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Teenager threatened to kick friend’s baby out of her after beating two other women

'I will come and boot the baby out of you.’

Woman jailed for knocking one friend out, stamping on another's head and threatening to 'boot the baby out' of a third Cavendish Press
Mia Johnson was just 19 when she went on a rampage (Picture: Cavendish)

A teenager who knocked out one friend, repeatedly stamped on another’s head and then threatened to ‘boot the baby out’ of a third has been jailed.

Mia Johnson was just 19 when she went on a rampage after spotting former pals Melina Holmes, Chelsy Aspin and Alisha Carter outside a Tesco Extra in Cheshire on August 10 last year.

The four had been friends before falling out with Johnson, who later vowed on Snapchat to ‘smack the wig off’ Ms Aspin, Chester Crown Court heard.

When Ms Holmes stepped between them outside the supermarket, Johnson knocked her out with one punch before battering Ms Aspin, dragging her to the floor and stamping on her head ‘at least 10 times’.

Nardeen Nemat, prosecuting, said: ‘Ms Aspin describes that her face was like a bloodbath. There was blood coming from her nose and the back of her head.

‘She sustained bruising to the face, nose, right arm and left leg. At the time of making her statement she was intending to go to the doctors, as she suspected she was concussed.

PLEASE NOTE: LIVE RATES APPLY. Pictured outside court is Mia Johnson a young woman who knocked out one friend, stamped on the head of another and vowed to ''boot the baby'' out of a third after the crumbling of their all-female friendship group has been locked up for two years. .Disclaimer: While Cavendish Press (Manchester) Ltd uses its' best endeavours to establish the copyright and authenticity of all pictures supplied, it accepts no liability for any damage, loss or legal action caused by the use of images supplied. The publication of images is solely at your discretion. For terms and conditions see http://www.cavendish-press.co.uk/pages/terms-and-conditions.aspx
Mia Johnson pictured outside court (Picture: Cavendish)
PLEASE NOTE: LIVE RATES APPLY. Pictured is Chelsy Aspin one of the victims of the attacks. Mia Johnson a young woman who knocked out one friend, stamped on the head of another and vowed to ''boot the baby'' out of a third after the crumbling of their all-female friendship group has been locked up for two years. .Disclaimer: While Cavendish Press (Manchester) Ltd uses its' best endeavours to establish the copyright and authenticity of all pictures supplied, it accepts no liability for any damage, loss or legal action caused by the use of images supplied. The publication of images is solely at your discretion. For terms and conditions see http://www.cavendish-press.co.uk/pages/terms-and-conditions.aspx
Chelsy Aspin was one of the victims of Johnson’s attacks (Picture: Chelsy Aspin/Cavendish)
PLEASE NOTE: LIVE RATES APPLY. Pictured is Alisha Carter one of the victims of the attacks. Mia Johnson a young woman who knocked out one friend, stamped on the head of another and vowed to ''boot the baby'' out of a third after the crumbling of their all-female friendship group has been locked up for two years. .Disclaimer: While Cavendish Press (Manchester) Ltd uses its' best endeavours to establish the copyright and authenticity of all pictures supplied, it accepts no liability for any damage, loss or legal action caused by the use of images supplied. The publication of images is solely at your discretion. For terms and conditions see http://www.cavendish-press.co.uk/pages/terms-and-conditions.aspx
A week later she bombarded Ms Carter, who was 33 weeks pregnant with her first child, with calls and messages (Picture: Cavendish)

‘Ms Aspin describes in her statement feeling “scared and intimidated”.

‘It was a prolonged and persistent assault and the defendant only stopped when she was physically pulled away and even then, appears to be trying to go back to Ms Aspin.

‘When she is told she is being filmed she eventually leaves. The assault was also premeditated and a weapon or weapon equivalent was used, a shod foot.’

A week later she bombarded Ms Carter, who was 33 weeks pregnant with her first child, with calls and messages, calling her an ‘ugly duckling’ and taunting that her boyfriend no longer wanted her.

One message said: ‘Just because you’re pregnant do you not think I will smack you in your face no. I will come and boot the baby out of you.’

PLEASE NOTE: LIVE RATES APPLY. Mia Johnson a young woman who knocked out one friend, stamped on the head of another and vowed to ''boot the baby'' out of a third after the crumbling of their all-female friendship group has been locked up for two years. .Disclaimer: While Cavendish Press (Manchester) Ltd uses its' best endeavours to establish the copyright and authenticity of all pictures supplied, it accepts no liability for any damage, loss or legal action caused by the use of images supplied. The publication of images is solely at your discretion. For terms and conditions see http://www.cavendish-press.co.uk/pages/terms-and-conditions.aspx
Johnson was jailed for two years (Picture: Cavendish)

Johnson, now 20, formerly of Stockport but now living in Leeds, pleaded guilty to attempting to cause grievous bodily harm with intent and to two malicious communication offences.

She blamed her behaviour on a ‘difficult upbringing’ and said she had little ‘support’ beyond the age of 17.

Her barrister Adam Wakins said: ‘It was a shocking and deeply unpleasant assault and my client is the first to recognise that.’

The judge, Mr Recorder Anthony O’Donohoe told Johnson: ‘The footage is short, violent, upsetting and is indeed shocking.

‘It is surprising that the injuries were not more serious considering what you did.’

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