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Kuwait echoes support for UN efforts to promote rule of law

NEW YORK: Kuwait reiterated its full support for UN efforts to promote the rule of law principle, which pushes forward all national, regional, and international endeavors for a secure, stable, and prosperous world. This came in a speech delivered by Kuwait’s diplomatic attaché Abdullah Al-Harbi during a meeting of the Sixth Committee of the UN …

The post Kuwait echoes support for UN efforts to promote rule of law appeared first on Kuwait Times.

NEW YORK: Kuwait reiterated its full support for UN efforts to promote the rule of law principle, which pushes forward all national, regional, and international endeavors for a secure, stable, and prosperous world. This came in a speech delivered by Kuwait’s diplomatic attaché Abdullah Al-Harbi during a meeting of the Sixth Committee of the UN General Assembly on the rule of law principles at both national and international levels.

He stressed that it is incumbent upon all countries to apply the rule of law and that the common understanding of this principle should be based on compliance with international charters, laws, and norms. He added that the rule of law is a well-established concept in the UN Charter, which states that one of the UN’s goals is to create the conditions for attaining justice and respecting commitments enshrined in treaties.

The Kuwaiti diplomat underlined that the significance of the rule of law at the local level reflects the security of communities that are ruled by constitutions and laws that ensure equality, justice, respect for human rights, and the enactment of national laws that meet relevant international commitments. In this context, he pointed out the Kuwaiti Constitution, which has established institutional action and promoted democracy, freedoms, and civil rights, as well as separation of powers.

However, the Kuwaiti diplomat lashed out at the use of double standards in addressing serious violations of people’s self-determination rights, citing the Zionist occupation’s recent aggression on the Gaza Strip. Meanwhile, Secretary-General Ahmad Aboul Gheit of the Arab League has affirmed the necessity of reaching an “immediate ceasefire” and ending the “brutal” bombing against the civilians of the Gaza Strip.

In his speech at the Cairo Peace Summit, Aboul Gheit said that it is imperative to urgently open a safe corridor to deliver humanitarian aid to the entire Gaza Strip and ensure continued supplies of food, medicine, water, and energy. He indicated that the continuation of the current situation shows a clear and flagrant violation of international humanitarian law by the occupying Zionist entity, the “occupying power”. The Arab League rejects all “types of targeting and violence against civilians without discrimination,” he said, noting that “all civilians are equal and the human soul has its sanctity”.

Aboul Gheit called on all parties, mainly those not involved in the conflict, to bear responsibility, exercise restraint, and not open the way for any measure that may increase any possible confrontation or lead to its expansion. He further urged all international main powers to get an urgent agreement on reaching a limited and clear scope for a comprehensive political settlement, which helps Palestinians establish their independent state and live in peace.

Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki, emphasized in his speech the union’s readiness to make all possible efforts to reach “just and comprehensive peace” and a two-state solution. He called for an immediate stop to violence and mobilized humanitarian support for food, water, and medicine. In addition, Faki called for the release of civilian hostages, mainly women and children.- KUNA

The post Kuwait echoes support for UN efforts to promote rule of law appeared first on Kuwait Times.

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