Lloyds Banking Group have announced the closures (Photo by John Keeble/Getty Images)
Lloyds Bank Group has announced the closure of more than 100 of its branches – find out if your local bank is the on list.
The British high street has been rapidly losing all kinds of shops in the last decade including retailers, local eateries and bank branches.
In fact, 6,214 bank branches have shut since January 2015, correlating to a shocking 53 every single month.
Now, one of the UK’s most popular banking companies, Lloyds Banking Group, has announced the closure of more than 100 of its chains.
The vast number of closures in 2025 will see 45 Lloyds, 41 Halifax and 15 Bank of Scotland branches shut for good.
More than 100 chains will close in 2025 (Photo by Peter Dazeley/Getty Images)
A Lloyds Banking Group spokesperson told Birmingham Live that the rise of online banking has been a major contributor to the company’s decision.
They said: ‘Mobile banking is more popular than ever, with over 19.5 million customers choosing our app to manage, maximise and understand more about their money.
‘Alongside our app, customers can bank online, over the phone, at a Banking Hub, at the Post Office or by speaking to one of our Community Bankers.’
Which?’s research revealed that Lloyds Banking Group has shut a staggering 1,243 of its stores since 2015.
The British high street has struggled in recent years (Credits: Getty Images)
Natwest Group, another of the country’s most popular banking companies, shut the most stores out of any group – 1,428.
While Barclays closed just 15 fewer than Lloyds, a whopping 1,228.
Sam Richardson, Which?’s deputy editor, also highlighted the ‘seismic’ shift towards online banking evident in today’s society.
He said: ‘The milestone of more than 6,000 bank closures in just nine years underscores the seismic shift that has taken place in terms of our banking habits and the character of the British high street.’
Full list of Lloyds, Halifax and Bank of Scotland branches closing
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