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Donald Trump claims Kamala Harris ‘happened to turn black’ from Indian

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump participates in a discussion at the National Association of Black Journalists Convention in Chicago (Picture: AP)

Ex-President Donald Trump claimed that Kamala Harris ‘happened to turn black’ and attacked her racial identity in a heated panel.

Trump was asked at the National Association of Black Journalists convention if he agreed with some Republicans’ remarks that Harris is only on the 2024 Democratic ticket because of DEI, or ‘diversity, equity and inclusion’.

‘She was always of Indian heritage, and she was only promoting Indian heritage,’ Trump said on Wednesday afternoon.

‘I didn’t know she was black until a number of years ago, when she happened to turn black, and now she wants to be known as black.’

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As some members of the audience in Chicago laughed, Trump continued: ‘So I don’t know, is she Indian or is she black?’

ABC News’ Rachel Scott, one of the panel moderators, cut in to argue that Harris has always said she is black.

‘I respect either one, but she obviously doesn’t,’ Trump continued.

‘Because she was Indian all the way and all of a sudden she made a turn and she became a black person. I think somebody should look into that too.’

Vice President Kamala Harris is the daughter of an Indian-American mother and a Jamaican-American father (Picture: AP)

Trump’s claim was false, as Harris attended historically black Howard University, is a member of a historically black sorority and was a Congressional Black Caucus member as a California senator.

Harris is the daughter of an Indian-American mother and a Jamaican-American father.

In 2020, she became the first black woman and Asian-American on a major presidential ticket, as President Joe Biden’s running mate.

Harris long identified as both Indian and black and the claim that she ‘switched’ her identity from the former to the latter was fact-checked in the last election cycle.

Republican presidential nominee and former President Donald Trump (left) answers questions from ABC News’ Rachel Scott (right) on a panel of the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) convention in Chicago, Illinois, on Wednesday (Picture: Reuters)

Trump’s appearance at the association’s event was highly controversial, as some wondered why he was offered a platform given some of his past criticisms of black journalists.

Harris’ campaign schedule ‘could not accommodate’ the association’s request for her to speak at the event, according to its president Ken Lemon, who defended allowing Trump to appear.

‘I consulted with a group of our Founders and past NABJ Presidents Tuesday on-site in Chicago, and as a group, we affirmed that the invitation to Former President Trump was in line with NABJ’s usual practices since 1976,’ stated Lemon.

‘It has always been our policy to ensure that candidates know that an invitation is not an endorsement. We also agreed that while this race is much different – and contentious – so are the consequences.’

Former President Donald Trump had a combative discussion with a moderator of the National Association of Black Journalists convention (Picture: AP)

Meanwhile, Harris’ campaign condemned Trump’s comments.

‘The hostility Donald Trump showed on stage today is the same hostility he has shown throughout his life, throughout his term in office, and throughout his campaign for president,’ stated Harris campaign communications director Michael Tyler.

Harris is expected to participate in a similar discussion with the association in September in person or virtually.

Attendees react as former President Donald Trump speaks on a panel of the National Association of Black Journalists convention (Picture: Reuters)

The question-and-answer session on Wednesday got off to a combative start as Scott cited Trump’s birther conspiracy claims about ex-President Barack Obama and asked why black voters should trust him.

‘I don’t think I’ve ever been asked a question in such a horrible manner. A first question. You don’t even say hello, how are you,’ Trump replied.

‘Are you with ABC, because I think they’re a fake news network, a terrible network. I think it’s disgraceful that I came here in good spirit. I love the black population of this country, I’ve done so much for the black population of this country.’

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