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Focus the renewable energy debate on Africans’ basic need for electricity

The conversation about renewable energy in Africa often gets entangled in discussions about climate change, emissions reductions and the global shift away from fossil fuels. While these are crucial issues, at the heart of the matter lies a simpler, more immediate matter: Africa needs energy and renewable energy is the key to unlocking this problem.

In the vast and diverse continent of Africa, the demand for energy is not just a matter of convenience or luxury, it is a fundamental necessity. From the bustling cities of Nigeria to the remote villages in Kenya, energy is the backbone that supports economic growth, education, healthcare and overall quality of life. Yet millions of Africans still live without reliable access to electricity, hindering development and perpetuating poverty. 

Energy poverty remains a stark reality. According to the International Energy Agency, about 600 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa lack access to electricity. This means that half of the continent’s population cannot power their homes, schools or businesses. The effect of this energy deficit is profound. Without electricity, children cannot study after dark, hospitals cannot operate essential equipment and businesses cannot thrive. The economic ramifications are significant, stifling growth and development.

The question then arises: why focus on renewable energy? The answer is multifaceted, but at its core it is about leveraging clean, reliable, accessible and affordable energy to meet Africa’s pressing energy needs. Africa is blessed with an abundance of renewable energy resources. From the vast solar potential in the Sahara to the wind corridors in the Horn of Africa, the continent has the natural endowments to generate significant amounts of clean energy. Harnessing these resources can provide a sustainable and reliable energy supply.

One of the advantages of renewable energy technologies, such as solar panels and wind turbines, is their ability to provide decentralised power. This is particularly important for rural areas that are not connected to the national grid. Off-grid renewable energy systems can bring electricity to remote areas, empowering people with the tools for development. Additionally, investing in renewable energy creates jobs and stimulates local green economies. The construction, maintenance and operation of renewable energy installations require a skilled workforce, offering employment opportunities and boosting local economies. Moreover, the reduction in energy costs can make businesses more competitive.

While the primary focus is on energy access, it is impossible to ignore the environmental benefits of renewable energy. By reducing reliance on fossil fuels, renewable energy helps mitigate climate change and reduce air pollution. This has direct health benefits for people and contributes to global efforts to combat environmental degradation. 

Despite the clear advantages, there are challenges to the widespread adoption of renewable energy in Africa. The initial cost of renewable energy projects can be high, and securing financing can be difficult. But innovative financing models, such as public-private partnerships and international funding, are emerging to bridge this gap.

Strong policy and regulatory frameworks are also essential to support the growth of renewable energy. Governments need to create an enabling environment that encourages investment and removes bureaucratic hurdles. Developing the necessary infrastructure and ensuring access to the latest technology are critical. This includes building robust transmission and distribution networks and investing in research and development.

To truly address Africa’s energy needs, a concerted effort is required from governments, the private sector, civil society and the international community. Building a skilled workforce is crucial. Governments and private sector entities should invest in education and training programmes to equip people with the skills needed to work in the renewable energy sector. Encouraging innovation in renewable energy technologies can lead to more efficient and cost-effective solutions. Supporting startups and research institutions can drive the development of new technologies that are tailored to Africa’s unique needs.

Collaboration between countries, as well as between public and private sectors, can enhance the development and deployment of renewable energy projects. Sharing best practices and resources can lead to more effective solutions. Creating accessible financing options for renewable energy projects is vital. This can be achieved through international aid, development banks and private investment. Mechanisms such as green bonds and climate funds can also play a significant role.

The conversation about renewable energy in Africa should be grounded in the basic need for energy. While addressing climate change and reducing emissions are critical goals, the immediate and pressing need is to provide reliable, affordable and clean energy to millions of Africans. By focusing on this fundamental need, we can create a brighter and more sustainable future for Africa.

Karabo Mokgonyana is a renewable energy campaigner at Power Shift Africa focusing on renewable energy in Africa, just transitions and climate security.

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