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What happened to Martonio Wilder? New details into the investigation in the death of 8-year-old boy

What happened to Martonio Wilder? New details into the investigation in the death of 8-year-old boy

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) -- The Franklin County Coroner is releasing new details about the death of 8-year-old Martonio Wilder. His mother, 32-year-old Lashanda Wilder has been charged with his murder.

Wilder’s girlfriend, 33-year-old Johnna Lowe is charged with obstruction of justice. Both are being held on bond.

NBC4 got the chance to read through the coroner’s investigation report.

The report broke down what all occurred this past Friday, June 28th, after Wilder called 911 to report Martonio missing. It talks about how and where his body was found. We’re also hearing 911 calls made that day from Wilder, herself.

“Please can I get a crew here? My 8-year-old son ran away last night,” said Wilder.

This is one of two 911 calls Wilder made, begging for police to come to her house on Olmstead Avenue. She says the last time anyone saw Martonio was Thursday night, June 27, right before everyone went to bed. She tells police she has no idea where he could be and isn’t sure what he was wearing.

“My back door was wide open. Oh man, oh man,” Wilder tells the dispatcher.

During the call, Wilder says this isn’t the first time Martonio has done something like this but they've always found him.

“He had jumped out my window before, I found him on the side of my house. He just, he kind of run away I don’t know why. He said he hates me. He said he hate everything, he said he don’t care about being here,” she said.

When officers arrived on scene, a search began. According to court documents, at one point Wilder became uncooperative and left with Lowe and her two other children, the three and nine-year-old. This is what prompted the Friday night Amber Alert.

Later in the evening, according to the coroner's investigation report, first responders entered Wilders’ home through the back, making their way to the second floor. On that floor, responders noticed an attic door. The attic is only about two feet high and it’s filled with dust and cob-webs. The only thing in it was a sleeping bag cover, tied shut.

According to the investigation report, EMs cut the strings and saw a black trash bag. All that could be seen was Martonio’s hands, feet and camo pants. The report says the body was cold to the touch and the house was 78 degrees.

NBC4 was also shown photos by the coroner’s office. It appears that Martonio was malnourished.

We do know that the Franklin County Children Services (FCCS) was working with the Wilder family, but we don’t know in what capacity. A spokesperson for FCCS says it can be tough to recognize the signs of child abuse and neglect, but a closer look at the situation may be warranted when signs appear repeatedly or in combination.

Here are signs FCCS says you should look out for:

Signs of Physical Abuse

Consider the possibility of physical abuse when the child:

  • Has unexplained burns, bites, bruises, broken bones or black eyes
  • Has fading bruises or other marks noticeable after an absence from school
  • Seems frightened of the parents and protests or cries when it is time to go home 
  • Shrinks at the approach of adults
  • Reports injury by a parent or another adult caregiver

Consider the possibility of physical abuse when the parent or other adult caregiver: 

  • Offers conflicting, unconvincing or no explanation for the child's injury
  • Describes the child as "evil," or in some other very negative way 
  • Uses harsh physical discipline with the child
  • Has a history of abuse as a child

Signs of Neglect

Consider the possibility of neglect when the child: 

  • Is frequently absent from school
  • Begs or steals food or money
  • Lacks needed medical or dental care, immunizations or glasses 
  • Lacks sufficient clothing for the weather 
  • Abuses alcohol or other drugs
  • States that there is no one at home to provide care

Consider the possibility of neglect when the parent or other adult caregiver: 

  • Appears to be indifferent to the child
  • Seems apathetic or depressed
  • Behaves irrationally or in a bizarre manner 
  • Abuses alcohol or other drugs

For anyone concerned, you can call the Franklin County Child Abuse Hotline.

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