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Every Android 15 Feature We Know About so Far

Thanks to Google’s Android Developer Program, we already know a lot about what to expect from Android 15.

We’re expecting to finally hear more about Android 15 when Google I/O hits in May—but we already know a good bit about what the new operating system will entail, thanks to Google’s Android Developer Program, which has allowed developers to access Android 15 on select devices for the past couple of months.

Chief among the changes coming to Android 15 is the inclusion of some new improvements to the UI and UX. Each of the options noted below has either been highlighted by Google itself or showcased in a released build for Android 15.

New features coming with Android 15

Notification cooldown

Google will now let you control the amount of notifications that an app can send you. This should help cut down on spammy notifications from games and other social apps while also allowing you to still get your important notifications. Based on the settings seen in screenshots, you have a couple of different options you can use here, including applying the cooldown just to conversations or to all your notifications.

Partial screen sharing

Android 15 will also allow you to select specific windows that you want to record, allowing you more privacy when it comes to recording something to show off. This feature was first enabled on Pixel devices with Android 14 QPR 2, but it’ll become a widespread Android feature with Android 15.

Satellite connectivity

Google continues to lay the groundwork for better satellite connectivity, and Android 15 will allow you more options. Apps will now be able to use APIs that can detect when your device is connected to a satellite, which will help your phone tell which network you’re connected to more easily.

Universal toggle for keyboard vibrations

You’ll also now be able to toggle off all keyboard vibrations with a universal option in settings.

New camera controls

Google is changing how the camera controls look in Android 15. The look of the camera app is changing slightly, and new extensions will provide more control over low light enhancements as well as more precise control of the flash intensity.

High-quality webcam mode

Android 15 will now provide a higher quality mode for using your phone as a webcam. This feature was first made available in Android 14, but it provided low-quality footage. This new setting should hopefully alleviate those quality concerns. 

Better security for sensitive notifications

Many apps still rely on text messages to provide authentication codes. While it isn’t the safest option out there, Google is at least trying to make them a little safer by blocking third-party apps from being able to read your incoming text notifications when they may contain sensitive information like one-time passwords (OTP).

Better continuity on foldables

Android 15 will also provide more continuity features for foldable phones, allowing you to reopen apps more easily when you close your device.

Multi-accessory Bluetooth tile in Quick Settings

Using multiple Bluetooth accessories can be frustrating on Android devices, as you often need to go into the settings to work with them. In Android 15, though, you’ll soon be able to access all your Bluetooth devices from the Quick Settings tile, making it easier to work with multiple accessories.

Easier audio sharing with Auracast

Auracast is getting an update in Android 15, too. You’ll now be able to share and connect to nearby Auracast-supported devices without having to pair them up completely.

Toggleable taskbar for large-screen Android devices

Google is also updating its persistent taskbar on some larger-screen devices. It first introduced the taskbar in Android 12L, but it shrunk it down in Android 13. Now, you’ll be able to choose to make the taskbar permanent in Android 15, if you want it to be available all the time.

Updated cover screen support

Phones running Android 15 will also have better cover screen support, allowing apps to transfer data to the covers of flip phones like the Z Flip more consistently. 

Support for virtual MIDI 2.0

Google is also adding support for virtual MIDI 2.0 devices in Android 15. This is a huge improvement to the initial support for connecting MIDI 2.0 devices via USB, which Google introduced in Android 13. This will now allow users to control synthesizer apps as a virtual MIDI 2.0 device just as they would with a standard USB MIDI 2.0 device.

Health Connect updates

Android 15 will also get some new Health Connect updates, though Google hasn't specified exactly what will change or be improved just yet. All we know is it will support new data types across nutrition, fitness, and more.

Improved loudness control

With Android 15, Google is officially introducing support for the CTA-2075 loudness standard, which will help developers avoid having inconsistencies with loudness. This should help cut down on the amount of constant switching between volumes when moving between different types of content, both when using speakers and headphones.

New performance features

Google is revamping how the Android system provides access to the Android Dynamic Performance Framework (ADPF), which developers rely on for games and more intensive apps. This provides those apps with more direct access to the thermal and power systems on the device. With updated ADPF features, Android 15 will provide a new power efficiency mode, as well as reports for GPU and CPU work durations, and even the option to adjust the frequencies of the GPU and CPU to meet new workload demands. Google is also introducing new thermal headroom thresholds in Android 15, to help with possible thermal throttling.

Ability to archive apps in the Settings

A new archive option will be available in Android 15, providing more user control over how you handle archives for different apps. Google currently only lets you run archiving through the Google Play Store. However, this new setting will let you archive or unarchive apps within your phone’s settings directly.

Privacy changes

Google is also updating the privacy features in Android 15 by updating it to the latest version of the Privacy Sandbox, as well as adding in a new file integrity feature to help keep files working smoothly. Android 15 will also now detect when your screen is being recorded, to help cut down on malicious apps trying to capture your screens without your permission. You’ll also now have to authenticate your identity with biometrics or your passcode when changing the USB mode on your phone. This will help protect you from malicious computer commands.

Of course, there are likely to be more reveals of features that users haven’t spotted in Android 15 as we move closer to Google I/O and Android 15’s eventual release later this year.

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