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Huawei conducts successful Commercial Roadshows for local partners and customers across SA

The Huawei Enterprise Business team engaged with local partners and end users in six provinces

Since 2023, Huawei, the leading global provider of information and communications technology (ICT), through its South Africa Enterprise Business team, has been on a quest to expand its enterprise business beyond the main business centres of Johannesburg, Cape Town and KwaZulu-Natal into other provinces and cities of South Africa.

As a result, the Enterprise Business team concluded a successful series of Commercial Roadshows on 23 July that encompassed the cities of East London (Eastern Cape province), Mbombela (Mpumalanga province), Bloemfontein (Free State province), Polokwane (Limpopo province), Rustenburg (North West province) and Kimberley (Northern Cape province). More than 700 partners and customers participated in and attended the events, which received positive feedback from attendees across all the regions.

By forming strong partnerships with capable local collaborators, Huawei aims to provide robust products and solutions, facilitating digital transformation across various provinces and cities.

“Working alongside our partners with the main aim of increasing brand awareness and building new relationships, our Commercial Roadshows covered different regions in South Africa to demonstrate our commitment to current and potential customers throughout the country. Our capability, encompassing our products, solutions, services, commercial business and eKit products, enabled us to demonstrate all our advantages and benefits that regional partners and customers can get access to by partnering with us,” said Monty Chu, Director for Regional Business Development Dept Huawei South Africa.

Wide product range

The Huawei Enterprise Business team managed to engage with local partners and end users in six provinces, providing solutions and technical support. One of the important points the team managed to put across was the fact that Huawei is not just a manufacturer of cellphones, but a full spectrum expert ICT provider for both the home and commercial sectors. 

Some of the key points that came out from the Commercial Roadshows were that Huawei:

  • Is a leading global provider of ICT infrastructure and smart devices, and provides end-to-end ICT products and solutions
  • Is committed to bringing digital to every person, home and organisation for a fully connected, intelligent world
  • Currently has over 207 000 employees, of which more than 55% are in R&D
  • Operates in more than 170 countries and regions, serving more than three billion people worldwide
  • Provides end-to-end products and solutions around the lifecycle of information production, delivery and analysis
  • In the enterprises and government area, it helped SITAs build e-Government Cloud in 2018, and also participated in the backbone, campus network, and data centre projects for various government departments, state-owned enterprises and the private sector.

Chu added that: “We constantly innovate based on our vision and customer needs, investing heavily in basic research, concentrating on technological breakthroughs that can drive the world forward, which has led to us being ranked 5th on the 2023 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard.”

In addition, Huawei shared with the local partners and end users that years of R&D investment have yielded fruitful innovation results, as the company holds one of the world’s largest patent portfolios. By the end of 2023, it held more than 140 000 active patents worldwide.

Local partners and end users were also given an opportunity to learn more about and experience Huawei products and solutions in the fields of communication networks, IT solutions (storage server and VM solution), smart devices, cloud services and digital power. It was made known to them that the company does all these things through open collaboration with ecosystem partners. 

Longevity and loyal service

To give them deeper insight into Huawei South Africa as a business committed to technology advancement, it was also shared with the local partners and end users that Huawei has been around for a long time and in its first 15 years, after it had been established in 1998, concentrated on the carrier market. It is also the only ICT vendor that supplies equipment to all the telecom operators in South Africa, and also helped to build the first 5G network in the country in 2019.

Because Huawei already has thousands of customers and hundreds of different types of partners around South Africa, the local partners and potential customers on the roadshow were assured that they had joined an established network of happy and successful Huawei partners. The significance of the work done by Huawei was also highlighted through the fact that President Cyril Ramaphosa attended the launch of the company’s Innovation Centre at its Woodmead office park.

“Upholding the ‘in South Africa, for South Africa’ philosophy, we’re committed to giving back to the local society and community alongside our own business success. We have created hundreds of positions within the ICT industry directly and also brought thousands of job opportunities in related areas. We have introduced technologies to schools, regularly hold related competitions and train an increasing number of technical talent and, overall, we are making ICT more inclusive. However we are not stopping here. As we go into the future, you will see us being more involved locally, developing local economies and making due socioeconomic contributions,” said Chu. 

Learn more:

Huawei Enterprise South Africa: https://e.huawei.com/za/

Huawei Commercial Business South Africa: https://e.huawei.com/za/industries/commercial-market

Huawei eKit South Africa: https://ekit.huawei.com/#/ekit/home?countryCode=ZA&lang=en

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