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Новости за 21.09.2016

Real Clear World 

The Georgia Imperative for the West

L. Todd Wood, Washington Times
During the eight years of the Obama administration, the transformation of former Ottoman territory has been sweeping and complete.

Real Clear World 

Trudeau Gives Bizarre Speech, U.N. Loves It

John Ivison, National Post
The lesson from both Obama and Trudeau is that if everyone just did more nice things, and not so many awful things, things would be much nicer.

Real Clear World 

What Is India Now to Do With Pakistan?

M.K. Narayanan, The Hindu
The question is: quo vadis, India-Pakistan relations? Tensions remain high on both sides. All of India feels that mere impotent rage and euphuistic excesses are insufficient. There is clamour for action, all the more because the present government had come into office promising strong action against Pakistan after accusing the United Progressive Alliance government of pusillanimity vis-à -vis the neighbour. The shoe is now on the other foot, and the wearer is since learning where the shoe pinches.

Real Clear World 

Putin Has Finally Reincarnated the KGB

Andrei Soldatov, Foreign Policy
Twenty five years after the end of the Cold War, the Soviet Union's most infamous spy agency is back in all but name.

Real Clear World 

Toward a Pilotless Europe

Desmond Lachman, American Enterprise Institute
Anyone who doubts that Angela Merkel's political star is on the wane need only look to last weekend's dismal Berlin local election results. Anyone who doubts that Mrs. Merkel's dominant political position will be sorely missed in the year ahead has only to consider that Europe will need very strong leadership to avoid a “hard” Brexit, to orchestrate a Greek public debt restructuring, and to bailout the hapless Italian economy if need be.

Real Clear World 

Five More Lessons From Another Terror Attack

Greg Gutfeld, Fox News
What's truly intriguing about the attacks over the weekend, wasn't the attacks themselves -- but the responses to them.

Real Clear World 

New York's Rational Response to Terror

Adam Gopnik, New Yorker
New Yorkers' response to the weekend's bombings was not merely “bold” or “courageous” but something even better: cool, plain, dull indifference.

Real Clear World 

Two Ex-Spies and Donald Trump

Thomas Friedman, New York Times
Being unpredictable as a leader is fine, if you know where you're going and it is a tool to get you there by keeping foes off balance. But being unpredictable because you have no discipline; because you think issues like ISIS are just a manhood test; because you have not studied the issues so anything can come out of your mouth; and because you don't realize that when we tell countries like Japan or South Korea or our NATO allies that we might not protect them from Russia or China... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

U.N. Leader's Final Speech: The World Is Just Awful

Joshua Keating, Slate
In his final address to the U.N. General Assembly, the normally taciturn U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said that he felt “deep concern” as he prepares to leave office before launching into a litany of world leaders' recent failures.

Real Clear World 

May's First Foreign Policy Move: British Troops to Somalia

Tom McTague, Politico EU
NEW YORK — Brexit might mean Brexit, but Britain still wants to be a player on the world stage.That, at least, was the message Theresa May wanted the world to hear as she addressed the United Nations general assembly in New York Tuesday.

Real Clear World 

Trump's Israel Ground Game

Katie Glueck, Politico
The Trump organizing efforts are more extensive in the West Bank than in West Palm Beach, Fla.

Real Clear World 

The Other North Korean Threat

Scott MacDonald, National Interest
Regime change may be as serious a threat as Pyongyang's nuclear weapons.

Real Clear World 

The Enduring Beijing-Pyongyang Axis

David Feith, Wall Street Journal
Pyongyang is undeniably a liability for Beijing. Its policies raise the risk of war in Asia; they deepen the regional U.S. military presence and bind the U.S. closer to South Korea and Japan; and many Chinese are embarrassed to support such a backward regime. But China's leaders take ideology seriously, as they do “stability” and other oft-cited motivations for backing Pyongyang. Communist solidarity, with its old affinities and paranoias, dies hard.

Real Clear World 

What Hugo Chavez Tells Us About Donald Trump

Alberto Barrera Tyszka, NY Times
MEXICO CITY — Long before becoming president, when he was a soldier, Hugo Chávez organized cultural activities, most notably beauty pageants. On a stage, microphone in hand, Mr. Chávez served as host, pumping up the audience and announcing the winner. The showman in him already struggled to emerge from under the uniform. Mr. Chávez said he imitated the proceedings he had seen on television in these improvised contests. This is how he learned to play to an audience.

Real Clear World 

Violence in DR Congo as Kabila Tightens Grip

Deutsche Welle
DR Congo's Interior Ministry reports that 14 civilians were killed as well as three policemen. One was reportedly "burned alive" during protests against President Joseph Kabila's failure to schedule elections.

Real Clear World 

Why Would Putin Create a KGB 2.0?

Mark Galeotti, European Council on Foreign Relations
If true, this would be a serious shift in policy, reflecting a dawning awareness on Putin's part that his old strategies for governing Russia are looking increasingly ineffective.Â

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