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6 best note-taking apps for students and how they compare

When you're a student, your notes are your lifeblood. With more online options than ever for note-taking, finding the right app can make a big difference in your studies.

While note-taking is a personal process, here are some of the most popular note-taking apps and how they compare.

1. Google Docs

As a student, free and easy is usually the way to go. Nearly every student is familiar with Google Docs, and for a reason: it gets the note-taking job done.

Unless you're taking a class that requires in-depth note-taking using diagrams or cell structures, Google Docs has everything you need to take notes using just your keyboard. If you're someone who likes to take notes with flair, apps specifically designed for note-taking might be better suited to your needs — but those come with a price tag.

Unlike apps like Goodnotes and Notability, Google Docs isn't designed for use on an iPad with an iPencil, so drawing in it is unintuitive. However, the app is available for iPad, iPhone, Mac, Windows, and Android, making it a solid choice no matter what device you're on.

2. Notes

The Apple Notes app doesn't just have to be used for your random thoughts and grocery lists; it's also equipped with lots of helpful tools for students.

Unlike Google Docs, Notes is compatible with iPencil, and handwritten notes look great in it. It's also synchronized across iCloud-linked devices, allowing for easy access if you forget to bring one of your Apple devices to lecture. However, it lacks the ability to record audio while taking notes.

On the plus side, it's free. But it's obviously not available for non-Apple devices. The app is available on iPad, iPhone, and Mac.

3. Goodnotes

One of the most popular note-taking apps on the market, Goodnotes, was designed to replace spiral notebooks — for a yearly fee. Its recent version, Goodnotes 6, boasts a plethora of Artificial Intelligence features that may or may not be helpful to students. Some of users' favorite Goodnotes features include circling text to move it around and scribbling to erase, truly an upgrade from handwritten notes. You can even keep multiple digital notebooks on Goodnotes, which is helpful for juggling all of your classes.

The app is available for iPad, iPhone, Mac, Windows, and Android and costs $9.99/year for the premium version.

4. Notability

Notability is probably the best app for note-takers who want their notes to look pretty. It has many customization features for the script and sticker options for more organization. It also has many digital planning templates available to download for free. However, it is only available for Apple devices.

The app is available for iPad, iPhone, and Mac and costs $14.99/year for the premium version.

5. OneNote

OneNote has enviable organization tools and can be used on Microsoft and Apple devices. But it hasn't kept up with other apps' AI-integrated updates. It still doesn't allow audio recording while taking notes or handwriting-to-text conversion, which is a bummer for students who want to record their school lectures.

The free version of the app offers all of its features, but you may need to pay for additional storage. The app is available for iPad, iPhone, Mac, Windows, and Android and costs $69.99/year.

6. Notion

Notion isn't just for YouTubers. It's also more than a note-taking app. It's a helpful tool to organize your entire life.

Not only can you take notes and beautifully organize them by class in Notion, but you can also make to-do lists, keep track of deadlines, class schedules, and reading lists, or organize literally anything else you want to keep track of in your life. It's the perfect app to have in your student arsenal.

Additionally, for individuals using the app, there's no real reason to upgrade to the premium version. Notion might feel intimidating to some, but there are plenty of free templates you can use to get you started.

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