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Seven Home 'Upgrades' That Aren’t Worth the Money

Every feature of a house has a monetary value—how much it cost to install, and how much return on that investment the homeowner hopes to get from it when selling. Only you can know when something is worth paying more for you (if the house with a fully-stocked bomb shelter seems like it’s worth it, go for it). But certain home features are rarely worth paying extra for, if only because they’ll cost you in the long run, whether in maintenance and upkeep or your own time and effort.

Here are seven house features it’s okay to like, but not worth paying a premium for.

Home theater systems

There was a time when a professionally-installed home theater system was the epitome of home luxury. A big screen? A sound system in the walls and ceiling? A projector and some comfortable couches? That was how the fancy folks lived. There’s certainly a lingering glamour to a home theater, and there’s nothing wrong with getting excited about movie nights if you spot one at the open house. But they’re never worth paying extra for because they date so quickly—and so poorly. Even a home theater system installed very recently is probably already a bit out of date. Meanwhile, TV screens are getting steadily larger and cheaper, streaming dongles give you access to more platforms, and soundbars are ubiquitous and easy to add to any room.

At best, you’ll have to spend time and money updating your home theater. At worst, you’ll spend a lot more removing it.

Lavish landscaping

Sometimes an enormous outdoor space can be an impressive visual. You walk outside of the house and suddenly you’re in what feels like a high-end resort, or a lush garden, with a meticulously landscaped experience all around you. It’s easy to imagine all the parties you’ll host and all the quiet cocktails you’ll enjoy in this incredible space.

And you probably will! But lavish landscaping (and oversize outdoor spaces in general) have a huge downside that makes them more of a liability than a feature worth paying for: Maintenance. Most landscaping maintenance services are priced by the hour or by the square foot. The larger the space and the more stuff that needs trimming, tilling, repairing, watering, and feeding, the higher your monthly bill (or your personal time spent sweating in the sun) to keep everything looking good.

And the problem with luxe landscaping is that without that maintenance, it will quickly turn into a yellowing, overgrown mess that you won’t want anyone to see.

Steam showers

Steam showers cream luxury—you can just imagine stepping in one after a long day and relaxing as a sauna blooms all around you. And steam showers are expensive (as much as $14,500!), so finding one in your dream home might make you willing to pay a bit more, since it would cost as much to install one anyway.

But taking possession of a steam shower means signing up for maintenance. A lot of maintenance. Steam showers, unsurprisingly, are very prone to mold, so keeping them clean is pretty much a daily chore. The steam generator mechanism has to be checked and cleaned regularly. And even with proper maintenance, those generators can develop leaks which can lead to expensive water damage. In other words, if you’re buying a steam shower don’t pay extra for it because you will be paying extra for it for years to come.

Backyard pools

If you had a pool in your backyard growing up, you probably have fond memories you’d love to replicate in your new home. And if you didn’t have a pool in your backyard growing up you probably have bitter memories of your neighbors enjoying their pool, and so a pool in your new house is pretty exciting.

And yes, pools are fun. But you shouldn’t pay extra for a pool. The value-add of a pool is a complicated question for real estate professionals, but the key thing to keep in mind regarding a pool (or any water feature, for that matter) is the maintenance: You’re buying a lot of work, or a lot of invoices (close to $1,500 a year’s worth, on average). And if the pool’s not heated, you’re going to have to close it up for much of the year anyway—and possibly invest in a fence.

Nothing wrong with enjoying a pool, or even wanting a pool. Just don’t pay extra for a pool.

Built-in appliances

A kitchen with built-in, integrated appliances can offer a space-age, elegant look. And for a brief period of time it can be a cutting-edge, high-end sort of kitchen. But those appliances will probably be outdated in terms of style and problematic in terms of function within a few years—if they aren’t already.

And built-in appliances are difficult to replace and difficult to repair, leading to extra costs when you have to replace trim work or remove cabinetry just to access them. Considering that the accepted wisdom is that you should remodel your kitchen every 10-15 years, paying extra for this stuff is probably a waste, since you’ll likely replace it all anyway.

Whole house vacuums

Central vacuum systems are making a bit of a comeback, sold on the convenience factor—instead of lugging a heavy vacuum around to every room, you can just plug in a lightweight hose and get to work. There’s no denying that a central vac can make cleaning the house a bit easier—but unless you’re absolutely dedicated to having one, they should be regarded as a nice little extra that you’re absolutely not paying a premium for.

For one thing, they’re not that expensive to install, with costs ranging from $800 to $3,500, so even a brand-new system doesn’t add much value to the house. For another, while they offer convenience they’re much less trouble than a regular vacuum—you’re still going to have to plug in that hose in each room to do the work. Plus, repairing a central vac system can run as much as $500, as opposed to simply buying a new standalone vacuum.

Wall-to-wall carpet

Wall-to-wall carpet is sometimes touted as a luxurious amenity, and if you love the feel of thick carpet under your bare feet, it might be. But it’s almost never worth paying extra for. Unless you know that the carpet was very recently installed, installed well, and is the pile and material you want, what you’re buying is somebody else’s carpet that may or may not be as clean as you want it to be.

Carpet in general translates to a lower resale value on a home (as opposed to hardwood floors, which increase home values), which is all you need to know about its value proposition.

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