure, you need to make a menu of proper and at the same time delicious nutrition. Having properly planned the diet, you can start playing sports. Is it hard to get your thoughts together? To facilitate, here are some tips that will help in this difficult task.

Many calories

It is very important to calculate the calorie content of each product. Do not allow their overabundance. Only 100 calories are above the norm and you can forget about the growth of muscle mass. The metabolic rate provoked by excess calories will take energy to remove excess calories from the body. The growth of muscle tissue will stop, which will entail your disappointment in sports.

For people with low weight, with normal growth, it is recommended to add 10% of the calorie intake with nutrition. Lack of calories will slow down the process of muscle building, taking energy to work the whole body. But an excess of calories will lead to the deposition of fat folds inside the body.

Regular meals

If possible, plan your food intake so that there are no big breaks in nutrition. Never feel hungry. The number of meals does not play a role in building muscle. The main thing is to deliver the necessary calories to the body. Professionals advise replenishing the body 4 to 5 times a day, strictly observing the quality of food and its calorie content. You can eat at any time, the main thing is not to starve and monitor the consumed proteins, carbohydrates, fats. It makes no sense to make a daily hourly schedule for meals, knowing that you can not do it.

Sports nutrition


If you get the desired calories from ordinary food, it turns out with great difficulty or is generally unattainable, you can resort to the help of specially designed nutrition for athletes. They are called a protein shake (egg, protein). Gainers are different. A gainer is a mixture of protein and carbohydrates in the right proportion. The composition contains high quality protein (concentrate or isolate). When buying, pay attention to the calorie content of this product. Excess calories turn into fat. Making a gainer is quite simple on your own by selecting the right ingredients. An example of one of the recipes: Take whey protein with a small addition of cottage cheese as a basis, add oatmeal and nuts at your discretion. Various fruits or berries (frozen can be useful) are useful for taste. We mix the whole composition with a blender and as a result, a cocktail with the necessary calories and trace elements. Its use allows you to replace the usual meal.

Proper nutrition before and after training

You need to know how and when to eat before and after exercising. The composition of the product will play a major role in achieving excellent results during training and recovery after it. Since carbohydrates are the source of energy during exercise, you need to take the necessary amount of this material 1 hour before training. The protein is assigned an equally important task, it builds our body from the inside. We accept 1 hour before classes. At the end of the workout, after 30 minutes we repeat the intake of these components, excluding fats, which slow down the digestive system.

Bedtime meal

At night, the body should have a good rest, so you need to adhere to the daily routine. During sleep, protein will protect muscle cells from destruction. Decaying into amino acids, he uses all his strength to create new muscle fibers. A protein-rich body will not starve while you sleep. Casein protein or just low-fat cottage cheese will help with this. In case of slow muscle building, you can take a cocktail, even if you woke up at night.

Body type

Everyone needs to choose nutrition methods and make up a diet. Since most people have different body patterns, ectomorphs (people with low weight and normal height) should consume an increased amount of calories and carbohydrates. Eat foods containing fatty components. Endomorphs (overweight people), on the contrary, need to exclude high-calorie foods from the diet so that excess calories do not turn into fat. Mesomorphs (people with a normal weight for their growth) having increased the calorie content of food consumed by 10 — 15 percent have a good result from training.

Cooking food

Using a variety of cooking methods at home, avoid consuming fried foods. No more than once a week you can resort to this type of food. Boiled or baked food will be a good help in achieving maximum results. An indispensable helper is a slow cooker or a double boiler, where products do not lose their nutritional properties.

Carbohydrate intake

In the morning hours after waking up, additional energy is needed, since the evening supply for the night has already run out. Carbohydrates should be taken during breakfast and at lunch, as well as an hour before training. The body must contain a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, otherwise fatigue will make itself felt ahead of time.


From the review of the article it follows that effective growth of muscle tissue is achieved by eating a sufficient amount of protein products. The list of protein products is quite extensive, so you will not have to eat the same type of food. Do not forget that in addition to nutrition, a set of muscle mass requires a properly designed training program in the gym. If you still have questions, consult with a specialist.

Запись Top 8 nutrition rules for muscle growth впервые появилась Новости медицины, здравоохранения и фармакологии - РИА АМИ (АМИ-ТАСС).

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