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В Звенигороде прошло торжественное открытие колокола весом 35 т

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Новости за 08.10.2020

Real Clear World 

China Turning Russia’s Taiga Into a Desert

Paul Goble, Jamestown

Since Vladimir Putin became president, Russia’s forests have declined in size by 45 million hectares, some 6 percent of the country’s total. The shrinking forest cover has been the result of the spread of uncontrolled forest fires (80 percent) as well as increased harvesting (20 percent), much of that for export. That distinction between losses from fires and regular cutting, however, is less sharp than one might expect: many Russians allege that some of the fires, especially in Siberia and the Russian Far East... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

The Split in Putin's Regime

Tatiana Stanovaya, Riddle
Tatiana Stanovaya on how dreams of greatness can in fact erode the Russian state

Real Clear World 

Iran's Declining Regional Influence

William Gourlay et al, Lowy Interpreter
Tehran capitalised on US mistakes in the Middle East, but its proxy wars and consistently aggressive façade have a cost.

Real Clear World 

Macron Is Worried About Le Pen, Not Islam

H.A. Hellyer, Foreign Policy

The French president’s talk of a crisis among French Muslims is the latest example of mainstream politicians pandering to the far-right.  

Real Clear World 

The False Promise of Regime Change

Philip Gordon, Foreign Affairs
As U.S. policymakers contemplate dealing with regime change in the Middle East, they should see the patterns of self-delusion and misjudgment that have time and again made regime change so temptingâ?"and, ultimately, so disastrous.

Real Clear World 

Empire of Graveyards

Emran Feroz, Foreign Policy
Nineteen years ago, the United States began its war in Afghanistan. What is it leaving behind?

Real Clear World 

Southeast Asia Isn’t Interested in a New Cold War

Daniel Larison, Am. Cons.

Southeast Asia is a region that the U.S. has largely neglected over the last thirty years, and when it has paid attention it has often pursued policies that have alienated many of the states there. China has steadily built up its economic, diplomatic, and cultural influence throughout the region, and it has strengthened its ties to ethnic Chinese minorities in many of these countries. Today the countries of Southeast Asia want continued economic cooperation with China... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

How Much Will Turkey Change After Erdogan?

Iain MacGillivray, ASPI Strategist

It’s no mystery that the radical changes Turkey has undergone since 2002 can be attributed to prime minister-cum-president Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Adalet ve Kalkinma Partisi (AKP), or Justice and Development Party.

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Real Clear World 

How Nagorno-Karabakh Challenges NATO

Ido Vock, New Statesman
The flare-up demonstrates what some will characterise as the obsolescence of Cold War era military alliances.

Real Clear World 

The Indonesian Police’s Dual Function Under Jokowi

M. Supriatma, EAForum
The Indonesian National Police is now acting as both a security force and political agent, helping to silence critics and persecuting those who threaten the president's power

Real Clear World 

A New US Embassy in Iraq?

Caroline Rose, Geopolitical Futures
Last week, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi received a phone call that he had been dreading since he took the premiership in May. On the line was

Real Clear World 

British Archaeology Falls Prey to Turkish Nationalism

A. Zaman, Al Monitor

The decision to seize seed collections from the British Institute at Ankara are linked to the Turkish president's wider Islamo-nationalist campaign.

Read more: https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2020/10/turkey-seed-bank-british-archaeobotanical-erdogan-ata-tohum.html#ixzz6aEA1a5Hy

Real Clear World 

China and Rare Earths: Why We Should Care

June Teufel Dreyer, FPRI

A U.S. rare earth mineral strategy should . . . consist of national stockpiles of certain rare earth elements, reestablishing rare earth mineral processing in the U.S. by implementing new incentives and removing disincentives, and [research and development] around new forms of clean rare earth mineral processing and substitutes. We will need your help.

Real Clear World 

China Knows It Is Gaining, Fast

Frederick Kempe, Atlantic Council

As our new era of U.S.-Chinese major power competition accelerates, this week’s train wreck of an American presidential debate, followed more dramatically on Friday by President Trump’s positive Covid test and hospitalization, contribute both to the perception and reality of Beijing’s historic gains.

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Новости от наших партнёров в Вашем городе


Спрос на длительную аренду загородного жилья в России вырос летом на 43%

Минниханов прибыл на XX Международный мусульманский форум в Москве

В Пулково задержали пять, и отменили шесть рейсов

"Мармакс": спрос на обновленную IT-ипотеку за два месяца вырос в 1,5 раза

Музыкальные новости

База ЧВК «Вагнер» загорелась под Краснодаром

Лавров заявил об отсутствии у Москвы предпочтений на выборах президента США

Песков: Путин выступит на Российской энергетической неделе

Агент Сафонов: Дзюба в «Акроне» может так стрельнуть, что все офигеют!

Новости России

Спрос на длительную аренду загородного жилья в России вырос летом на 43%

Технологический ренессанс: завершено возведение первой очереди технопарка «ЗИЛ»

Глава Дубны посетил предприятие по производству частей для летательных аппаратов

гойда алиса журналист чебоксар юра валентинов

Экология в России и мире

Свыше трёх тысяч зависимых в Свердловской области уже приняли решение избавиться от смертельной привычки

Сырые и опасные. Какие продукты могут заразить вас паразитами

Криптовактивы и новости блокчейн: с чего начать изучение?

Электрокардиостимуляторы для сердца - 40 грамм, которые могут изменить жизнь

Спорт в России и мире

Котов проиграл О'Коннеллу в первом круге турнира ATP в Чэнду

Карацев вылетел с турнира ATP в Ханчжоу

Россиянин Алибек Качмазов вышел в основную сетку турнира ATP-250 в Чэнду

«Это очень лёгкое чувство». Даниил Медведев — об ощущениях перед началом Кубка Лэйвера


Загоралось утро....

В Ленобласти отремонтировали участки на Ропшинском и Староприозерском шоссе

Завершается ремонт дорог к спортивным объектам в Свердловской области

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Бабьего лета не будет: россиян предупредили и приходе волны заморозков

Холод придет резко и без стука: Роман Вильфанд назвал точные даты окончания летней погоды

МО РФ рассекретило архивные документы об освобождении Таллина от фашистов