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Is the government really recommending 80-degree thermostat settings in summer?

Is the government really recommending 80-degree thermostat settings in summer?

Should you really be setting your thermostat at 85°F when you aren’t home and 82°F when you’re sleeping?

(NEXSTAR) — Much of the U.S. has already experienced sweltering temperatures this summer and the season has only just officially begun. To pile on, current forecasting from the National Weather Service shows even more heat could be on the way.

Americans aren’t likely to catch a break when it comes to cooling costs, either. A report released earlier this year predicted that this summer, the average cost of home cooling will be up nearly 8% compared to last summer

That may leave you looking for a way to keep your energy bill from trending up like the mercury in your thermometer. An easy place to start? Your thermostat. 

However, there appears to be some bad advice going around. 

Earlier this month, a photo of what appears to be a television broadcast shows thermostat recommendations from Energy Star, a program run by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy. According to the graphic, Energy Star recommends setting the thermostat to 78°F when you’re home, 85°F when you aren’t, and 82°F when you’re sleeping. 

It prompted arguably fitting responses, with one X user calling it “insane” and another questioning whether “researchers think we’re lizards.”

This isn’t the first time this seemingly alarming advice has caught everyone’s attention. 

The temperatures do appear in an Energy Star report on energy-efficient heating and cooling published in 2009. You can see that in the screenshot of the report below: 

An example of programmable thermostat settings listed in an Energy Star heating and cooling guide. (Energy Star)

The table appears to suggest that when we’re looking to cool our homes down, we should start the morning with the thermostat set at 78°F or higher, then turn it up at least 7°F during the day (to at least 85°), bringing it back down in the evening, then turn it up to 82°F before going to bed. 

However, as the report explains, the table is “a starting point” that can be adjusted “to fit your family’s schedule and stay comfortable.”

The EPA even clarified the information in 2019, when it was receiving pushback for the same thermostat example, saying at the time that it was not recommending these temperatures — or any others — for the cooling season. Instead, an EPA spokesperson said the focus was on changing the temperature when you are away (turning it up at least 7°F) or asleep (turning it up at least 4°F). 

“The website illustrates this approach with an example of pre-programmed, energy-saving temperature settings in some programmable thermostats (which includes a 78°F setting),” the spokesperson explained at the time. “All thermostats are designed to allow for adjustment to ensure personal levels of comfort when people are in the home.”

A spokesperson for the EPA confirmed to Nexstar that adjusting your thermostat when away or sleeping can help you save energy. (The guidance is flipped in winter — when you are sleeping, you may want to turn the temperature down 4°F, and when you aren’t home, set it 7°F lower). 

The Department of Energy says that by setting your thermostat back between 7°-10° for eight hours each day can save you as much as 10% a year on heating and cooling costs. The agency also explains that the smaller the difference is between the temperatures in your home and outside, the lower your cooling bill will be. 

“Temperature settings are a personal choice, depending on the particular needs of your household,” the EPA spokesperson added. 

Energy Star does offer additional tips to help reduce energy costs, which include installing a smart thermostat, having your HVAC equipment checked yearly, and changing your air filter every month. 

You may also want to check your ceiling fan — an often-overlooked button could help you stay cooler and (with a raised thermostat temperature) lower the cost of air conditioning by up to 14%.

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