A Mumbai court extended till January 29 the police custody of accused Shariful, arrested for allegedly stabbing Saif Ali Khan at his home during a robbery attempt last week
The ceremony is considered a gesture of appreciation for those who have worked on the Budget
President Donald Trump says he is considering “getting rid of” the Federal Emergency Management Agency
Union Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh says the initial investigation conducted by the toxicology laboratory in Lucknow concluded that the cause was not any infection, virus or bacteria but a toxin
Decathlete Jai Prakash Singh wins Unsung Champion award and teenage chess talent Md. Reyan bags the Young Achiever honour
Kejriwal tells people to take money, saris distributed by opponents, but not to ‘sell’ their votes; BJP asks why AAP chief was given Z-plus cover by Punjab where he does not hold any official position
The VHP’s statement came during the organisation’s two day meeting of the Kendriya Margdarshak Mandal (Central Guidance Board) that was held at Kumbh Mela in Uttar Pradesh