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Coalition petitions Texas' education board to adopt American Indian/Native studies course

AUSTIN (KXAN) — A coalition of native tribes, community groups and educational advocates, held a press conference Friday, where they discussed their desire for the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) to consider adoption of an American Indian/Native Studies (AINS) course for use in Texas schools.

"We're here to stand up for this course," said Orlando Lara, with the Ethnic Studies Network of Texas. "The course has a lot of support. Numerically, compared to Mexican Americans and African Americans, this isn't a huge community; but it's being asked to do so much more to prove its worth."

Orlando Lara, with the Ethnic Studies Network of Texas, speaks at a June 28, 2024 press conference. (Cora Neas/KXAN Photos)

The course was developed in 2019, after the SBOE called for the creation of four "ethnic studies" courses, according to a petition from the Ethnic Studies Network of Texas. It was placed on the SBOE's agenda for January 2024, but had been repeatedly moved ahead without action from the board.

"It was radio silence from the SBOE. We know that the Democrats on the board are supportive of the course, and in the past few weeks we've started to hear from the Conservative members. We believe we can start a conversation with them." Lara said. "We have good reason to believe that there's bipartisan support for the course, but that this information may be new to many people."

KXAN asked SBOE chair Aaron Kinsey for a response to the petition, but did not receive one.

Previously, the SBOE adopted a Mexican American Studies course and an African-American Studies course. An Asian American/Pacific Islander Studies course is also pending approval from the agency.

"Indigenous people have a human right to have access to their history," said Lara, citing the United Nations' Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. "Native and non-native students have a civil right to information that could help them succeed academically."

The SBOE has approved use of the AINS curriculum until 2025 as part of its "innovative courses" program. That curriculum can be read below:

However, the network wants a more permanent status for the course. Ramon Vasquez, member of the Auteca Paguame Tribe of the Tap Pilam Coahuiltecan Nation, said that the course would greatly benefit the state's Native students.

Ramon Vasquez, member of the Auteca Paguame Tribe, speaks at a June 28, 2024 press conference. (Cora Neas/KXAN Photos)

"In a lot of states, there are Indigenous education support departments," he said. "That's what this is about, is how do we give kids access to education about what's significant to Native people?"

The coalition's petition currently has 1,652 signatures, as well as endorsements from tribal councils, elected officials and non-partner organizations.

"It has been a tremendous effort across the state, relatives have been zooming in over the years to get this done, even through the pandemic," Vasquez said. "I come from a community that is fighting to revitalize itself."

Vasquez said that he's concerned SBOE members are delaying action on the course due to upcoming elections.

"Pushing it off makes sense as a political move -- if it's off their shoulders, off their plate, then they don't have to worry about it anymore," Vasquez said.

As for next steps, Lara said the network plans to continue advocating for the course's adoption.

"We've asked them what they want us to do. We're going to renew our submitted proposal," he said. "At the same time, the board is still able to act on the course. It shouldn't be a highly contentious process."

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