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Boy, four, shot dead by police while being held hostage by his mum’s partner

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A four-year-old boy and his mum’s ex-partner were killed after police fired a fatal shot at the pair in an Illinois home.

Terrell Marshawn Miller was being held hostage after a ‘domestic violence’ incident on March 16 this year when police arrived on scene.

Footage of the shooting was released this month after a prosecutor found ‘no basis’ to charge the two officers involved.

A woman was heard screaming for help and crying ‘He’s stabbing me,’ as officers entered the home.

Terrell was heard crying when the attacker, Anthony George, walked towards the officers while holding the tot and a knife.

Police then fired a single shot, hitting Terrell in the head and George, the partner of Terrell’s mum, in the neck. Both died.

Keianna was seen running from her partner, who had Terrell in his grasp (Picture: Macomb Police Department)
Terrell’s mother, Keianna Miller, has said her son was ‘smart and amazing’ (Picture: WGEM)

Terrell’s mother, Keianna Miller, has remembered her son as a ‘smart’ and amazing boy who adored Spiderman.

She said: ‘He was my pride and joy. I know if he would have had a chance to grow up, he would have changed this world.’

Lt. Nick Goc and Officer Korri Cameron were placed on leave after the fatal shooting.

George had ‘refused’ to comply with multiple demands to drop his weapon and release the child when officers fired, authorities said.

He had also held a knife to Keianna’s throat before authorities arrived, she said.

Keianna and Terrell are seen in a photo shared on social media (Picture: Facebook)
Terrell was just four when he was shot and killed (Picture: Family Handout)

Attorney Marleen Suarez is representing Keianna. She said there was ‘no de-escalation, no negotiations’ before officers fired.

She explained: ‘I find it hard to believe that in the heat of that moment, he did not stop and think. I don’t know what made him think he could make that shot.’

An internal investigation into the matter is continuing, but Ms Suarez said her client plans to sue as the officers ‘acted recklessly’.

Last month in another part of Illinois, a woman  who called 911 for help was shot by a cop after reporting a ‘prowler’ near her home.

Sonya Massey, a 36-year-old black woman, was seen in body camera footage standing up and walking to her stove to turn off a pot of water that was boiling as officers talked to her.

As she picks it up, Dept Sean Grayson’s colleague was heard saying he was stepping ‘away from your hot steaming water’.

Terrell was shot and killed along with his mum’s ex (Picture: Macomb Police Department)

Sonya then said, ‘I rebuke you in the name of Jesus.’

Grayson then threatens: ‘You better f***ing not or I swear to God I’ll f***ing shoot you in the f***ing face.’

As Massey lifts the pot and and says, ‘I’m sorry’, and ducks behind the counter, Grayson points a gun at her.

‘Drop the f***ing pot!’ shout both deputies.

Several gunshots were fired and seconds later, one of the deputies says, ‘shots fired’. One of the three bullets struck Massey in the face. Grayson said, ‘Dude, I’m not taking f***ing boiling water to the f***ing head. And look, it came right to our feet, too.’

The 30-year-old cop was fired and arrested and indicted by a grand jury on three counts of first-degree murder, one count of official misconduct and one count of aggravated battery. Grayson has pleaded not guilty.

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