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Новости за 14.06.2016

Real Clear World 

Britain's Coming Independence Day

Douglas Carswell, New York Times
Let's recognize this referendum for what it is. We're voting for reclaiming the principles of democratic self-determination on which the United States was founded. America celebrates its independence on July 4. In years to come, Britons may celebrate ours on June 23.

Real Clear World 

Obama's Bitter Afghan Legacy

Brahma Chellaney, Project Syndicate
Over the last 14 years, the US has given Pakistan more than $33 billion in aid and armed it with lethal weapons, ranging from F-16s and P-3C Orion maritime aircraft to Harpoon anti-ship missiles and TOW anti-armor missiles. And yet Pakistan continues to provide the Afghan Taliban a safe haven within its borders.

Real Clear World 

ISIS's Long Game in Syria

Hassan Hassan, The National
Hassan Hassan on the merger of the three extremist forces loyal to ISIL in Dreaa. This is a big and ominous development, he says

Real Clear World 

Does Islam Need a Reformation?

Watch part one of RealClearWorld's recent interview with author Shadi Hamid on his latest book, "Islamic Exceptionalism: How the Struggle Over Islam Is Reshaping the World."

Real Clear World 

Does the U.S. Still Need Saudi Arabia?

Kim Ghattas, BBC News
It's been a rough year for the seven-decade-old alliance between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia, but can the kingdom offer the U.S. something beyond oil?

Real Clear World 

Britain Is 10 Days From Choosing the Idiot Option

Matthew d'Ancona, Guardian
The leave campaign's arguments on immigration may successfully exploit voters' fears, but they are not only objectionable – they're absurd.

Real Clear World 

The Price of Disunion

James Kirchick, Weekly Standard
Though it may not be readily apparent to Western Europeans, who have enjoyed democracy, peace, and open trade longer than their Eastern neighbors, the EU's high democratic standards and economic vitality—which, while anemic since the 2008 crash, nonetheless remains attractive—jointly act as a "commitment device," enticing aspirant states to get their political and economic houses in order. Coming from a country that lived through a quasi-authoritarian... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Saudi-Israel: Mistaken Hopes for an Alliance

Yousef Munayyer, Middle East Institute
For several years, Israeli-Saudi collaboration over regional geostrategy to check Iranian influence has been the worst kept secret in the Middle East since the advent of Israel's robust nuclear arsenal. Still, public coordination has been taboo, and while indirect, and even direct, coordination may be taking place behind closed doors, no official relationships can develop.

Real Clear World 

China Now Has a Flying Propaganda Machine

David Axe, Daily Beast
If war breaks out, the Chinese would try ‘to broadcast disinformation, encouraging troops to desert or surrender,' analysts note. Now Beijing has a tool to help spread the word.

Real Clear World 

Trump Is the #1 Security Threat to the U.S.

David Rothkopf, Foreign Policy
With his fear-mongering, hate-speech, and un-American ideas, the GOP presidential candidate is emerging as the No. 1 threat to U.S. national security.

Real Clear World 

Orlando Is Deadly Threat to Left's Global Agenda

Chriss Street, Breitbart
The Left is being forced to acknowledge that the Orlando terrorist attack is an existential threat to its agenda, amid an election already focused on America's inability to control world affairs and its own borders.Â

Real Clear World 

Paramilitary Groups Ready to Defend Poland

Monika Sieradzka, Deutsche Welle
Thousands of Poles are active in militia like civil defense associations. DW's Monika Sieradzka went to northeastern Poland to visit a father who trains for war with his children.

Real Clear World 

Britain's Trade Will Be Better Off Outside EU

Norman Lamont, Telegraph
The Remain campaign's case for remaining in the European Union is based on the single market. They argue that while the EU has its faults, and while we would like lower immigration, these things are the price we have to pay because the EU gives us the priceless asset of the single market. I am sure that the Prime Minister and lots of people across the country sincerely believe this. But is it correct?

Real Clear World 

Venezuela: When Will the International Community Intercede?

Jason Marczak, RCW
The Venezuelan government was recently given a new mandate to continue running its country into the ground. The culprits this time: an international community scared of its own shadow. Within 24 hours of Venezuela becoming the first country in history to face the possible invocation of the Organization of American States' (OAS) Inter-American Democratic Charter against the will of a national government, any hope of collective action faded.

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