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Boxing Day swims, walks and runs taking place in Kent in 2024

If you’re likely to be suffering from a post-Christmas hangover or are known to overdo it on mince pies and turkey, you can help shake off the slump with a Boxing Day walk, run or swim.

So, whether it’s a daring cold water dip or a bracing winter walk, peel yourself off the sofa and join these refreshing outdoor events…

Blow away the cobwebs with an invigorating Boxing Day walk, run or swim. Picture: iStock


It’s Deal’s Boxing Day Dip — but not as you know it. The annual cold water swim, which has taken place almost every year since 1981, was previously set to be cancelled due to poor water conditions. However, organisers have now announced that an alternative version of the event will go ahead on dry land, with participants set to have a bucket of cold water tipped over them for charity. There will also be a group exercise class, treasure hunt and fancy dress.

Details: Meet at Deal Pier at 11am. Free entry.


Kick off your Boxing Day bright and early with a walk through the stunning estate surrounding Ightham Mote. You’ll be treated to a sausage or bacon bap and a hot drink before setting off on a brisk stroll around the National Trust property’s beautiful winter gardens. The walk lasts between 60 and 90 minutes, and make sure you bring your wellies as it might get muddy.

Details: Meet at Ightham Mote in Sevenoaks at 8.45am. Book online here.

ROYAL OAK, Ashford

If you want to squeeze in a workout on Boxing Day but the baby won’t settle down for a nap, you can kill two birds with one stone on the annual Pram Race. Grab your favourite Christmas jumper and Santa hat and join the crowds of parents who will be racing with their buggies to help raise money for Motor Neuron Disease East Kent.

Details: Meet at the Royal Oak in Mersham, near Ashford, at 10am. Call 01233 500602 to book.

The Boxing Day run takes participants around the village of Saltwood, including muddy fields and footpaths


The village’s annual Boxing Day run is back in full force this year. Crowds are expected to gather to either participate in the three-mile race or cheer on their friends and family from the sidelines as they jog through fields and trails around Saltwood. There is a finisher’s medal for everyone who completes the route and, for those who make good time, there will be some prizes too.

Details: Run starts at Saltwood Green, near Hythe, at 12pm. Register online here.


Take a dip in the cool, blue reserve and feel all the stress of Christmas just melt away. The peaceful lakes, nestled on the site of a former quarry, will be filled with keen swimmers dressed in festive costumes for this refreshing swim. Dive headfirst into a 200m course – but please be aware, it’s only suitable for swimmers aged 18 or over, and you need to have completed a swimming induction course to take part.

Details: Meet at St Andrew’s Lake in Halling, near Rochester, at 10am. Book online here.

The cold water swim has become a Boxing Day tradition across the country. Picture: iStock

SUNNY SANDS, Folkestone

The winter dip on Folkestone beach has been a Christmas tradition for years. The event, hosted by the Folkestone, Hythe and District Lions Club, sees swimmers flock into the freezing water in the name of charity (and overindulgence). Before the chilly participants head into the water there’s a chance to win a trophy in the fancy dress competition, and you’ll also get a medal as you return to shore.

Details: Meet at Sunny Sands beach in Folkestone for registration from 9.30am. The swim starts at 11am.


If you’re brave enough to face the cold water when most people will be lounging around at home in their pyjamas, then you surely deserve a treat afterwards. Once you’ve taken the plunge at Whitstable Harbour, you can dry off and warm up at the Sea Scrub Sauna, just a stone’s throw from the beach, where you’ll get a sauna session and a chance to recover in the pool. It’s all to raise money for the RNLI.

Details: Meet at Whitstable Harbour for registration at 9.30am. The swim starts at 10am. Register online here.

You don’t have to be part of an organised run or walk to enjoy some fresh air on Boxing Day. Families can visit Trosley Country Park, Shorne Woods Country Park, both near Gravesend, or Lullingstone Country Park near Swanley and pick up a self-led trail sheet to explore the woodland area with a mapped-out route and activities along the way.

There’s no need to book, you can simply turn up on the day and get a trail sheet for £3.

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