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'Donald is dementing': Trump's psychologist niece flags his 'worsening' mental condition

Donald Trump's mental health is deteriorating and the American press is unable to properly cover it, according to the former president's psychologist niece.

Trained psychologist Mary Trump said on Sunday that her uncle's recent rambling, stream-of-consciousness answers to policy questions are worth coverage, but the media isn't doing its job. Mary Trump previously argued that her uncle's obsession with crowd sizes ties into his desire to be complimented 24/7, which stems from unfortunate circumstances during his early childhood.

Over the weekend, Mary Trump noted a recent answer that Trump had to a question about the cost of childcare.

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"Well, I would do that, and we're sitting down, I was somebody, we had Senator Marco Rubio and my daughter Ivanka was so impactful on that issue. It's a very important issue, but I think when you talk about the kind of numbers that I'm talking about that because look, childcare is childcare," Trump said in part.

The member of the Trump family replied, saying, "I defy anybody who was actually trying to follow the thread of that gibberish to tell me what it means. Nobody can. The only phrase that has any logical consistency, 'childcare is childcare,' also happens to be the only thing Donald said that’s true—childcare is, after all, childcare. The rest of it is just disjointed riffing coupled with his greatest hits and catch phrases."

The corporate media, Mary Trump added, "have decided that it is no longer the job of its journalists and pundits to report and analyze information; rather they believe they must translate Donald’s nonsensical ramblings into a version of the English language we can all understand."

"That’s a huge problem because, on the one hand, they’re not really translating his words—they’re imbuing them with a meaning that is not there; on the other hand, they’re doing this without telling us they’re doing it," she then added.

The psychologist went on to say that it's "deeply disturbing that somebody as unhinged and incoherent as Donald is allowed to run for the presidency in the first place (and that leaves aside all of the other disqualifying things about him), but the disturbance is compounded when you consider that corporate media can’t seem to muster any urgency in the face of Donald’s increasingly bizarre behavior."

"On any given day, he is demonstrably untethered from reality—and it often seems that the reason the warning lights aren’t constantly flashing red is because nobody covering him expects otherwise," she added. "Surely a political press corps that spent months arguing that President Biden’s age rendered him mentally unfit, wouldn’t look the other way when the Republican candidate, the oldest person to run for president in American history, is not only old but decompensating before our very eyes. The difference of course is that Biden is aging while Donald is dementing."

Mary Trump added that her uncle "is a frightened, desperate man knowing, as he does, that his continued freedom might well depend on his ability to get back into the White House so he can make the still-pending federal cases against him disappear."

"His increasingly fantastical pronouncements and worsening psychiatric disorders strike me as being newsworthy," she said.

Read the Substack piece here.

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