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Tommy Robinson suns himself in Ayia Napa while stoking ‘migrant’ fears online

The 41-year-old was pictured kicking back after fleeing the UK for Cyprus (Picture: Daily Mail)

Tommy Robinson has been spotted lounging around by a swimming pool at a five-star hotel in Ayia Napa while fanning the flames of race riots across Britain.

The former English Defence League leader, who fled the UK last Sunday to avoid a court hearing, is now holed up at a £400-a-night all-inclusive resort on the outskirts of the Cypriot seaside town.

He has spent the past week sharing a torrent of posts supporting violent attacks on alleged ‘migrant hotels’, calling for ‘mass deportations’, and claiming the ongoing disorder is being fuelled by ‘Muslims’ and ‘migrants’.

They included false rumours that a suspect in a new stabbing this weekend was Muslim and unsubstantiated claims of migrants sexually assaulting people.

Robinson, who claims he is a ‘journalist’, is seen here hard at work
A series of clues from Robinson’s social media feed gave away his location

Robinson, 41, who describes himself as a journalist, was pictured on Sunday dozing on sun loungers while occasionally opening his eyes to use his phone.

He was also seen reading a book by conspiracy theorist Patrick Byrne which promotes debunked claims that Donald Trump lost the 2020 election due to fraud organised by government insiders.

Over the course of the day, Robinson’s X accounted posted and shared posts dozens of times.

At one point he made the bold decision to move to a lounger half-submerged in the pool
Meanwhile rioters inspired by Robinson attacked hotels housing asylum seekers (Picture: REUTERS)

According to the Daily Mail, which first revealed Robinson’s location without naming the hotel, he is staying at the hotel with family and friends and has kept to a relaxed schedule including plenty of time by the pool and restaurant dinners.

The 41-year-old is now claiming the report is part of an ‘establishment attack’ and that his kids are now ‘scared people are coming here to get them’ even though the hotel is not being publicly identified.

Its location was deduced by multiple media organisations based on clues in various photos and videos he shared on social media, including a gym selfie where he wore a wristband with the hotel’s logo on it.

Robinson was released last Sunday evening on unconditional bail following his arrest over the weekend – but failed to appear at the Royal Courts of Justice on Monday.

Robinson appeared to have caught the sun
The 41-year-old was also seen discussing something on his phone with a friend

The far-right activist is accused of breaching the terms of a 2021 court order imposed when he was successfully sued by Syrian refugee Jamal Hijazi for making false claims about him.

He was ordered to pay Mr Hijazi £100,000 and, as is standard practice in such cases, barred from repeating the allegations – but a ‘dossier of evidence’ allegedly shows he did so anyway.

Port police arrested him on Saturday for allegedly failing to cooperate with a stop-and-search at the Channel tunnel in Folkestone, Kent.

He was detained under counter-terror laws which allow police generally to carry out such checks at ports, airports and rail terminals.

The court was told Robinson was bailed at 10pm and then left the UK by Eurostar train.

Earlier in the day he had allegedly screened a documentary, against court orders, at a rally in central London.

The film, Silenced, reportedly repeats the false claims which Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, made about Mr Hijazi.

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