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Marin grand jury: End school supplies solicitation

Marin grand jury: End school supplies solicitation

The watchdog panel's latest report says a number of schools are distributing supply lists to families.

Marin parents should not be asked to help provide school supplies, the Marin County Civil Grand Jury said in a new report.

The report, “A Free Public Education Includes School Supplies,” said that a number of Marin schools are distributing supply lists to families. The grand jury states that this practice — or other actions, such as including school supplies ads from large retailers in school publications — is contrary to state education code and should be discontinued.

“Public schools in California are required to provide, at no cost to students or their families, all the supplies, materials and equipment necessary to fully participate at school,” the grand jury states in an introduction to the report. “As a result, it is improper for public schools to distribute lists of school supplies that are required or requested.”

The report does not identify any specific Marin schools or school districts that might be soliciting school supplies from families. However, the grand jury’s report mentions that its investigation uncovered instances of such solicitations in documents, newsletters and personal interviews.

In its recommendations, the grand jury states that supply lists or other suggestions for parents to purchase equipment — or even caps and gowns for graduation — are against the law. Also, teachers should not be under pressure to provide items either, the report states.

“Teachers should not be put in a position where they have to use their personal funds to provide school supplies necessary for students to fully participate in their school’s academic program or extracurricular activities,” the grand jury states in its recommendations.

The grand jury report said the idea for its investigation stemmed from an Independent Journal story in August in which at least one parent said that she was having a hard time providing all the items on the supplies lists from her children’s schools due to rising costs.

The article, “Inflation drives up school supply cost for Marin parents,” quoted financial sources that estimated a 24% rise in the cost of goods, including school supplies.

Carmen Diaz Ghysels, superintendent of the San Rafael City Schools district, said she concurs with the grand jury’s recommendations.

“San Rafael City Schools fully agrees that families should not need to purchase supplies that are necessary for school,” she said.

“Fortunately, thanks to state and federal funds, the district is able to provide ample funding to schools for all the necessary materials,” Diaz Ghysels added.

“We do not believe that the practice of requiring families to purchase supplies is widespread in our district,” she said, “but this report is a good reminder for us to address this issue if it is still happening.”

At the Novato Unified School District, superintendent Tracy Smith said the district is monitoring the situation.

“NUSD has been addressing school supplies lists over the past several years and we’re committed to doing even more,” Smith said.

“We look forward to providing a response to the grand jury and appreciate their continued interest in and support of our public schools,” Smith added.

John Carroll, the Marin County schools superintendent, said the responsibility of stocking adequate school supplies falls to the superintendent of each district — and is an important issue to address.

“I agree with the grand jury’s findings and recommendations,” Carroll said. “I hope that calling public attention to this practice will support schools in putting an end to the practice where it is still happening.”

The Marin County Office of Education does not provide oversight on school supplies at most school in Marin. The exception is the one school the county office runs, Marin’s Community School, an alternative public school in San Rafael, Carroll said.

“The Marin County Office of Education serves a relatively small number of students, all of whom come to our programs from other districts in Marin,” Carroll said. “We do not ask any of our families to provide school supplies.”

The grand jury did support the idea of schools accepting donations from civic groups, nonprofits or businesses. Those donations are outside the realm of and separate from the practice of soliciting parents with supply lists, the report said.

Diaz Ghysels agreed.

“We are also appreciative of the many community partners, businesses, parent groups and organizations who generously donate supplies to enhance our classroom materials and provide supplies for students to use at home,” she said.

A copy of the report is available on the grand jury’s website at shorturl.at/ksy47.

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