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ABS Explores Rapid Verification & Validation of Additive Manufactured Parts

[By: ABS]

ABS and the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) are working together to develop a model-based additive manufacturing (AM) qualification framework for the maritime industry with the aim to reduce lead time and cost for AM part approvals.

Traditional manufacturing processes rely on physical tests for verification and validation of their mechanical performance, including test coupons, specimens and prototype components. Additive manufacturing, while also currently dependent on physical tests, may potentially leverage its digital manufacturing nature to adopt model-based approaches to streamline and enable rapid qualification, eventually reducing costs and lead time associated to getting a part approved.

“AM is commonly pitched as the solution to on-demand manufacturing, but a ‘next-day’ approval remains a practical challenge. This novel method of model-based qualification is a promising approach for the rapid qualification of an AM part, potentially addressing such challenges associated with the qualification of AM applications which could lead to increased adoption of the technology within maritime,” said Dr. Gu Hai, ABS Vice President of Technology.

Based on evaluation results, the framework will be refined, and guidelines will be developed to implement the models for AM qualification of marine parts.

During the project, ABS will work with the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) and Mencast Marine. A*STAR’s Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech) will develop data-driven models to predict the probabilities of defect formations in AM parts for verification and validation, while Mencast Marine will provide industrial use cases to validate the developed models.  The project is supported by the MPA under the Maritime Innovation and Technology Fund.

“MPA is glad to support the model-based qualification project by ABS, SIMTech and Mencast, with the Maritime Innovation and Technology Fund. The project could potentially reduce the business costs and expedite the approval and certification of Additive Manufacturing (AM) parts. Building on the success of MPA’s Joint Industry Programme (JIP) for ABS’s participation from earlier AM JIP projects, MPA is committed to collaborating with industry partners, such as ABS, to grow Maritime Singapore’s AM ecosystem,” said Mr. Kenneth Lim, Assistant Chief Executive (Industry & Transformation) of MPA.

“A*STAR’s SIMTech is excited to work with ABS to refine their novel approach of model-based qualification, which will enhance the productivity of the maritime industry. SIMTech will work to develop data-driven models by collecting real-time data from sensors deployed for AM process monitoring, to derive insights on quality of AM parts and reduce the number of physical qualification tests. This collaboration underscores our commitment to supporting the industry in overcoming challenges and becoming more efficient, with capabilities in advanced manufacturing,” said Dr. Wang Wei, Deputy Executive Director, Research and Development, A*STAR’s SIMTech.

"We are excited to collaborate with ABS and SIMTech in this pioneering project to develop a model-based qualification framework for additive manufacturing in the maritime industry. By providing industrial use cases, Mencast Marine is committed to driving innovation and enhancing the efficiency of AM part approvals, ultimately helping accelerate the adoption of AM technology in the maritime sector," said Mr. Glenndle Sim, Executive Chairman & CEO of Mencast.

ABS has been involved in a range of industry-leading AM initiatives, including a joint development project to manufacture and class a 3D-printed propeller. More information on ABS AM services is available here. Download a copy of the ABS Requirements for Additive Manufacturing here.

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